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7 years ago
author: deadc0de6 (
Copyright (c) 2017, deadc0de6
Class that represents a node in the catalog tree
import os
import anytree
import psutil
import time
# local imports
import catcli.utils as utils
from catcli.logger import Logger
There are 4 types of node:
* "top" node representing the top node (generic node)
* "storage" node representing a storage
* "dir" node representing a directory
* "file" node representing a file
class Noder:
TOPNAME = 'top'
TYPE_TOP = 'top' # tip top ;-)
TYPE_FILE = 'file'
TYPE_DIR = 'dir'
TYPE_STORAGE = 'storage'
def __init__(self, verbose=False):
self.hash = True
self.verbose = verbose
def set_hashing(self, val):
self.hash = val
def get_storage_names(self, top):
''' return a list of all storage names '''
return [ for x in list(top.children)]
# node creationg
def new_top_node(self):
''' create a new top node'''
return anytree.AnyNode(name=self.TOPNAME, type=self.TYPE_TOP)
def file_node(self, name, path, parent, storagepath):
''' create a new node representing a file '''
if not os.path.exists(path):
Logger.err('File \"{}\" does not exist'.format(path))
return None
7 years ago
path = os.path.abspath(path)
st = os.lstat(path)
except OSError as e:
Logger.err('OSError: {}'.format(e))
return None
7 years ago
md5 = None
if self.hash:
md5 = utils.md5sum(path)
relpath = os.path.join(os.path.basename(storagepath),
os.path.relpath(path, start=storagepath))
return self._node(name, self.TYPE_FILE, relpath, parent,
size=st.st_size, md5=md5)
def dir_node(self, name, path, parent, storagepath):
''' create a new node representing a directory '''
path = os.path.abspath(path)
relpath = os.path.relpath(path, start=storagepath)
return self._node(name, self.TYPE_DIR, relpath, parent)
def storage_node(self, name, path, parent, attr=None):
''' create a new node representing a storage '''
path = os.path.abspath(path)
free = psutil.disk_usage(path).free
total = psutil.disk_usage(path).total
epoch = time.time()
return anytree.AnyNode(name=name, type=self.TYPE_STORAGE, free=free,
total=total, parent=parent, attr=attr, ts=epoch)
def _node(self, name, type, relpath, parent, size=None, md5=None):
''' generic node creation '''
return anytree.AnyNode(name=name, type=type, relpath=relpath,
parent=parent, size=size, md5=md5)
# printing
def _print_node(self, node, pre='', withpath=False, withdepth=False):
''' print a node '''
if node.type == self.TYPE_TOP:
elif node.type == self.TYPE_FILE:
name =
if withpath:
name = node.relpath
attr = ''
if node.md5:
attr = ', md5:{}'.format(node.md5)
compl = 'size:{}{}'.format(utils.human(node.size), attr)
Logger.file(pre, name, compl)
elif node.type == self.TYPE_DIR:
name =
if withpath:
name = node.relpath
depth = ''
if withdepth:
depth = len(node.children)
attr = None
if node.size:
attr = [['totsize', utils.human(node.size)]]
Logger.dir(pre, name, depth=depth, attr=attr)
elif node.type == self.TYPE_STORAGE:
hf = utils.human(
ht = utils.human(
name = '{} (free:{}, total:{})'.format(, hf, ht), name, node.attr)
Logger.err('Weird node encountered: {}'.format(node))
# Logger.out('{}{}'.format(pre,
def print_tree(self, node, style=anytree.ContRoundStyle()):
''' print the tree similar to unix tool "tree" '''
7 years ago
rend = anytree.RenderTree(node, childiter=self.sort_tree)
for pre, fill, node in rend:
7 years ago
self._print_node(node, pre=pre, withdepth=True)
# searching
def find_name(self, root, key, script=False):
''' find files based on their names '''
if self.verbose:'searching for \"{}\"'.format(key))
self.term = key
found = anytree.findall(root, filter_=self._find_name)
paths = []
for f in found:
if f.type == self.TYPE_STORAGE:
# ignore storage nodes
self._print_node(f, withpath=True, withdepth=True)
if script:
tmp = ['${source}/'+x for x in paths]
cmd = 'op=file; source=/media/mnt; $op {}'.format(' '.join(tmp))
return found
def _find_name(self, node):
''' callback for finding files '''
if self.term.lower() in
return True
return False
# climbing
def walk(self, root, path, rec=False):
''' walk the tree for ls based on names '''
if self.verbose:'walking path: \"{}\"'.format(path))
r = anytree.resolver.Resolver('name')
found = []
found = r.glob(root, path)
if len(found) < 1:
return []
if rec:
found = sorted(found, key=self.sort_walk)
withpath=False, withdepth=True)
for f in found:
self._print_node(f, withpath=False, pre='- ', withdepth=True)
except anytree.resolver.ChildResolverError:
return found
# diverse
def sort_tree(self, items):
''' sorting a list of items '''
return sorted(items, key=self.sort_walk)
def sort_walk(self, n):
''' for sorting a node '''
return (n.type,'\.').lower())
def to_dot(self, node, path=''):
''' export to dot for graphing '''
anytree.exporter.DotExporter(node).to_dotfile(path)'dot file created under \"{}\"'.format(path))
return 'dot {} -T png -o /tmp/tree.png'.format(path)
def rec_size(self, node):
''' recursively traverse tree and store dir size '''
if self.verbose:'getting folder size recursively')
if node.type == self.TYPE_FILE:
return node.size
size = 0
for i in node.children:
if node.type == self.TYPE_DIR:
size += self.rec_size(i)
if node.type == self.TYPE_STORAGE:
node.size = size
return size