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"bem": "Bemba (Zambia)", + "ben": "Bengali", + "bit": "Berinomo", + "bho": "Bhojpuri", + "bik": "Bikol", + "byn": "Bilin", + "bin": "Bini", + "bis": "Bislama", + "zbl": "Blissymbols", + "bos": "Bosnian", + "bra": "Braj", + "bre": "Bretónsky", + "bug": "Buginese", + "bul": "Bulharský", + "bua": "Buriat", + "mya": "Burmese", + "cad": "Caddo", + "cat": "Katalánsky", + "ceb": "Cebuano", + "chg": "Chagatai", + "cha": "Chamorro", + "che": "Chechen", + "chr": "Cherokee", + "chy": "Cheyenne", + "chb": "Chibcha", + "zho": "Čínsky", + "chn": "Chinook jargon", + "chp": "Chipewyan", + "cho": "Choctaw", + "cht": "Cholón", + "chk": "Chuukese", + "chv": "Chuvash", + "cop": "Coptic", + "cor": "Cornish", + "cos": "Corsican", + "cre": "Cree", + "mus": "Creek", + "hrv": "Chorvátsky", + "ces": "Český", + "dak": "Dakota", + "dan": "Dánsky", + "dar": "Dargwa", + "del": "Delaware", + "div": "Dhivehi", + "din": "Dinka", + "doi": "Dogri (macrolanguage)", + "dgr": "Dogrib", + "dua": "Duala", + "nld": "Holandský", + "dse": "Dutch Sign Language", + "dyu": "Dyula", + "dzo": "Dzongkha", + "efi": "Efik", + "egy": "Egyptian (Ancient)", + "eka": "Ekajuk", + "elx": "Elamite", + "eng": "Angličtina", + "enu": "Enu", + "myv": "Erzya", + "epo": "Esperanto", + "est": "Estónsky", + "ewe": "Ewe", + "ewo": "Ewondo", + "fan": "Fang (Equatorial Guinea)", + "fat": "Fanti", + "fao": "Faroese", + "fij": "Fijian", + "fil": "Filipino", + "fin": "Fínsky", + "fon": "Fon", + "fra": "Francúzsky", + "fur": "Friulian", + "ful": "Fulah", + "gaa": "Ga", + "glg": "Galician", + "lug": "Ganda", + "gay": "Gayo", + "gba": "Gbaya (Central African Republic)", + "hmj": "Ge", + "gez": "Geez", + "kat": "Georgian", + "deu": "Nemecký", + "gil": "Gilbertese", + "gon": "Gondi", + "gor": "Gorontalo", + "got": "Gothic", + "grb": "Grebo", + "grn": "Guarani", + "guj": "Gujarati", + "gwi": "Gwichʼin", + "hai": "Haida", + "hau": "Hausa", + "haw": "Hawaiian", + "heb": "Hebrejský", + "her": "Herero", + "hil": "Hiligaynon", + "hin": "Hindi", + "hmo": "Hiri Motu", + "hit": "Hittite", + "hmn": "Hmong", + "hun": "Maďarský", + "hup": "Hupa", + "iba": "Iban", + "isl": "Islandský", + "ido": "Ido", + "ibo": "Igbo", + "ilo": "Iloko", + "ind": "Indonézsky", + "inh": "Ingush", + "ina": "Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)", + "ile": "Interlingue", + "iku": "Inuktitut", + "ipk": "Inupiaq", + "gle": "Írsky", + "ita": "Taliansky", + "jpn": "Japonský", + "jav": "Javanese", + "jrb": "Judeo-Arabic", + "jpr": "Judeo-Persian", + "kbd": "Kabardian", + "kab": "Kabyle", + "kac": "Kachin", + "kal": "Kalaallisut", + "xal": "Kalmyk", + "kam": "Kamba (Kenya)", + "kan": "Kannada", + "kau": "Kanuri", + "kaa": "Kara-Kalpak", + "krc": "Karachay-Balkar", + "krl": "Karelian", + "kas": "Kashmiri", + "csb": "Kashubian", + "kaw": "Kawi", + "kaz": "Kazakh", + "kha": "Khasi", + "kho": "Khotanese", + "kik": "Kikuyu", + "kmb": "Kimbundu", + "kin": "Kinyarwanda", + "kir": "Kirghiz", + "tlh": "Klingon", + "kom": "Komi", + "kon": "Kongo", + "kok": "Konkani (macrolanguage)", + "kor": "Kórejský", + "kos": "Kosraean", + "kpe": "Kpelle", + "kua": "Kuanyama", + "kum": "Kumyk", + "kur": "Kurdský", + "kru": "Kurukh", + "kut": "Kutenai", + "lad": "Ladino", + "lah": "Lahnda", + "lam": "Lamba", + "lao": "Lao", + "lat": "Latin", + "lav": "Latvian", + "lez": "Lezghian", + "lim": "Limburgan", + "lin": "Lingala", + "lit": "Lotyšský", + "jbo": "Lojban", + "loz": "Lozi", + "lub": "Luba-Katanga", + "lua": "Luba-Lulua", + "lui": "Luiseno", + "smj": "Lule Sami", + "lun": "Lunda", + "luo": "Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)", + "lus": "Lushai", + "ltz": "Luxembourgish", + "mkd": "Macedónsky", + "mad": "Madurese", + "mag": "Magahi", + "mai": "Maithili", + "mak": "Makasar", + "mlg": "Malagasy", + "msa": "Malay (macrolanguage)", + "mal": "Malayalam", + "mlt": "Maltézsky", + "mnc": "Manchu", + "mdr": "Mandar", + "man": "Mandingo", + "mni": "Manipuri", + "glv": "Manx", + "mri": "Maori", + "arn": "Mapudungun", + "mar": "Marathi", + "chm": "Mari 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"yor": "Yoruba", + "zap": "Zapotec", + "zza": "Zaza", + "zen": "Zenaga", + "zha": "Zhuang", + "zul": "Zulu", + "zun": "Zuni" + }, "sv": { "aar": "Afar", "abk": "Abchaziska", diff --git a/cps/static/js/libs/bootstrap-datepicker/locales/bootstrap-datepicker.sk.min.js b/cps/static/js/libs/bootstrap-datepicker/locales/bootstrap-datepicker.sk.min.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..79a9267f --- /dev/null +++ b/cps/static/js/libs/bootstrap-datepicker/locales/bootstrap-datepicker.sk.min.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +!function(a){a.fn.datepicker.dates.sk={days:["Nedeľa","Pondelok","Utorok","Streda","Štvrtok","Piatok","Sobota"],daysShort:["Ned","Pon","Uto","Str","Štv","Pia","Sob"],daysMin:["Ne","Po","Ut","St","Št","Pia","So"],months:["Január","Február","Marec","Apríl","Máj","Jún","Júl","August","September","Október","November","December"],monthsShort:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Máj","Jún","Júl","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec"],today:"Dnes",clear:"Vymazať",weekStart:1,format:"d.m.yyyy"}}(jQuery); \ No 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+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-01-12 13:56+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Samuli Valavuo \n" "Language: fi\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 0ce06e15..16307b50 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 679164da..d3e3faff 100644 --- a/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-07 06:47+0200\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language: fr\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo 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-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-21 15:27+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Massimo Pissarello \n" "Language: it\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index c93c1be9..7bb1c523 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 65a971e9..d0a52739 100644 --- a/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-07 02:20-0500\n" "Last-Translator: subdiox \n" "Language: ja\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 7be4a21b..5fe412c6 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 12bc544f..1ba55d43 100644 --- a/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-27 17:06+0700\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language: km_KH\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 24ff2fcd..63cb22b5 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index a83d90b1..258509e4 100644 --- a/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-10 11:30+0900\n" "Last-Translator: 내맘대로의 EPUBGUIDE.NET \n" "Language: ko\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index f5ada2b0..6d980336 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 4591055d..3aa4fb8f 100644 --- a/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web (GPLV3)\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-12 08:20+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Marcel Maas \n" "Language: nl\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 8d7d4d73..708a5976 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 4c7cc430..79cfbf56 100644 --- a/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-06 11:00+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Vegard Fladby \n" "Language: no\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index c6424207..060e6f65 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 82cd8ff0..d7db57ec 100644 --- a/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre Web - polski (POT: 2021-06-12 08:52)\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-12 15:35+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Radosław Kierznowski \n" "Language: pl\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index a6686786..dfe995ff 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index cea2cbba..ec47cec8 100644 --- a/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-25 11:30+0100\n" "Last-Translator: horus68 \n" "Language: pt\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 852e1676..ee638636 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index c776783e..20168752 100644 --- a/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language: br\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 71668320..599dcb2d 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index cc74a58b..d6e980b3 100644 --- a/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-29 01:20+0400\n" "Last-Translator: ZIZA\n" "Language: ru\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2df05f9d Binary files /dev/null and b/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3be3025 --- /dev/null +++ b/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -0,0 +1,3452 @@ +# Slovak (Slovakia) translations for . +# Copyright (C) 2023 ORGANIZATION +# This file is distributed under the same license as the project. +# Branislav Hanáček , 2023. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-01 06:12+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: Branislav Hanáček \n" +"Language: sk_SK\n" +"Language-Team: \n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n>=2 && n<=4 ? 1 : 2);\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Generated-By: Babel 2.11.0\n" + +#: cps/about.py:84 +msgid "Statistics" +msgstr "Štatistika" + +#: cps/admin.py:146 +msgid "Server restarted, please reload page." +msgstr "Server bol reštartovaný, znovu načítajte stránku." + +#: cps/admin.py:148 +msgid "Performing Server shutdown, please close window." +msgstr "Vypínam server, zavrite prosím okno." + +#: cps/admin.py:156 +msgid "Success! Database Reconnected" +msgstr "Spojenie s databázovo bolo úspešne znovu naviazané" + +#: cps/admin.py:159 +msgid "Unknown command" +msgstr "Neznámy príkaz" + +#: cps/admin.py:170 +msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" +msgstr "Úspech! Knihy boli zaradená do zálohovania metadát, skontrolujte si Úlohy na kontrolu" + +#: cps/admin.py:203 cps/editbooks.py:578 cps/editbooks.py:580 +#: cps/editbooks.py:618 cps/editbooks.py:635 cps/editbooks.py:1244 +#: cps/updater.py:613 cps/uploader.py:93 cps/uploader.py:102 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Neznámy" + +#: cps/admin.py:228 +msgid "Admin page" +msgstr "Stránka správcu" + +#: cps/admin.py:248 +msgid "Basic Configuration" +msgstr "Základná konfigurácia" + +#: cps/admin.py:286 +msgid "UI Configuration" +msgstr "Konfigurácia používateľského rozhrania" + +#: cps/admin.py:320 cps/templates/admin.html:51 +msgid "Edit Users" +msgstr "Upraviť používateľov" + +#: cps/admin.py:364 cps/opds.py:506 cps/templates/grid.html:14 +#: cps/templates/list.html:13 +msgid "All" +msgstr "Všetko" + +#: cps/admin.py:391 cps/admin.py:1402 +msgid "User not found" +msgstr "Používateľ sa nenašiel" + +#: cps/admin.py:405 +msgid "{} users deleted successfully" +msgstr "Zmazaných {} používateľov" + +#: cps/admin.py:428 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:133 +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:45 cps/templates/user_table.html:81 +msgid "Show All" +msgstr "Zobraziť všetko" + +#: cps/admin.py:449 cps/admin.py:455 +msgid "Malformed request" +msgstr "Chybne vytvorená žiadosť" + +#: cps/admin.py:467 cps/admin.py:2020 +msgid "Guest Name can't be changed" +msgstr "Meno hosťa nie je možné zmeniť" + +#: cps/admin.py:479 +msgid "Guest can't have this role" +msgstr "Hosť nemôže mať túto rolu" + +#: cps/admin.py:491 cps/admin.py:1974 +msgid "No admin user remaining, can't remove admin role" +msgstr "Nezostáva žiadny správca, nie je možné odobrať rolu správcu" + +#: cps/admin.py:495 cps/admin.py:509 +msgid "Value has to be true or false" +msgstr "Hodnota musí byť pravda alebo nepravda" + +#: cps/admin.py:497 +msgid "Invalid role" +msgstr "Neplatná rola" + +#: cps/admin.py:501 +msgid "Guest can't have this view" +msgstr "Hosť nemôže mať toto zobrazenie" + +#: cps/admin.py:511 +msgid "Invalid view" +msgstr "Neplatné zobrazenie" + +#: cps/admin.py:514 +msgid "Guest's Locale is determined automatically and can't be set" +msgstr "Nastavenie jazyka pre hosťa sa určí automaticky a nie je možné ho nastaviť" + +#: cps/admin.py:518 +msgid "No Valid Locale Given" +msgstr "Nebolo poskytnuté platné nastavenie jazyka" + +#: cps/admin.py:529 +msgid "No Valid Book Language Given" +msgstr "Nebolo poskytnuté platné jazykové nastavenie pre knihu" + +#: cps/admin.py:531 cps/editbooks.py:444 +msgid "Parameter not found" +msgstr "Parameter sa nenašiel" + +#: cps/admin.py:568 +msgid "Invalid Read Column" +msgstr "Neplatný stĺpec na čítanie" + +#: cps/admin.py:574 +msgid "Invalid Restricted Column" +msgstr "Neplatný stĺpec na obmedzenie" + +#: cps/admin.py:594 cps/admin.py:1845 +msgid "Calibre-Web configuration updated" +msgstr "Konfigurácia Calibre-Web bola aktualizovaná" + +#: cps/admin.py:606 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the Kobo Token?" +msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmazať Kobo-žetón?" + +#: cps/admin.py:608 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this domain?" +msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmazať túto doménu?" + +#: cps/admin.py:610 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this user?" +msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmazať tohot používateľa?" + +#: cps/admin.py:612 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this shelf?" +msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmazať túto poličku?" + +#: cps/admin.py:614 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change locales of selected user(s)?" +msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmeniť nastavenia jazykov pre vybraných používateľov?" + +#: cps/admin.py:616 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change visible book languages for selected user(s)?" +msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmeniť viditeľné jazkyky pre knihy pre vybraných používateľov?" + +#: cps/admin.py:618 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change the selected role for the selected user(s)?" +msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmeniť vybrané role pre vybraných používateľov?" + +#: cps/admin.py:620 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change the selected restrictions for the selected user(s)?" +msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmeniť vybrané obmedzenia pre vybraných používateľov?" + +#: cps/admin.py:622 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change the selected visibility restrictions for the selected user(s)?" +msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmeniť vybrané obmedzenia viditeľnosti pre vybraných používateľov?" + +#: cps/admin.py:625 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change shelf sync behavior for the selected user(s)?" +msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmeniť synchronizačné správanie sa police pre vybraných používateľov?" + +#: cps/admin.py:627 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change Calibre library location?" +msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmenit umiestnenie pre knižnicu Calibre?" + +#: cps/admin.py:629 +msgid "Calibre-Web will search for updated Covers and update Cover Thumbnails, this may take a while?" +msgstr "Calilbre-Web vyhľadá aktualizované obálky a aktualizuje ich náhľady, môže to chvíľu trvať?" + +#: cps/admin.py:632 +msgid "Are you sure you want delete Calibre-Web's sync database to force a full sync with your Kobo Reader?" +msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmazať synchronizačnú databázu Calibre-Web aby ste vynútili úplnú synchronizáciu s vašou Kobo čítačkou?" + +#: cps/admin.py:875 cps/admin.py:881 cps/admin.py:891 cps/admin.py:901 +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:29 cps/templates/user_table.html:41 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:58 +msgid "Deny" +msgstr "Odmietnuť" + +#: cps/admin.py:877 cps/admin.py:883 cps/admin.py:893 cps/admin.py:903 +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:28 cps/templates/user_table.html:44 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:61 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Povoliť" + +#: cps/admin.py:918 +msgid "{} sync entries deleted" +msgstr "Zmazalo sa {} synchronizačných položiek" + +#: cps/admin.py:966 +msgid "Tag not found" +msgstr "Štítok sa nenašiel" + +#: cps/admin.py:978 +msgid "Invalid Action" +msgstr "Neplatná akcia" + +#: cps/admin.py:1108 +msgid "client_secrets.json Is Not Configured For Web Application" +msgstr "client_secrets.json nie je nakonfiguraovaný pre webovú aplikáciu" + +#: cps/admin.py:1153 +msgid "Logfile Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path" +msgstr "Umiestnenie denníkového súboru je neplatné, zadajte prosím správnu cestu" + +#: cps/admin.py:1159 +msgid "Access Logfile Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path" +msgstr "Umiestnenie súbor denníka prístupov nie je platné, zadajte prosím správnu cestu" + +#: cps/admin.py:1193 +msgid "Please Enter a LDAP Provider, Port, DN and User Object Identifier" +msgstr "Zadajte prosím poskytovateľa LDAP, port, DN a identifikátor používateľa" + +#: cps/admin.py:1199 +msgid "Please Enter a LDAP Service Account and Password" +msgstr "Zadajte prosím konto a heslo pre LDAP službu" + +#: cps/admin.py:1202 +msgid "Please Enter a LDAP Service Account" +msgstr "Zadajte prosím konto pre LDAP službu" + +#: cps/admin.py:1207 +#, python-format +msgid "LDAP Group Object Filter Needs to Have One \"%s\" Format Identifier" +msgstr "Filter pre LDAP objekt skupiny potrebuje jeden \"%s\" formátový identifikátor" + +#: cps/admin.py:1209 +msgid "LDAP Group Object Filter Has Unmatched Parenthesis" +msgstr "Filter pre LDAP objekt skupiny má nezhodu v zátvorkách" + +#: cps/admin.py:1213 +#, python-format +msgid "LDAP User Object Filter needs to Have One \"%s\" Format Identifier" +msgstr "Filter pre LDAP objekt používateľa potrebuje jeden \"%s\" formátový identifikátor" + +#: cps/admin.py:1215 +msgid "LDAP User Object Filter Has Unmatched Parenthesis" +msgstr "Filter pre LDAP objekt používateľa má nezhodu v zátvorkách" + +#: cps/admin.py:1222 +#, python-format +msgid "LDAP Member User Filter needs to Have One \"%s\" Format Identifier" +msgstr "Filter pre LDAP členstvo používateľa potrebuje jeden \"%s\" formátový identifikátor" + +#: cps/admin.py:1224 +msgid "LDAP Member User Filter Has Unmatched Parenthesis" +msgstr "Filter pre LDAP členstvo používateľa má nezhodu v zátvorkách" + +#: cps/admin.py:1231 +msgid "LDAP CACertificate, Certificate or Key Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path" +msgstr "LDAP CA-certifikát, certifikát alebo umiestnenie kľúča nie je platné. Zadajte prosím správnu cestu" + +#: cps/admin.py:1262 cps/templates/admin.html:53 +msgid "Add New User" +msgstr "Pridať nového používateľa" + +#: cps/admin.py:1271 cps/templates/admin.html:100 +msgid "Edit Email Server Settings" +msgstr "Upraviť nastavenie pre poštový server" + +#: cps/admin.py:1290 +msgid "Success! Gmail Account Verified." +msgstr "Úspech! Gmail konto bolo verifikované." + +#: cps/admin.py:1310 cps/admin.py:1313 cps/admin.py:1695 cps/admin.py:1829 +#: cps/admin.py:1927 cps/admin.py:2048 cps/editbooks.py:230 +#: cps/editbooks.py:306 cps/editbooks.py:1206 cps/shelf.py:82 cps/shelf.py:142 +#: cps/shelf.py:185 cps/shelf.py:235 cps/shelf.py:272 cps/shelf.py:346 +#: cps/shelf.py:460 cps/tasks/convert.py:136 cps/web.py:1489 +#, python-format +msgid "Oops! Database Error: %(error)s." +msgstr "Chyba databázy: %(error)s." + +#: cps/admin.py:1320 +#, python-format +msgid "Test e-mail queued for sending to %(email)s, please check Tasks for result" +msgstr "Testovací e-mail bol zaradený na odoslanie na %(email)s, skontrolujte si výsledok v sekcii Úlohy" + +#: cps/admin.py:1323 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an error sending the Test e-mail: %(res)s" +msgstr "Pri odosielaní testovacieho e-mailu sa vyskytla chyba: %(res)s" + +#: cps/admin.py:1325 +msgid "Please configure your e-mail address first..." +msgstr "Prosím, najskôr si nastavte e-mailovú adresu..." + +#: cps/admin.py:1327 +msgid "Email Server Settings updated" +msgstr "Nastavenia poštového servera boli aktualizované" + +#: cps/admin.py:1350 cps/templates/admin.html:195 +msgid "Edit Scheduled Tasks Settings" +msgstr "Upraviť nastavenia naplánovaných úloh" + +#: cps/admin.py:1362 +msgid "Invalid start time for task specified" +msgstr "Bol uvedený neplatný čas spustenia" + +#: cps/admin.py:1367 +msgid "Invalid duration for task specified" +msgstr "Bol uvedený neplatný doba behu" + +#: cps/admin.py:1377 +msgid "Scheduled tasks settings updated" +msgstr "Nastavenia naplánovaných úloh boli aktualizované" + +#: cps/admin.py:1387 cps/admin.py:1436 cps/admin.py:2044 cps/web.py:1289 +msgid "Oops! An unknown error occurred. Please try again later." +msgstr "Vyskytla sa neočakávaná chyba. Prosím, skúste to opäť neskôr." + +#: cps/admin.py:1391 +msgid "Settings DB is not Writeable" +msgstr "Nie je možné zapisovať do databázy nastavení" + +#: cps/admin.py:1421 cps/admin.py:2036 +#, python-format +msgid "Edit User %(nick)s" +msgstr "Upraviť používateľa %(nick)s" + +#: cps/admin.py:1433 +#, python-format +msgid "Success! Password for user %(user)s reset" +msgstr "Úspech! Heslo pre používateľa %(user)s bolo resetované" + +#: cps/admin.py:1439 +msgid "Oops! Please configure the SMTP mail settings." +msgstr "Nastavte prosím poštový server." + +#: cps/admin.py:1450 +msgid "Logfile viewer" +msgstr "Prezerač denníkového súboru" + +#: cps/admin.py:1516 +msgid "Requesting update package" +msgstr "Žiadosť o aktualizačný balík" + +#: cps/admin.py:1517 +msgid "Downloading update package" +msgstr "Sťahuje sa aktualizačný balík" + +#: cps/admin.py:1518 +msgid "Unzipping update package" +msgstr "Rozbaľuje sa aktualizačný balík" + +#: cps/admin.py:1519 +msgid "Replacing files" +msgstr "Nahradzujú sa súbory" + +#: cps/admin.py:1520 +msgid "Database connections are closed" +msgstr "Spojenia s databázou sú uzavreté" + +#: cps/admin.py:1521 +msgid "Stopping server" +msgstr "Zastavuje sa server" + +#: cps/admin.py:1522 +msgid "Update finished, please press okay and reload page" +msgstr "Aktualizácia dokončená, stlačte prosím OK a znovu načítajte stránku" + +#: cps/admin.py:1523 cps/admin.py:1524 cps/admin.py:1525 cps/admin.py:1526 +#: cps/admin.py:1527 cps/admin.py:1528 +msgid "Update failed:" +msgstr "Aktualizácia zlyhala:" + +#: cps/admin.py:1523 cps/updater.py:389 cps/updater.py:624 cps/updater.py:626 +msgid "HTTP Error" +msgstr "HTTP chyba" + +#: cps/admin.py:1524 cps/updater.py:391 cps/updater.py:628 +msgid "Connection error" +msgstr "Chyba spojenia" + +#: cps/admin.py:1525 cps/updater.py:393 cps/updater.py:630 +msgid "Timeout while establishing connection" +msgstr "Časový limit pre naviazanie spojenia vypršal" + +#: cps/admin.py:1526 cps/updater.py:395 cps/updater.py:632 +msgid "General error" +msgstr "Všeobecná chyba" + +#: cps/admin.py:1527 +msgid "Update file could not be saved in temp dir" +msgstr "Súbor aktualizácie nebolo možné uložiť do dočasného adresára" + +#: cps/admin.py:1528 +msgid "Files could not be replaced during update" +msgstr "Nebolo možné nahradiť súbory počas aktualizácie" + +#: cps/admin.py:1552 +msgid "Failed to extract at least One LDAP User" +msgstr "Extrakcia minimálne jedného LDAP používateľa zlyhala" + +#: cps/admin.py:1597 +msgid "Failed to Create at Least One LDAP User" +msgstr "Vytvorenie minimálne jedného LDAP používateľa zlyhalo" + +#: cps/admin.py:1610 +#, python-format +msgid "Error: %(ldaperror)s" +msgstr "Chyba: %(ldaperror)s" + +#: cps/admin.py:1614 +msgid "Error: No user returned in response of LDAP server" +msgstr "Chyba: Odpoveď LDAP servera neobsahuje žiadneho používateľa" + +#: cps/admin.py:1647 +msgid "At Least One LDAP User Not Found in Database" +msgstr "Minimálne jeden LDAP používateľ sa nenachádza v databáze" + +#: cps/admin.py:1649 +msgid "{} User Successfully Imported" +msgstr "Používateľ bol naimportovaný" + +#: cps/admin.py:1707 +msgid "DB Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path" +msgstr "Umiestnenie databáze nie je platné, zadajte prosím správnu cestu" + +#: cps/admin.py:1727 +msgid "DB is not Writeable" +msgstr "Do databázy nie je možné zapisovať" + +#: cps/admin.py:1740 +msgid "Keyfile Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path" +msgstr "Umiestnenie súboru s kľúčmi nie je platné, zadajte prosím správnu cestu" + +#: cps/admin.py:1744 +msgid "Certfile Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path" +msgstr "Umiestnenie súboru s certifikátmi nie je platné, zadajte prosím správnu cestu" + +#: cps/admin.py:1816 +msgid "Password length has to be between 1 and 40" +msgstr "Heslo musí byť dlhé 1 až 40 znakov" + +#: cps/admin.py:1868 +msgid "Database Settings updated" +msgstr "Nastavenia databáze boli aktualizované" + +#: cps/admin.py:1876 +msgid "Database Configuration" +msgstr "Konfigurácia databázy" + +#: cps/admin.py:1891 cps/web.py:1263 +msgid "Oops! Please complete all fields." +msgstr "Vyplňte prosím všetky polia." + +#: cps/admin.py:1900 +msgid "E-mail is not from valid domain" +msgstr "E-mail nie je z platnej domény" + +#: cps/admin.py:1906 +msgid "Add new user" +msgstr "Pridať nového používateľa" + +#: cps/admin.py:1917 +#, python-format +msgid "User '%(user)s' created" +msgstr "Používateľ '%(user)s' bol vytvorený" + +#: cps/admin.py:1923 +msgid "Oops! An account already exists for this Email. or name." +msgstr "Účet s týmto menom alebo e-mailovou adresou už existuje." + +#: cps/admin.py:1953 +#, python-format +msgid "User '%(nick)s' deleted" +msgstr "Používateľ '%(nick)s' bol zmazaný" + +#: cps/admin.py:1956 +msgid "Can't delete Guest User" +msgstr "Nie je možné zmazať používateľa Hosť" + +#: cps/admin.py:1959 +msgid "No admin user remaining, can't delete user" +msgstr "Nezostáva žiadny používateľ, nie je možné odobrať rolu správcu" + +#: cps/admin.py:2014 cps/web.py:1438 +msgid "Email can't be empty and has to be a valid Email" +msgstr "E-mailová adresa nemôže byť prázdna a musí byť platná" + +#: cps/admin.py:2040 +#, python-format +msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated" +msgstr "Používateľ '%(nick)s' bol aktualizovaný" + +#: cps/converter.py:31 +msgid "not installed" +msgstr "nie je naištalované" + +#: cps/converter.py:32 +msgid "Execution permissions missing" +msgstr "Chýba právo na vykonanie" + +#: cps/db.py:752 cps/search.py:137 cps/web.py:731 +#, python-format +msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d does not exist in calibre database" +msgstr "Používateľom definovaný stĺpec č. %(column)d v Calibre databáze neexistuje" + +#: cps/db.py:993 cps/templates/config_edit.html:204 +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:62 cps/templates/email_edit.html:41 +#: cps/web.py:558 cps/web.py:592 cps/web.py:665 cps/web.py:692 cps/web.py:973 +#: cps/web.py:1003 cps/web.py:1048 cps/web.py:1076 cps/web.py:1115 +msgid "None" +msgstr "Žiadne" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:111 cps/editbooks.py:899 cps/web.py:525 cps/web.py:1530 +#: cps/web.py:1574 cps/web.py:1619 +msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" +msgstr "Vybraná kniha nie je dostupná. Súbor neexistuje alebo sa k nemu nedá pristupovať" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:155 cps/editbooks.py:1227 +msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" +msgstr "Používateľ nemá práva nahrať obálku knihy" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:175 cps/editbooks.py:720 +msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" +msgstr "Identifikátory nerozlišujú malé a veľké písmená, prepisuje sa starý identifikátor" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:217 +msgid "Metadata successfully updated" +msgstr "Metadáta boli úspešne aktualizované" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:235 +msgid "Error editing book: {}" +msgstr "Chyba pri úprave knihy: {}" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:292 +#, python-format +msgid "File %(file)s uploaded" +msgstr "Súbor %(file)s bol nahraný" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:320 +msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing" +msgstr "Chýba zdrojový alebo cieľový formát pre prevod" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:328 +#, python-format +msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s" +msgstr "Kniha bola úspešne zaradená na prevod do %(book_format)s" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:332 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" +msgstr "Vyskytla sa chyba pri prevode tejto knihy: %(res)s" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:639 +msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " +msgstr "Nahrávaná kniha pravdepodobne existuje v knižnici, zvážte zmenu pred nahraním novej: " + +#: cps/editbooks.py:694 cps/editbooks.py:1019 +#, python-format +msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" +msgstr "'%(langname)s' nie je platný jazyk" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1167 +#, python-format +msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" +msgstr "Prípona súboru '%(ext)s' nemôže byť nahraná na tento server" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:736 cps/editbooks.py:1171 +msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" +msgstr "Súbor ktorý sa má nahrať musí mať príponu" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:744 +#, python-format +msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" +msgstr "Súbor %(filename)s nebolo možné uložiť do dočasného adresára" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:764 +#, python-format +msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" +msgstr "Zlyhal presun súboru obalky %(file)s: %(error)s" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:821 cps/editbooks.py:823 +msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" +msgstr "Kniha s formátom bola úspešne zmazaná" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:830 cps/editbooks.py:832 +msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" +msgstr "Kniha bola úspešne zmazaná" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:884 +msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" +msgstr "Nemáte oprávnenia na mazanie kníh" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:934 +msgid "edit metadata" +msgstr "upraviť metadáta" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:983 +#, python-format +msgid "%(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" +msgstr "%(seriesindex)s nie je platné číslo, preskakuje sa" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:1162 +msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" +msgstr "Používateľ nemá práva na nahranie dodatočných súborových formátov" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:1183 +#, python-format +msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." +msgstr "Nebolo možné vytvoriť cestu %(path)s (Povolenie zamietnuté)." + +#: cps/editbooks.py:1188 +#, python-format +msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." +msgstr "Zlyhalo uloženie súboru: %(file)s." + +#: cps/editbooks.py:1212 +#, python-format +msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" +msgstr "Súborový formát %(ext)s bol pridaný k %(book)s" + +#: cps/gdrive.py:58 +msgid "Google Drive setup not completed, try to deactivate and activate Google Drive again" +msgstr "Nastavenie Google Drive nie je dokončené, skúste deaktivovať a znovu aktivovať Google Drive" + +#: cps/gdrive.py:95 +msgid "Callback domain is not verified, please follow steps to verify domain in google developer console" +msgstr "Doména spätného volania nie je verifikovaná, prosím, vykonajte kroky na verifikáciu domény v konzole Google vývojára" + +#: cps/helper.py:81 +#, python-format +msgid "%(format)s format not found for book id: %(book)d" +msgstr "Formát %(format)s sa nenašiel pre knihu s ID: %(book)d" + +#: cps/helper.py:88 cps/tasks/convert.py:75 +#, python-format +msgid "%(format)s not found on Google Drive: %(fn)s" +msgstr "%(format)s sa nenašiel na Google Drive: %(fn)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:93 +#, python-format +msgid "%(format)s not found: %(fn)s" +msgstr "%(format)s sa nenašiel: %(fn)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:98 cps/helper.py:223 cps/templates/detail.html:58 +msgid "Send to eReader" +msgstr "Poslať do čítačky" + +#: cps/helper.py:99 cps/helper.py:117 cps/helper.py:225 +msgid "This Email has been sent via Calibre-Web." +msgstr "Tento e-mail bol odoslaný skrz Calibre-Web." + +#: cps/helper.py:115 +msgid "Calibre-Web Test Email" +msgstr "Testovací e-mail Calibre-Web" + +#: cps/helper.py:116 +msgid "Test Email" +msgstr "Testovací e-mail" + +#: cps/helper.py:133 +msgid "Get Started with Calibre-Web" +msgstr "Začnite s aplikáciu Calibre-Web" + +#: cps/helper.py:138 +#, python-format +msgid "Registration Email for user: %(name)s" +msgstr "Registračný e-mail pre používateľa: %(name)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:149 cps/helper.py:155 +#, python-format +msgid "Convert %(orig)s to %(format)s and send to eReader" +msgstr "Previesť %(orig)s na %(format)s a odoslať do čítačky" + +#: cps/helper.py:174 cps/helper.py:178 cps/helper.py:182 +#, python-format +msgid "Send %(format)s to eReader" +msgstr "Odoslať %(format)s do čítačky" + +#: cps/helper.py:222 +#, python-format +msgid "%(book)s send to eReader" +msgstr "%(book)s odoslaná do čítačky" + +#: cps/helper.py:227 +msgid "The requested file could not be read. Maybe wrong permissions?" +msgstr "Požadovaný súbor sa nedá čítať. Možne zlé oprávnenia?" + +#: cps/helper.py:342 +msgid "Read status could not set: {}" +msgstr "Status čítania nie je možné nastaviť: {}" + +#: cps/helper.py:365 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleting bookfolder for book %(id)s failed, path has subfolders: %(path)s" +msgstr "Mazanie zložky pre knihu %(id)s zlyhalo, cesta má vnorené adresáre: %(path)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:371 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleting book %(id)s failed: %(message)s" +msgstr "Mazanie knihy %(id)s zlyhalo: %(message)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:382 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" +msgstr "Mazanie knihy %(id)s iba z databázy, cesta ku knihe v databáze nie je platná: %(path)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:447 +#, python-format +msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" +msgstr "Premenovanie autora z: '%(src)s' na '%(dest)s' zlyhalo s chybou: %(error)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:519 cps/helper.py:528 +#, python-format +msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" +msgstr "Súbor %(file)s sa nenašiel na Google Drive" + +#: cps/helper.py:562 +#, python-format +msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" +msgstr "Zmena názvu knihy z: '%(src)s' na '%(dest)s' zlyhalo s chybou: %(error)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:582 +msgid "Error in rename file in path: {}" +msgstr "Chyba pri premenovaní v ceste: {}" + +#: cps/helper.py:600 +#, python-format +msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" +msgstr "Cesta ku knihe %(path)s sa nenašla na Google Drive" + +#: cps/helper.py:665 +msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" +msgstr "Pre túto poštovú adresu sa našiel existujúci účet" + +#: cps/helper.py:673 +msgid "This username is already taken" +msgstr "Toto meno používateľa sa už používa" + +#: cps/helper.py:685 +msgid "Invalid Email address format" +msgstr "Neplatný formát poštovej adresy" + +#: cps/helper.py:703 +msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" +msgstr "Heslo nedodržiava pravidlá validácie" + +#: cps/helper.py:852 +msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" +msgstr "Python modul 'advocate' nie je nainštalovaný ale je potrebný pre nahrávanie obálok kníh" + +#: cps/helper.py:862 +msgid "Error Downloading Cover" +msgstr "Chyba pri sťahovaní obálky knihy" + +#: cps/helper.py:865 +msgid "Cover Format Error" +msgstr "Chyba formátu obálky knihy" + +#: cps/helper.py:868 +msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" +msgstr "Nemáte povolené pristupovať na lokálneho hostiteľa alebo lokálnu sieť na pre nahrávanie obálok kníh" + +#: cps/helper.py:878 +msgid "Failed to create path for cover" +msgstr "Vytváranie cesty k obálke knihy zlyhalo" + +#: cps/helper.py:894 +msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" +msgstr "Súbor obálky knihy nie je platný súbor s obrázkom alebo nie je uložený" + +#: cps/helper.py:905 +msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" +msgstr "Ako súbor obálky knihy sú podporované iba súbory jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp" + +#: cps/helper.py:917 +msgid "Invalid cover file content" +msgstr "Neplatný obsah súboru obalky knihy" + +#: cps/helper.py:921 +msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" +msgstr "Ako súbor obálky knihy sú podporované iba súbory jpg/jpeg" + +#: cps/helper.py:973 +msgid "Unrar binary file not found" +msgstr "Binárny súbor pre Unrar sa nenašiel" + +#: cps/helper.py:984 +msgid "Error executing UnRar" +msgstr "Chyba pri spustení Unrar" + +#: cps/helper.py:1077 +msgid "Cover" +msgstr "Obálka knihy" + +#: cps/helper.py:1079 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" +msgstr "Zaradiť všetky knihy na zálohovanie metadát" + +#: cps/kobo_auth.py:90 +msgid "Please access Calibre-Web from non localhost to get valid api_endpoint for kobo device" +msgstr "Prosím, pristupujte k Calibre-Web z nie lokálneho hostiteľa aby ste získali platný API koncový bod pre Kobo zariadenie" + +#: cps/kobo_auth.py:116 +msgid "Kobo Setup" +msgstr "Nastavenie Kobo" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:77 +#, python-format +msgid "Register with %(provider)s" +msgstr "Zaregistrovať s %(provider)s" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:138 cps/remotelogin.py:130 +#, python-format +msgid "Success! You are now logged in as: %(nickname)s" +msgstr "Úspech! Teraz ste prihlásený ako: %(nickname)s" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:148 +#, python-format +msgid "Link to %(oauth)s Succeeded" +msgstr "Spojenie na %(oauth)s bolo úspešné" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:155 +msgid "Login failed, No User Linked With OAuth Account" +msgstr "Prihlásenie zlyhalo, s OAuth účtom nie je spojený žiadny používateľ" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:197 +#, python-format +msgid "Unlink to %(oauth)s Succeeded" +msgstr "Odpojenie z %(oauth)s bolo úspešné" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:202 +#, python-format +msgid "Unlink to %(oauth)s Failed" +msgstr "Odpojenie z %(oauth)s zlyhalo" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:205 +#, python-format +msgid "Not Linked to %(oauth)s" +msgstr "Nie je pripojený k %(oauth)s" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:261 +msgid "Failed to log in with GitHub." +msgstr "Prihlásenie na GitHub zlyhalo." + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:267 +msgid "Failed to fetch user info from GitHub." +msgstr "Získanie používateľa z GitHub-u zlyhalo." + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:279 +msgid "Failed to log in with Google." +msgstr "Prihlásenie na Google zlyhalo." + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:285 +msgid "Failed to fetch user info from Google." +msgstr "Získanie používateľa z Google zlyhalo." + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:332 +msgid "GitHub Oauth error, please retry later." +msgstr "Chyba GitHub OAuth, skúste to prosím neskôr." + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:335 +msgid "GitHub Oauth error: {}" +msgstr "Chyba GitHub OAuth: {}" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:356 +msgid "Google Oauth error, please retry later." +msgstr "Chyba Google OAuth, skúste to prosím neskôr." + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:359 +msgid "Google Oauth error: {}" +msgstr "Chyba Google OAuth: {}" + +#: cps/opds.py:274 +msgid "{} Stars" +msgstr "{} Hviezdičiek" + +#: cps/remotelogin.py:62 cps/templates/layout.html:67 +#: cps/templates/layout.html:101 cps/templates/login.html:4 +#: cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/web.py:1326 +msgid "Login" +msgstr "Prihlásiť sa" + +#: cps/remotelogin.py:74 cps/remotelogin.py:108 +msgid "Token not found" +msgstr "Žetón sa nenašiel" + +#: cps/remotelogin.py:83 cps/remotelogin.py:116 +msgid "Token has expired" +msgstr "Žetón expiroval" + +#: cps/remotelogin.py:92 +msgid "Success! Please return to your device" +msgstr "Úspech! Vráťte sa k vašemu zariadeniu" + +#: cps/render_template.py:42 cps/web.py:414 +msgid "Books" +msgstr "Knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:44 +msgid "Show recent books" +msgstr "Zobraziť nedávno čítané knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:45 cps/templates/index.xml:26 +msgid "Hot Books" +msgstr "Horúce knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:47 +msgid "Show Hot Books" +msgstr "Zobraziť horúce knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:49 cps/render_template.py:54 +msgid "Downloaded Books" +msgstr "Stiahnuté knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:51 cps/render_template.py:56 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:167 +msgid "Show Downloaded Books" +msgstr "Zobraziť stiahnuté knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:59 cps/templates/index.xml:33 cps/web.py:429 +msgid "Top Rated Books" +msgstr "Najlepšie hodnotené knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:61 cps/templates/user_table.html:161 +msgid "Show Top Rated Books" +msgstr "Zobraziť najlepšie hodnotené knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:62 cps/templates/index.xml:55 +#: cps/templates/index.xml:59 cps/web.py:750 +msgid "Read Books" +msgstr "Prečítané knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:64 +msgid "Show Read and Unread" +msgstr "Zobraziť prečítané a neprečítané" + +#: cps/render_template.py:66 cps/templates/index.xml:62 +#: cps/templates/index.xml:66 cps/web.py:753 +msgid "Unread Books" +msgstr "Neprečítané knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:68 +msgid "Show unread" +msgstr "Zobraziť neprečítané" + +#: cps/render_template.py:69 +msgid "Discover" +msgstr "Objaviť" + +#: cps/render_template.py:71 cps/templates/index.xml:51 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:159 cps/templates/user_table.html:162 +msgid "Show Random Books" +msgstr "Zobraziť náhodné knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:72 cps/templates/book_table.html:67 +#: cps/templates/index.xml:84 cps/web.py:1119 +msgid "Categories" +msgstr "Kategórie" + +#: cps/render_template.py:74 cps/templates/user_table.html:158 +msgid "Show Category Section" +msgstr "Zobraziť časť Kategórie" + +#: cps/render_template.py:75 cps/templates/book_edit.html:91 +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:91 +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:69 cps/web.py:1009 cps/web.py:1021 +msgid "Series" +msgstr "Série" + +#: cps/render_template.py:77 cps/templates/user_table.html:157 +msgid "Show Series Section" +msgstr "Zobraziť časť Série" + +#: cps/render_template.py:78 cps/templates/book_table.html:66 +#: cps/templates/index.xml:70 +msgid "Authors" +msgstr "Autori" + +#: cps/render_template.py:80 cps/templates/user_table.html:160 +msgid "Show Author Section" +msgstr "Zobraziť časť Autori" + +#: cps/render_template.py:82 cps/templates/book_table.html:72 +#: cps/templates/index.xml:77 cps/web.py:977 +msgid "Publishers" +msgstr "Vydavatelia" + +#: cps/render_template.py:84 cps/templates/user_table.html:163 +msgid "Show Publisher Section" +msgstr "Zobraziť časť vydavatelia" + +#: cps/render_template.py:85 cps/templates/book_table.html:70 +#: cps/templates/index.xml:98 cps/templates/search_form.html:107 +#: cps/web.py:1091 +msgid "Languages" +msgstr "Jazyky" + +#: cps/render_template.py:88 cps/templates/user_table.html:155 +msgid "Show Language Section" +msgstr "Zobraziť časť Jazyky" + +#: cps/render_template.py:89 cps/templates/index.xml:105 +msgid "Ratings" +msgstr "Hodnotenia" + +#: cps/render_template.py:91 cps/templates/user_table.html:164 +msgid "Show Ratings Section" +msgstr "Zobraziť časť Hodnotenia" + +#: cps/render_template.py:92 cps/templates/index.xml:113 +msgid "File formats" +msgstr "Súborové formáty" + +#: cps/render_template.py:94 cps/templates/user_table.html:165 +msgid "Show File Formats Section" +msgstr "Zobraziť časť Súborové formáty" + +#: cps/render_template.py:96 cps/web.py:776 +msgid "Archived Books" +msgstr "Archivované knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:98 cps/templates/user_table.html:166 +msgid "Show Archived Books" +msgstr "Zobraziť archivované knihy" + +#: cps/render_template.py:101 cps/web.py:807 +msgid "Books List" +msgstr "Zoznam kníh" + +#: cps/render_template.py:103 cps/templates/user_table.html:168 +msgid "Show Books List" +msgstr "Zobraziť zoznam kníh" + +#: cps/search.py:48 cps/search.py:398 cps/templates/book_edit.html:236 +#: cps/templates/feed.xml:34 cps/templates/index.xml:12 +#: cps/templates/layout.html:46 cps/templates/layout.html:49 +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:226 +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Hľadať" + +#: cps/search.py:188 +msgid "Published after " +msgstr "Vydané po " + +#: cps/search.py:195 +msgid "Published before " +msgstr "Vydané pred " + +#: cps/search.py:217 +#, python-format +msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s" +msgstr "Hodnotenie <= %(rating)s" + +#: cps/search.py:219 +#, python-format +msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s" +msgstr "Hodnotenie >= %(rating)s" + +#: cps/search.py:221 +#, python-format +msgid "Read Status = %(status)s" +msgstr "Status čítania = %(status)s" + +#: cps/search.py:323 +msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web" +msgstr "Chyba pri čítaní používateľom definovaných stĺpcov, reštartujte prosím Calibre-Web" + +#: cps/search.py:342 cps/search.py:374 cps/templates/layout.html:57 +msgid "Advanced Search" +msgstr "Rozšírené hľadanie" + +#: cps/shelf.py:49 cps/shelf.py:103 +msgid "Invalid shelf specified" +msgstr "Vybraná neplatná polica" + +#: cps/shelf.py:55 +msgid "Sorry you are not allowed to add a book to that shelf" +msgstr "Ľutujeme, do tejto police nemôžete pridať knihu" + +#: cps/shelf.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Book is already part of the shelf: %(shelfname)s" +msgstr "Kniha je už na polici: %(shelfname)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:89 +#, python-format +msgid "Book has been added to shelf: %(sname)s" +msgstr "Kniha bola pridaná do police: %(sname)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:108 +msgid "You are not allowed to add a book to the shelf" +msgstr "Nemáte povolené pridať knihu do tejto police" + +#: cps/shelf.py:126 +#, python-format +msgid "Books are already part of the shelf: %(name)s" +msgstr "Táto polica už obssahuje knihu: %(name)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:138 +#, python-format +msgid "Books have been added to shelf: %(sname)s" +msgstr "Do police sa pridala kniha: %(sname)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:145 +#, python-format +msgid "Could not add books to shelf: %(sname)s" +msgstr "Nemôžem pridať knihu do police: %(sname)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:191 +#, python-format +msgid "Book has been removed from shelf: %(sname)s" +msgstr "Kniha bola odstránená z police: %(sname)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:200 +msgid "Sorry you are not allowed to remove a book from this shelf" +msgstr "Ľutujeme, ale nie ste oprávnený odstrániť knihu z tejto police" + +#: cps/shelf.py:210 cps/templates/layout.html:157 +msgid "Create a Shelf" +msgstr "Vytvoriť policu" + +#: cps/shelf.py:218 +msgid "Sorry you are not allowed to edit this shelf" +msgstr "Ľutujeme, ale nie ste oprávnený upravovať túto policu" + +#: cps/shelf.py:220 +msgid "Edit a shelf" +msgstr "Upraviť policu" + +#: cps/shelf.py:229 +msgid "Error deleting Shelf" +msgstr "Chyba pri mazaní police" + +#: cps/shelf.py:231 +msgid "Shelf successfully deleted" +msgstr "Polica bol úspešne vymazaná" + +#: cps/shelf.py:281 +#, python-format +msgid "Change order of Shelf: '%(name)s'" +msgstr "Zmeniť poradie police: '%(name)s'" + +#: cps/shelf.py:316 +msgid "Sorry you are not allowed to create a public shelf" +msgstr "Ľutujeme, ale nie ste oprávnený vytvoriť verejnú policu" + +#: cps/shelf.py:333 +#, python-format +msgid "Shelf %(title)s created" +msgstr "Polica %(title)s bola vytvorená" + +#: cps/shelf.py:336 +#, python-format +msgid "Shelf %(title)s changed" +msgstr "Polica %(title)s bola zmenená" + +#: cps/shelf.py:350 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Nastala chyba" + +#: cps/shelf.py:372 +#, python-format +msgid "A public shelf with the name '%(title)s' already exists." +msgstr "Verejná polica s názvom '%(title)s' už existuje." + +#: cps/shelf.py:383 +#, python-format +msgid "A private shelf with the name '%(title)s' already exists." +msgstr "Súkromná polica s názvom '%(title)s' už existuje." + +#: cps/shelf.py:465 +#, python-format +msgid "Shelf: '%(name)s'" +msgstr "Polica: '%(name)s'" + +#: cps/shelf.py:469 +msgid "Error opening shelf. Shelf does not exist or is not accessible" +msgstr "Chyba pri otváraní police. Polica neexistuje alebo je neprístupná" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:46 cps/templates/layout.html:88 +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:7 +msgid "Tasks" +msgstr "Úlohy" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:62 +msgid "Waiting" +msgstr "Čakajúca" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:64 +msgid "Failed" +msgstr "Neúspešná" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:66 +msgid "Started" +msgstr "Spustená" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:68 +msgid "Finished" +msgstr "Hotová" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:70 +msgid "Ended" +msgstr "Ukončená" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:72 +msgid "Cancelled" +msgstr "Zrušená" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:74 +msgid "Unknown Status" +msgstr "Neznámy stav" + +#: cps/updater.py:431 cps/updater.py:442 cps/updater.py:543 cps/updater.py:558 +msgid "Unexpected data while reading update information" +msgstr "Čítanie aktualizačnej informácie narazilo na neočakávané údaje" + +#: cps/updater.py:438 cps/updater.py:550 +msgid "No update available. You already have the latest version installed" +msgstr "Nie je dostupná žiadna aktualizácia. Máte nainštalovanú najnovšiu verziu" + +#: cps/updater.py:456 +msgid "A new update is available. Click on the button below to update to the latest version." +msgstr "Je dostupná nová aktualizácia. Ak chcete aktualizovať na najnovšiu verziu, kliknite na tlačidlo dolu." + +#: cps/updater.py:474 +msgid "Could not fetch update information" +msgstr "Nebolo možné stiahnuť aktualizačnú informáciu" + +#: cps/updater.py:484 +msgid "Click on the button below to update to the latest stable version." +msgstr "Ak chcete aktualizovať na najnovšiu stabilnú verziu, kliknite na tlačidlo dolu." + +#: cps/updater.py:493 cps/updater.py:507 cps/updater.py:518 +#, python-format +msgid "A new update is available. Click on the button below to update to version: %(version)s" +msgstr "Je dostupná nová aktualizácia. Kliknite na tlačidlo dolu, ak chcete aktualizovať na verziu: %(version)s" + +#: cps/updater.py:536 +msgid "No release information available" +msgstr "Nie je dostupná informácia o vydaní" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:6 cps/web.py:441 +msgid "Discover (Random Books)" +msgstr "Objaviť (Náhodné knihy)" + +#: cps/web.py:477 +msgid "Hot Books (Most Downloaded)" +msgstr "Horúce knihy (Najviac sťahované)" + +#: cps/web.py:508 +#, python-format +msgid "Downloaded books by %(user)s" +msgstr "Knihy stiahnuté: %(user)s" + +#: cps/web.py:541 +#, python-format +msgid "Author: %(name)s" +msgstr "Author: %(name)s" + +#: cps/web.py:577 +#, python-format +msgid "Publisher: %(name)s" +msgstr "Vydavateľ: %(name)s" + +#: cps/web.py:605 +#, python-format +msgid "Series: %(serie)s" +msgstr "Série: %(serie)s" + +#: cps/web.py:620 +msgid "Rating: None" +msgstr "Hodnotenie: Žiadne" + +#: cps/web.py:629 +#, python-format +msgid "Rating: %(rating)s stars" +msgstr "Hodnotenie: %(rating)s hviezdičiek" + +#: cps/web.py:645 +#, python-format +msgid "File format: %(format)s" +msgstr "Súborový formát: %(format)s" + +#: cps/web.py:682 +#, python-format +msgid "Category: %(name)s" +msgstr "Kategória: %(name)s" + +#: cps/web.py:711 +#, python-format +msgid "Language: %(name)s" +msgstr "Jazyk: %(name)s" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/web.py:949 +msgid "Downloads" +msgstr "Stiahnutia" + +#: cps/web.py:1051 +msgid "Ratings list" +msgstr "Zoznam hodnotení" + +#: cps/web.py:1078 +msgid "File formats list" +msgstr "Zoznam súborových formátov" + +#: cps/web.py:1226 +msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..." +msgstr "Najskôr nastavte poštový server, prosím..." + +#: cps/web.py:1233 +#, python-format +msgid "Success! Book queued for sending to %(eReadermail)s" +msgstr "Úspech! Kniha bola zaradená na odoslanie do %(eReadermail)s" + +#: cps/web.py:1236 +#, python-format +msgid "Oops! There was an error sending book: %(res)s" +msgstr "Vyskytla sa chyba pri posielaní knihy: %(res)s" + +#: cps/web.py:1238 +msgid "Oops! Please update your profile with a valid eReader Email." +msgstr "Nastavte vo vašom profile platnú e-mailovú adresu pre vašu čítačku." + +#: cps/web.py:1254 +msgid "Please wait one minute to register next user" +msgstr "Počkajte, prosím minútku pred registráciou ďalšieho používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:68 cps/templates/layout.html:102 +#: cps/templates/login.html:27 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/web.py:1255 +#: cps/web.py:1260 cps/web.py:1264 cps/web.py:1270 cps/web.py:1290 +#: cps/web.py:1294 cps/web.py:1307 cps/web.py:1310 +msgid "Register" +msgstr "Registrovať" + +#: cps/web.py:1259 cps/web.py:1306 +msgid "Oops! Email server is not configured, please contact your administrator." +msgstr "Poštový server nie je nastavený, kontaktujte prosím správcu." + +#: cps/web.py:1292 +msgid "Oops! Your Email is not allowed." +msgstr "Vaša e-mailová adresa nie je povolená." + +#: cps/web.py:1295 +msgid "Success! Confirmation Email has been sent." +msgstr "Úspech! Potvrdzujúci e-mail bol odoslaný." + +#: cps/web.py:1341 cps/web.py:1359 +msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication" +msgstr "Nie je možné aktivovať LDAP autentifikáciu" + +#: cps/web.py:1353 +msgid "Please wait one minute before next login" +msgstr "Počkajte, prosím minútku pred opätovným prihlásením" + +#: cps/web.py:1369 +#, python-format +msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'" +msgstr "ste prihlásený ako: '%(nickname)s'" + +#: cps/web.py:1376 +#, python-format +msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known" +msgstr "Záložné prihlásenie ako: '%(nickname)s', LDAP server je nedostupný alebo používateľ je neznámy" + +#: cps/web.py:1381 +#, python-format +msgid "Could not login: %(message)s" +msgstr "Nemôžem prihlásiť: %(message)s" + +#: cps/web.py:1385 cps/web.py:1410 +msgid "Wrong Username or Password" +msgstr "Nesprávne používateľské meno alebo heslo" + +#: cps/web.py:1392 +msgid "New Password was send to your email address" +msgstr "Na vašu e-mailovú adresu bolo odoslané nové heslo" + +#: cps/web.py:1396 +msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later." +msgstr "Vyskytla sa neočakávaná chyba. Prosím, skúste to opäť neskôr." + +#: cps/web.py:1398 +msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password" +msgstr "Na resetovanie hesla zadajte platné používateľské meno" + +#: cps/web.py:1406 +#, python-format +msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'" +msgstr "Teraz ste prihlásený ako: '%(nickname)s'" + +#: cps/web.py:1464 cps/web.py:1514 +#, python-format +msgid "%(name)s's Profile" +msgstr "Profil pre %(name)s" + +#: cps/web.py:1480 +msgid "Success! Profile Updated" +msgstr "Úspech! Profil bol aktualizovaný" + +#: cps/web.py:1484 +msgid "Oops! An account already exists for this Email." +msgstr "Účet s touto e-mailovou adresou už existuje." + +#: cps/services/gmail.py:58 +msgid "Found no valid gmail.json file with OAuth information" +msgstr "Nenašiel sa súbor gmail.json s OAuth informáciou" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:92 +#, python-format +msgid "%(book)s send to E-Reader" +msgstr "%(book)s bol odoslaný do čítačky" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:153 +#, python-format +msgid "Calibre ebook-convert %(tool)s not found" +msgstr "Nástroj pre prevod ebook-convert %(tool)s sa nenašiel" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:186 +#, python-format +msgid "%(format)s format not found on disk" +msgstr "Formát %(format)s sa nenachádza na disku" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:190 +msgid "Ebook converter failed with unknown error" +msgstr "Prevádzač e-kníh zlyhal s neznámou chybou" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:202 +#, python-format +msgid "Kepubify-converter failed: %(error)s" +msgstr "Prevádzač Kepubify zlyhal: %(error)s" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:224 +#, python-format +msgid "Converted file not found or more than one file in folder %(folder)s" +msgstr "Prevádzaný súbor sa nenašiel alebo viac ako jeden súbor v zložke %(folder)s" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:247 +#, python-format +msgid "Ebook-converter failed: %(error)s" +msgstr "Prevádzač e-kníh zlyhal: %(error)s" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:270 +#, python-format +msgid "Calibre failed with error: %(error)s" +msgstr "Calibre zlyhal s chybou: %(error)s" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:275 +msgid "Convert" +msgstr "Previesť" + +#: cps/tasks/database.py:28 +msgid "Reconnecting Calibre database" +msgstr "Spojenie s databázou sa znovu naväzuje" + +#: cps/tasks/mail.py:269 +msgid "E-mail" +msgstr "E-mail" + +#: cps/tasks/metadata_backup.py:46 +msgid "Backing up Metadata" +msgstr "Zálohovať metadáta" + +#: cps/tasks/thumbnail.py:96 +#, python-format +msgid "Generated %(count)s cover thumbnails" +msgstr "Bolo vygenerovaných %(count)s náhľadov obálok kníh" + +#: cps/tasks/thumbnail.py:230 cps/tasks/thumbnail.py:443 +#: cps/tasks/thumbnail.py:511 +msgid "Cover Thumbnails" +msgstr "Náhľad obálky knihy" + +#: cps/tasks/thumbnail.py:289 +msgid "Generated {0} series thumbnails" +msgstr "Bolo vygenerovaných {0} náhľadov pre série" + +#: cps/tasks/thumbnail.py:454 +msgid "Clearing cover thumbnail cache" +msgstr "Vyrovnávacia pamäť pre obálky kníh sa vyprázdňuje" + +#: cps/tasks/upload.py:38 cps/templates/admin.html:20 +#: cps/templates/layout.html:81 cps/templates/user_table.html:145 +msgid "Upload" +msgstr "Nahrať" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:9 +msgid "Users" +msgstr "Používatelia" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:13 cps/templates/login.html:9 +#: cps/templates/login.html:10 cps/templates/register.html:9 +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:10 cps/templates/user_table.html:134 +msgid "Username" +msgstr "Meno používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:14 cps/templates/register.html:14 +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:15 cps/templates/user_table.html:135 +msgid "Email" +msgstr "E-mail" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:15 cps/templates/user_edit.html:28 +msgid "Send to eReader Email" +msgstr "Poslať na e-mail čítačky" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:17 cps/templates/layout.html:91 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:143 +msgid "Admin" +msgstr "Správca" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:18 cps/templates/login.html:13 +#: cps/templates/login.html:14 cps/templates/user_edit.html:23 +msgid "Password" +msgstr "Heslo" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:22 cps/templates/detail.html:20 +#: cps/templates/detail.html:33 cps/templates/shelf.html:8 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:146 +msgid "Download" +msgstr "Stiahnuť" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 +msgid "View Books" +msgstr "Zobraziť knihy" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:24 cps/templates/user_table.html:131 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:148 +msgid "Edit" +msgstr "Upraviť" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:25 cps/templates/book_edit.html:17 +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:100 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63 +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "Zmazať" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:26 +msgid "Public Shelf" +msgstr "Verejná polica" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:55 +msgid "Import LDAP Users" +msgstr "Importovať LDAP používateľov" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:62 +msgid "Email Server Settings" +msgstr "Nastavenia poštového servera" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:67 cps/templates/email_edit.html:31 +msgid "SMTP Hostname" +msgstr "SMTP hostiteľ" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:71 cps/templates/email_edit.html:35 +msgid "SMTP Port" +msgstr "SMTP port" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:75 cps/templates/email_edit.html:39 +msgid "Encryption" +msgstr "Šifrovanie" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:79 cps/templates/email_edit.html:47 +msgid "SMTP Login" +msgstr "SMTP prihlásenie" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:83 cps/templates/admin.html:94 +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:55 +msgid "From Email" +msgstr "Z poštovej adresy" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:90 +msgid "Email Service" +msgstr "Poštová služba" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:91 +msgid "Gmail via Oauth2" +msgstr "GMail skrz OAuthľ" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:106 +msgid "Configuration" +msgstr "Konfigurácia" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:109 +msgid "Calibre Database Directory" +msgstr "Adresár databázy Calibre" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:113 cps/templates/config_edit.html:68 +msgid "Log Level" +msgstr "Úroveň denníka" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:117 +msgid "Port" +msgstr "Port" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:122 +msgid "External Port" +msgstr "Externý port" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:129 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:28 +msgid "Books per Page" +msgstr "Kníh na stránku" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:133 +msgid "Uploads" +msgstr "Nahrávania" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:137 +msgid "Anonymous Browsing" +msgstr "Anonymné prezeranie" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:141 +msgid "Public Registration" +msgstr "Verejná registrácia" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:145 +msgid "Magic Link Remote Login" +msgstr "Vzdialené prihlásenie Magic Link" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:149 +msgid "Reverse Proxy Login" +msgstr "Prihlásenie na reverznú proxy" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:154 cps/templates/config_edit.html:173 +msgid "Reverse Proxy Header Name" +msgstr "Meno hlavičky pre reverznú proxy" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:159 +msgid "Edit Calibre Database Configuration" +msgstr "Upraviť configuráciu databázy Calibre" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:160 +msgid "Edit Basic Configuration" +msgstr "Upraviť základnú konfiguráciu" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:161 +msgid "Edit UI Configuration" +msgstr "Upraviť konfiguráciu používateľského rozhrania" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:167 +msgid "Scheduled Tasks" +msgstr "Naplánované úlohy" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:170 cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:12 +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:18 +msgid "Start Time" +msgstr "Začiatok" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:174 cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:20 +msgid "Maximum Duration" +msgstr "Maximálne trvanie" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:178 cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:29 +msgid "Generate Thumbnails" +msgstr "Generovať náhľady" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:182 +msgid "Generate series cover thumbnails" +msgstr "Generovať náhľady obálok pre série" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:186 cps/templates/admin.html:208 +#: cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:37 +msgid "Reconnect Calibre Database" +msgstr "Znovu naviazať spojenie s Calibre databázou" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:190 cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:41 +msgid "Generate Metadata Backup Files" +msgstr "Vygenerovať záložné súbory pre metadáta" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:197 +msgid "Refresh Thumbnail Cache" +msgstr "Obnoviť vyrovnávaciu pamäť pre náhľady" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:203 +msgid "Administration" +msgstr "Správa" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:204 +msgid "Download Debug Package" +msgstr "Stiahnuť ladiaci balík" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:205 +msgid "View Logs" +msgstr "Zobraziť denníky" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 +msgid "Restart" +msgstr "Reštart" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:212 +msgid "Shutdown" +msgstr "Vypnúť" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:221 +msgid "Version Information" +msgstr "Informácia o verzii" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:225 +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Verzia" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:226 +msgid "Details" +msgstr "Detaily" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:232 +msgid "Current Version" +msgstr "Aktuálna verzia" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:239 +msgid "Check for Update" +msgstr "Kontrola aktualizácie" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:240 +msgid "Perform Update" +msgstr "Vykonať aktualizáciu" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:253 +msgid "Are you sure you want to restart?" +msgstr "Skutočne chcete reštartovať?" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:258 cps/templates/admin.html:272 +#: cps/templates/admin.html:292 cps/templates/config_db.html:70 +msgid "OK" +msgstr "V poriadku" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:259 cps/templates/admin.html:273 +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:214 cps/templates/book_table.html:127 +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:54 cps/templates/config_edit.html:410 +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:175 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64 +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117 +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:135 cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:45 +#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:27 cps/templates/tasks.html:46 +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:144 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Zrušiť" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:271 +msgid "Are you sure you want to shutdown?" +msgstr "Skutočne chcete vypnúťť?" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:283 +msgid "Updating, please do not reload this page" +msgstr "Aktualizuje sa, neskúšajte znovu načítať stránku" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:15 +msgid "via" +msgstr "cez" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:23 +msgid "In Library" +msgstr "V knižnici" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:26 cps/templates/index.html:74 +#: cps/templates/search.html:31 cps/templates/shelf.html:20 +msgid "Sort according to book date, newest first" +msgstr "Triediť podľa dátumu knihy, najnovšie najskôr" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:27 cps/templates/index.html:75 +#: cps/templates/search.html:32 cps/templates/shelf.html:21 +msgid "Sort according to book date, oldest first" +msgstr "Triediť podľa dátumu knihy, najstaršie najskôr" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:28 cps/templates/index.html:76 +#: cps/templates/search.html:33 cps/templates/shelf.html:22 +msgid "Sort title in alphabetical order" +msgstr "Triediť podľa názvu v abecednom poradí" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:29 cps/templates/index.html:77 +#: cps/templates/search.html:34 cps/templates/shelf.html:23 +msgid "Sort title in reverse alphabetical order" +msgstr "Triediť podľa názvu v obrátenom abecednom poradí" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:30 cps/templates/index.html:80 +#: cps/templates/search.html:37 cps/templates/shelf.html:26 +msgid "Sort according to publishing date, newest first" +msgstr "Triediť podľa dátumu vydania, najnovšie najskôr" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:31 cps/templates/index.html:81 +#: cps/templates/search.html:38 cps/templates/shelf.html:27 +msgid "Sort according to publishing date, oldest first" +msgstr "Triediť podľa dátumu vydania, najstaršie najskôr" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:56 cps/templates/author.html:115 +#: cps/templates/index.html:30 cps/templates/index.html:113 +#: cps/templates/search.html:67 cps/templates/shelf.html:55 +msgid "reduce" +msgstr "znížiť" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:99 +msgid "More by" +msgstr "Viac od" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:11 +msgid "Delete Book" +msgstr "Zmazať knihu" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:14 +msgid "Delete formats:" +msgstr "Zmazať formáty:" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:25 +msgid "Convert book format:" +msgstr "Previesť knihu s formátom:" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:30 +msgid "Convert from:" +msgstr "Previesť z:" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:32 cps/templates/book_edit.html:39 +msgid "select an option" +msgstr "vybrať možnosť" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:37 +msgid "Convert to:" +msgstr "Previesť do:" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:46 +msgid "Convert book" +msgstr "Previesť knihu" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:56 cps/templates/search_form.html:8 +msgid "Book Title" +msgstr "Názov knihy" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:63 cps/templates/book_edit.html:271 +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:289 cps/templates/search_form.html:12 +msgid "Author" +msgstr "Autor" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:68 cps/templates/book_edit.html:276 +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:291 cps/templates/search_form.html:153 +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Popis" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:73 +msgid "Identifiers" +msgstr "Identifikátory" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:77 cps/templates/book_edit.html:300 +msgid "Identifier Type" +msgstr "Typ identifikátora" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:78 cps/templates/book_edit.html:301 +msgid "Identifier Value" +msgstr "Hodnota identifikátora" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:79 cps/templates/book_edit.html:302 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:24 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Odstrániť" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:83 +msgid "Add Identifier" +msgstr "Pridať identifikátor" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:87 cps/templates/search_form.html:51 +msgid "Tags" +msgstr "Značka" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:95 +msgid "Series ID" +msgstr "ID série" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:99 +msgid "Rating" +msgstr "Hodnotenie" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:104 +msgid "Fetch Cover from URL (JPEG - Image will be downloaded and stored in database)" +msgstr "Načítať obálku z URL (JPEG-obrázok sa stiahne a uloží v databáze)" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:108 +msgid "Upload Cover from Local Disk" +msgstr "Nahrať obálku knihy z miestneho disku" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:113 +msgid "Published Date" +msgstr "Dátum vydania" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:122 cps/templates/book_edit.html:273 +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:290 cps/templates/detail.html:192 +#: cps/templates/listenmp3.html:102 cps/templates/search_form.html:16 +msgid "Publisher" +msgstr "Vydavateľ" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:126 cps/templates/detail.html:157 +#: cps/templates/listenmp3.html:69 cps/templates/user_edit.html:33 +msgid "Language" +msgstr "Jazyk" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:136 cps/templates/search_form.html:45 +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:164 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Áno" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:137 cps/templates/search_form.html:46 +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:165 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nie" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:201 +msgid "Upload Format" +msgstr "Formát nahrávania" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:209 +msgid "View Book on Save" +msgstr "Zobraziť knihu pri ukladaní" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:212 cps/templates/book_edit.html:230 +msgid "Fetch Metadata" +msgstr "Načítať metadáta" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:213 cps/templates/config_db.html:53 +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:409 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:174 +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:65 cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:44 +#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:25 cps/templates/shelf_order.html:41 +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:142 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Uložiť" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:233 +msgid "Keyword" +msgstr "Kľúčové slovo" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:234 +msgid "Search keyword" +msgstr "Vyhľadať kľúčové slovo" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:240 +msgid "Click the cover to load metadata to the form" +msgstr "Kliknite na oblálku aby ste načítali metadáta do formulára" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:247 cps/templates/book_edit.html:286 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Načítava sa..." + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:251 cps/templates/layout.html:78 +#: cps/templates/layout.html:203 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:34 +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:163 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Zatvoriť" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:278 cps/templates/book_edit.html:292 +msgid "Source" +msgstr "Zdroj" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:287 +msgid "Search error!" +msgstr "Chyba pri vyhľadávaní!" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:288 +msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword." +msgstr "Nič sa nenaslo! Skúste, prosím iné kľúčové slovo." + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100 +msgid "This Field is Required" +msgstr "Toto pole je povinné" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37 +msgid "Merge selected books" +msgstr "Zlúčiť vybrané knihy" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124 +msgid "Remove Selections" +msgstr "Odstrániť výbery" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41 +msgid "Exchange author and title" +msgstr "Vymeniť autora a názov" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47 +msgid "Update Title Sort automatically" +msgstr "Automaticky aktualizovať triedenie podľa názvu" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51 +msgid "Update Author Sort automatically" +msgstr "Automaticky aktualizovať triedeni podľa autora" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69 +msgid "Enter Title" +msgstr "Zadajte názov" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24 +#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8 +msgid "Title" +msgstr "Názov" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64 +msgid "Enter Title Sort" +msgstr "Zadajte triedenie podľa názvu knihy" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64 +msgid "Title Sort" +msgstr "Triedenie podľa názvu knihy" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65 +msgid "Enter Author Sort" +msgstr "Zadajte triedenie podľa autora knihy" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65 +msgid "Author Sort" +msgstr "Triedenie podľa autora knihy" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66 +msgid "Enter Authors" +msgstr "Zadajte autorov" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67 +msgid "Enter Categories" +msgstr "Zadajte kategórie" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 +msgid "Enter Series" +msgstr "Zadajte série" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69 +msgid "Series Index" +msgstr "Číslo v sérii" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70 +msgid "Enter Languages" +msgstr "Zadajte jazyky" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71 +msgid "Publishing Date" +msgstr "Dátum vydania" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72 +msgid "Enter Publishers" +msgstr "Zadajte vydavateľov" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:73 +msgid "Enter comments" +msgstr "Zadajte komentáre" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:73 +msgid "Comments" +msgstr "Komentáre" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 +msgid "Archive Status" +msgstr "Stav archivácie" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:77 cps/templates/search_form.html:42 +msgid "Read Status" +msgstr "Stav čítania" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80 cps/templates/book_table.html:82 +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84 cps/templates/book_table.html:86 +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:90 cps/templates/book_table.html:92 +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:96 +msgid "Enter " +msgstr "Zadať " + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:113 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46 +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:36 +msgid "Are you really sure?" +msgstr "Naozaj to chcete?" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:117 +msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:" +msgstr "Kniha z názvom bude zlúčená s:" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:121 +msgid "Into Book with Title:" +msgstr "Na knihu s názvom:" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:126 +msgid "Merge" +msgstr "Zlúčiť" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:12 +msgid "Location of Calibre Database" +msgstr "Umiestnenie databázy Calibre" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:22 +msgid "Use Google Drive?" +msgstr "Používať Google Drive?" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:27 +msgid "Authenticate Google Drive" +msgstr "Autentifikovať Google Drive" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:32 +msgid "Google Drive Calibre folder" +msgstr "Calibre zložka na Google Drive" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:40 +msgid "Metadata Watch Channel ID" +msgstr "ID kanála na sledovanie metadát" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:43 +msgid "Revoke" +msgstr "Zrušiť" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:68 +msgid "New db location is invalid, please enter valid path" +msgstr "Nové umiestnenie databáze nie je platné, zadajte prosím správnu cestu" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:18 +msgid "Server Configuration" +msgstr "Konfigurácia servera" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:25 +msgid "Server Port" +msgstr "Port servera" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:28 +msgid "SSL certfile location (leave it empty for non-SSL Servers)" +msgstr "Umiestnenie SSL certifikačného súboru (ponechať prázdne pre nie-SSL servery)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:35 +msgid "SSL Keyfile location (leave it empty for non-SSL Servers)" +msgstr "Umiestnenie SSL súboru s kľúčom (ponechať prázdne pre nie-SSL servery)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:43 +msgid "Update Channel" +msgstr "Aktualizovať kanál" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:45 +msgid "Stable" +msgstr "Stabilný" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:46 +msgid "Nightly" +msgstr "Nočný" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:50 +msgid "Trusted Hosts (Comma Separated)" +msgstr "Hostitelia s dôverou (oddelené čiarkou)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:61 +msgid "Logfile Configuration" +msgstr "Konfigurácia súboru denníka" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:77 +msgid "Location and name of logfile (calibre-web.log for no entry)" +msgstr "Umiestnenie a meno denníkového súboru (calibre-web.log keď nezadané)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:82 +msgid "Enable Access Log" +msgstr "Povoliť denník pristupu" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:85 +msgid "Location and name of access logfile (access.log for no entry)" +msgstr "Umiestnenie a meno denníkového súboru pre prístup (access.log keď nezadané)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:96 +msgid "Feature Configuration" +msgstr "Konfigurácia funkčnosti" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:104 +msgid "Convert non-English characters in title and author while saving to disk" +msgstr "Previesť neanglické znaky v názve a mene autora počas ukladania na disk" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:108 +msgid "Enable Uploads" +msgstr "Povoliť nahrávanie" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:108 +msgid "(Please ensure that users also have upload permissions)" +msgstr "(Zaistite, prosím, že používateľ má tiež právo nahrávať)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:112 +msgid "Allowed Upload Fileformats" +msgstr "Povolené formáty pre nahrávanie" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:118 +msgid "Enable Anonymous Browsing" +msgstr "Povoliť anonymné prechádzanie" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:122 +msgid "Enable Public Registration" +msgstr "Povoliť verejnú registráciu" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:127 +msgid "Use Email as Username" +msgstr "Použiť e-mailovú adresu ako meno používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:132 +msgid "Enable Magic Link Remote Login" +msgstr "Povoliť vzdialené prihlasovanie Magic Link" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:137 +msgid "Enable Kobo sync" +msgstr "Povoliť synchronizáciu Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:142 +msgid "Proxy unknown requests to Kobo Store" +msgstr "Proxy neznáme žiadosti na obchod Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:145 +msgid "Server External Port (for port forwarded API calls)" +msgstr "Externý port servera (pre portovo preposielané API volania)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:153 +msgid "Use Goodreads" +msgstr "Použiť Goodreads" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:154 +msgid "Create an API Key" +msgstr "Vytvoriť kľúč API" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:158 +msgid "Goodreads API Key" +msgstr "Goodreads API kľúč" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:162 +msgid "Goodreads API Secret" +msgstr "Goodreads API tajomstvo" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:169 +msgid "Allow Reverse Proxy Authentication" +msgstr "Povoliť reverznú proxy autentifikáciu" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:180 +msgid "Login type" +msgstr "Typ prihlásenia" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:182 +msgid "Use Standard Authentication" +msgstr "Použiť štandardnú autentifikáciu" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:184 +msgid "Use LDAP Authentication" +msgstr "Použiť LDAP autentifikáciu" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:187 +msgid "Use OAuth" +msgstr "Použiť OAuth" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:194 +msgid "LDAP Server Host Name or IP Address" +msgstr "Hostiteľské meno alebo IP adresa LDAP servera" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:198 +msgid "LDAP Server Port" +msgstr "Port LDAP servera" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:202 +msgid "LDAP Encryption" +msgstr "LDAP šifrovanie" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:205 +msgid "TLS" +msgstr "TLS" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:206 +msgid "SSL" +msgstr "SSL" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:210 +msgid "LDAP CACertificate Path (Only needed for Client Certificate Authentication)" +msgstr "Cesta k LDAP CA-certifikátu (potrebná iba pre autentifikáciu certifikátom klienta)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:217 +msgid "LDAP Certificate Path (Only needed for Client Certificate Authentication)" +msgstr "Cesta k LDAP certifikátu (potrebná iba pre autentifikáciu certifikátom klienta)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:224 +msgid "LDAP Keyfile Path (Only needed for Client Certificate Authentication)" +msgstr "Cesta k LDAP súboru kľúča (potrebná iba pre autentifikáciu certifikátom klienta)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:233 +msgid "LDAP Authentication" +msgstr "LDAP autentifikácia" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:235 +msgid "Anonymous" +msgstr "Anonymný" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:236 +msgid "Unauthenticated" +msgstr "Neautentifikovaný" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:237 +msgid "Simple" +msgstr "Jednoduchý" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:242 +msgid "LDAP Administrator Username" +msgstr "Meno používateľa pre LDAP správcu" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:248 +msgid "LDAP Administrator Password" +msgstr "Heslo pre LDAP správcu" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:253 +msgid "LDAP Distinguished Name (DN)" +msgstr "LDAP rozlišovacie meno (DN)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:257 +msgid "LDAP User Object Filter" +msgstr "Filter pre LDAP objekt používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:262 +msgid "LDAP Server is OpenLDAP?" +msgstr "LDAP server je OpenLDAP?" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:264 +msgid "Following Settings are Needed For User Import" +msgstr "Pre import používateľa sú potrebné nasledovné nastavenia" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:266 +msgid "LDAP Group Object Filter" +msgstr "Filter pre LDAP objekt skupiny" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:270 +msgid "LDAP Group Name" +msgstr "Meno LDAP skupiny" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:274 +msgid "LDAP Group Members Field" +msgstr "Pole členov LDAP skupiny" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:278 +msgid "LDAP Member User Filter Detection" +msgstr "Detekcia filtra pre LDAP členstvo používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:280 +msgid "Autodetect" +msgstr "Automatická detekcia" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:281 +msgid "Custom Filter" +msgstr "Filter používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:286 +msgid "LDAP Member User Filter" +msgstr "Filter pre LDAP členstvo požívateľa" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:297 +#, python-format +msgid "Obtain %(provider)s OAuth Credential" +msgstr "Získať OAuth prístupové údaje pre %(provider)s" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:300 +#, python-format +msgid "%(provider)s OAuth Client Id" +msgstr "%(provider)s OAuth klientské ID" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:304 +#, python-format +msgid "%(provider)s OAuth Client Secret" +msgstr "%(provider)s OAuth klientské tajomstvo" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:320 +msgid "External binaries" +msgstr "Externé binárky" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:326 +msgid "Path to Calibre E-Book Converter" +msgstr "Cesta k Calibre prevádzaču e-kníh" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:334 +msgid "Calibre E-Book Converter Settings" +msgstr "Nastavenie Calibre prevádzača e-kníh" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:337 +msgid "Path to Kepubify E-Book Converter" +msgstr "Cesta Kepubify prevádzaču e-kníh" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:345 +msgid "Location of Unrar binary" +msgstr "Binárny súbor pre Unrar sa nenašiel" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:361 +msgid "Security Settings" +msgstr "Bezpečnostné nastavenia" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:369 +msgid "Limit failed login attempts" +msgstr "Obmedziť neúspešné pokusy o prihlásenie" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:372 +msgid "Session protection" +msgstr "Ochrana sedenia" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:374 +msgid "Basic" +msgstr "Základná" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:375 +msgid "Strong" +msgstr "Silná" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:380 +msgid "User Password policy" +msgstr "Zásady pre používateľské heslá" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:384 +msgid "Minimum password length" +msgstr "Minimálna dĺžka hesla" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:389 +msgid "Enforce number" +msgstr "Vyžadovať číslo" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:393 +msgid "Enforce lowercase characters" +msgstr "Vyžadovať malé písmená" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:397 +msgid "Enforce uppercase characters" +msgstr "Vyžadovať veľké písmená" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:401 +msgid "Enforce special characters" +msgstr "Vyžadovať špeciálne znaky" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:17 +msgid "View Configuration" +msgstr "Zobraziť konfiguráciu" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:32 +msgid "No. of Random Books to Display" +msgstr "Počet kníh na náhodné zobrazenie" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:36 +msgid "No. of Authors to Display Before Hiding (0=Disable Hiding)" +msgstr "Počet autorov na zobrazenie pred ukrytím (0=Zakázať ukrývanie)" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:40 cps/templates/readcbr.html:101 +msgid "Theme" +msgstr "Téma" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:42 +msgid "Standard Theme" +msgstr "Štandardná téma" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:43 +msgid "caliBlur! Dark Theme" +msgstr "tmavá téma caliBlur!" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:47 +msgid "Regular Expression for Ignoring Columns" +msgstr "Regulárny výraz pre ignorované stĺpce" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:51 +msgid "Link Read/Unread Status to Calibre Column" +msgstr "Prepojiť stav Prečítané/Neprečítané do Calibre stĺpca" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:60 +msgid "View Restrictions based on Calibre column" +msgstr "Zobraziť obmedzenia založené na Calibre stĺpcoch" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:69 +msgid "Regular Expression for Title Sorting" +msgstr "Regulárny výraz pre triedenie podľa názvu knihy" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:80 +msgid "Default Settings for New Users" +msgstr "Predvolené nastavenia pre nových používateľov" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:88 cps/templates/user_edit.html:96 +msgid "Admin User" +msgstr "Používateľ Správca" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:92 cps/templates/user_edit.html:101 +msgid "Allow Downloads" +msgstr "Povoliť sťahovanie" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:96 cps/templates/user_edit.html:105 +msgid "Allow eBook Viewer" +msgstr "Povoliť zobrazovač e-knihy" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:101 cps/templates/user_edit.html:110 +msgid "Allow Uploads" +msgstr "Povoliť nahrávanie" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:106 cps/templates/user_edit.html:115 +msgid "Allow Edit" +msgstr "Povoliť úpravu" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:111 cps/templates/user_edit.html:120 +msgid "Allow Delete Books" +msgstr "Povoliť mazanie kníh" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:126 +msgid "Allow Changing Password" +msgstr "Povoliť zmenu hesla" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:120 cps/templates/user_edit.html:130 +msgid "Allow Editing Public Shelves" +msgstr "Povoliť úpravu verejných políc" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:123 +msgid "Default Language" +msgstr "Predvolený jazyk" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:131 +msgid "Default Visible Language of Books" +msgstr "Predvolené viditeľné jazyky pre knihy" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:147 +msgid "Default Visibilities for New Users" +msgstr "Predvolené viditeľnosti pre nových používateľov" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:163 cps/templates/user_edit.html:84 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:154 +msgid "Show Random Books in Detail View" +msgstr "Ukázať náhodné knihy v detailnom zobrazení" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:166 cps/templates/user_edit.html:87 +msgid "Add Allowed/Denied Tags" +msgstr "Pridať Povolené/Zakázané značky" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:167 +msgid "Add Allowed/Denied custom column values" +msgstr "Pridať Povolené/Zakázané používateľom definované hodnoty stĺpca" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:77 cps/templates/detail.html:91 +msgid "Read in Browser" +msgstr "Čítať v prezerači" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:100 cps/templates/detail.html:120 +msgid "Listen in Browser" +msgstr "Počúvať v prezerači" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:150 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:62 +#, python-format +msgid "Book %(index)s of %(range)s" +msgstr "Kniha %(index)s z %(range)s" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:201 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:111 +msgid "Published" +msgstr "Vydané" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:250 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:158 +msgid "Mark As Unread" +msgstr "Označiť ako neprečítané" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:251 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:158 +msgid "Mark As Read" +msgstr "Označiť ako prečítané" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:253 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:159 +msgid "Read" +msgstr "Čítať" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:263 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:166 +msgid "Restore from archive" +msgstr "Obnoviť z archívu" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:264 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:166 +msgid "Add to archive" +msgstr "Pridať do archívu" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:266 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:167 +msgid "Archived" +msgstr "Archivovaný" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:277 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:177 +msgid "Description:" +msgstr "Popis:" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:292 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:190 +#: cps/templates/search.html:16 +msgid "Add to shelf" +msgstr "Pridať do police" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:304 cps/templates/detail.html:323 +#: cps/templates/feed.xml:81 cps/templates/layout.html:154 +#: cps/templates/listenmp3.html:201 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:218 +#: cps/templates/search.html:22 +msgid "(Public)" +msgstr "(Verejné)" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:339 +msgid "Edit Metadata" +msgstr "Upraviť metadáta" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:13 +msgid "Email Account Type" +msgstr "Typ e-mailového účtu" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:15 +msgid "Standard Email Account" +msgstr "Štandardný e-mailový účet" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:16 +msgid "Gmail Account" +msgstr "Gmail účet" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:22 +msgid "Setup Gmail Account" +msgstr "Nastaviť Gmail účet" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:24 +msgid "Revoke Gmail Access" +msgstr "Zrušiť Gmail účet" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:42 +msgid "STARTTLS" +msgstr "STARTTLS" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:43 +msgid "SSL/TLS" +msgstr "SSL/TLS" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:51 +msgid "SMTP Password" +msgstr "SMTP heslo" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:58 +msgid "Attachment Size Limit" +msgstr "Limit pre veľkosť prílohy" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:66 +msgid "Save and Send Test Email" +msgstr "Uložiť a poslať testovací e-mail" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:70 cps/templates/layout.html:26 +#: cps/templates/shelf_order.html:42 cps/templates/user_table.html:174 +msgid "Back" +msgstr "Naspäť" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:74 +msgid "Allowed Domains (Whitelist)" +msgstr "Povolené domény (Biely zoznam)" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:78 cps/templates/email_edit.html:105 +msgid "Add Domain" +msgstr "Pridať doménu" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:81 cps/templates/email_edit.html:108 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:27 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "Pridať" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:86 cps/templates/email_edit.html:96 +msgid "Enter domainname" +msgstr "Zadajte doménové meno" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:92 +msgid "Denied Domains (Blacklist)" +msgstr "Zakázané domény (Čierny zoznam)" + +#: cps/templates/feed.xml:22 cps/templates/layout.html:187 +msgid "Next" +msgstr "Ďalší" + +#: cps/templates/generate_kobo_auth_url.html:6 +msgid "Open the .kobo/Kobo/Kobo eReader.conf file in a text editor and add (or edit):" +msgstr "Otvoriť súbor .kobo/Kobo/Kobo eReader.conf v textovom editore a pridať (alebo upraviť):" + +#: cps/templates/generate_kobo_auth_url.html:11 +msgid "Kobo Token:" +msgstr "Kobo žetón:" + +#: cps/templates/grid.html:21 +msgid "List" +msgstr "Zoznam" + +#: cps/templates/http_error.html:34 +msgid "Calibre-Web Instance is unconfigured, please contact your administrator" +msgstr "Inštancia Calibre-Web nie je nastavené, kontaktujte prosím vašeho správcu" + +#: cps/templates/http_error.html:44 +msgid "Create Issue" +msgstr "Vytvoriť hlásenie problému" + +#: cps/templates/http_error.html:51 +msgid "Return to Home" +msgstr "Návrat domov" + +#: cps/templates/http_error.html:53 +msgid "Logout User" +msgstr "Odhlásiť používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:71 +msgid "Sort ascending according to download count" +msgstr "Zotriediť podľa počtu stiahnutí vzostupne" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:72 +msgid "Sort descending according to download count" +msgstr "Zotriediť podľa počtu stiahnutí zostupne" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:78 cps/templates/search.html:35 +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:24 +msgid "Sort authors in alphabetical order" +msgstr "Zotriediť autorov v abecednom poradí" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:79 cps/templates/search.html:36 +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:25 +msgid "Sort authors in reverse alphabetical order" +msgstr "Zotriediť autorov v obrátenom abecednom poradí" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:83 +msgid "Sort ascending according to series index" +msgstr "Zotriediť podľa čísla série vzostupne" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:84 +msgid "Sort descending according to series index" +msgstr "Zotriediť podľa čísla série zostupne" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:7 +msgid "Start" +msgstr "Začať" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:19 +msgid "Alphabetical Books" +msgstr "Knihy podľa abecedy" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:23 +msgid "Books sorted alphabetically" +msgstr "Knihy zotriedené podľa abecedy" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:30 +msgid "Popular publications from this catalog based on Downloads." +msgstr "Populárne publikácie z tohoto katalógu založené na počte stiahnutí." + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:37 +msgid "Popular publications from this catalog based on Rating." +msgstr "Populárne publikácie z tohoto katalógu založené na hodnotení." + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:40 +msgid "Recently added Books" +msgstr "Naposledy pridané knihy" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:44 +msgid "The latest Books" +msgstr "Najnovšie knihy" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:47 +msgid "Random Books" +msgstr "Náhodné knihy" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:74 +msgid "Books ordered by Author" +msgstr "Knihy usporiadané podľa autora" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:81 +msgid "Books ordered by publisher" +msgstr "Knihy usporiadané podľa vydavateľa" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:88 +msgid "Books ordered by category" +msgstr "Knihy usporiadané podľa kategórie" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:95 +msgid "Books ordered by series" +msgstr "Knihy usporiadané podľa série" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:102 +msgid "Books ordered by Languages" +msgstr "Knihy usporiadané podľa jazyka" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:109 +msgid "Books ordered by Rating" +msgstr "Knihy usporiadané podľa hodnotenia" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:117 +msgid "Books ordered by file formats" +msgstr "Knihy usporiadané podľa súborových formátov" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:120 cps/templates/layout.html:152 +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:87 +msgid "Shelves" +msgstr "Police" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:124 +msgid "Books organized in shelves" +msgstr "Knihy organizované v policiach" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:26 cps/templates/login.html:30 +msgid "Home" +msgstr "Domov" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:32 +msgid "Toggle Navigation" +msgstr "Prepnúť navigáciu" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:47 +msgid "Search Library" +msgstr "Prehľadávať knižnicu" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:65 cps/templates/layout.html:94 +msgid "Account" +msgstr "Účet" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:71 cps/templates/layout.html:96 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "Odhlásiť sa" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:78 cps/templates/layout.html:134 +msgid "Uploading..." +msgstr "Nahráva sa..." + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:78 +msgid "Error" +msgstr "Chyba" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:78 +msgid "Upload done, processing, please wait..." +msgstr "Nahrávanie ukončené, spracováva sa, počkajte prosím..." + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:91 cps/templates/read.html:76 +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:70 cps/templates/readcbr.html:96 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Nastavenia" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:135 +msgid "Please do not refresh the page" +msgstr "Prosím, neskúšajte znovu načítať stránku" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:145 +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "Prechádzať" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:158 cps/templates/stats.html:3 +msgid "About" +msgstr "O programe" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:172 +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "Predchádzajúci" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:199 +msgid "Book Details" +msgstr "Detailu o knihe" + +#: cps/templates/list.html:22 +msgid "Grid" +msgstr "Mriežka" + +#: cps/templates/login.html:18 +msgid "Remember Me" +msgstr "Zapamätať si ma" + +#: cps/templates/login.html:23 +msgid "Forgot Password?" +msgstr "Zabudli ste heslo?" + +#: cps/templates/login.html:34 +msgid "Log in with Magic Link" +msgstr "Prihlásiť sa cez Magic Link" + +#: cps/templates/logviewer.html:6 +msgid "Show Calibre-Web Log: " +msgstr "Ukázať Calibre-Web denník " + +#: cps/templates/logviewer.html:8 +msgid "Calibre-Web Log: " +msgstr "Calibre-Web denník: " + +#: cps/templates/logviewer.html:8 +msgid "Stream output, can't be displayed" +msgstr "Prúdový výstup, nedá sa zobraziť" + +#: cps/templates/logviewer.html:12 +msgid "Show Access Log: " +msgstr "Ukázať denník prístupu: " + +#: cps/templates/logviewer.html:18 +msgid "Download Calibre-Web Log" +msgstr "Stiahnuť Calibre-Web denník" + +#: cps/templates/logviewer.html:21 +msgid "Download Access Log" +msgstr "Stiahnuť denník prístupu" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:6 +msgid "Select Allowed/Denied Tags" +msgstr "Vybrať Povolené/Zakázané značky" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:7 +msgid "Select Allowed/Denied Custom Column Values" +msgstr "Vybrať Povolené/Zakázané používateľom definované hodnoty stĺpca" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:8 +msgid "Select Allowed/Denied Tags of User" +msgstr "Vybrať Povolené/Zakázané značky pre používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:9 +msgid "Select Allowed/Denied Custom Column Values of User" +msgstr "Vybrať Povolené/Zakázané používateľom definované hodnoty stĺpca pre používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:15 +msgid "Enter Tag" +msgstr "Zadať štítok" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:24 +msgid "Add View Restriction" +msgstr "Pridať obmedzenie zobrazenia" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:50 +msgid "This book format will be permanently erased from database" +msgstr "Tento formát knihy bude navždy vymazaný z databázy" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:51 +msgid "This book will be permanently erased from database" +msgstr "Táto kniha bude navždy vymazaná z databázy" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:52 +msgid "and hard disk" +msgstr "a pevný disk" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:56 +msgid "Important Kobo Note: deleted books will remain on any paired Kobo device." +msgstr "Dôležitá poznámka pre Kobo: zmazané knihy zostanú na každom spárovanom Kobo zariadení." + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:57 +msgid "Books must first be archived and the device synced before a book can safely be deleted." +msgstr "Kniha musí byť najskôr archivovaná a zariadenie synchronizované pred tým než môže byť kniha bezpečne zmazaná." + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:76 +msgid "Choose File Location" +msgstr "Vyberte umiestnenie súboru" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:82 +msgid "type" +msgstr "typ" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:83 +msgid "name" +msgstr "meno" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:84 +msgid "size" +msgstr "veľkosť" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:90 +msgid "Parent Directory" +msgstr "Rodičovský adresár" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:98 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Vybrať" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:134 cps/templates/tasks.html:45 +msgid "Ok" +msgstr "Ok" + +#: cps/templates/osd.xml:5 +msgid "Calibre-Web eBook Catalog" +msgstr "Katalóg e-kníh Calibre-Web" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:6 +msgid "epub Reader" +msgstr "čítačka epub" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:81 cps/templates/readcbr.html:104 +msgid "Light" +msgstr "Svetlé" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:82 cps/templates/readcbr.html:105 +msgid "Dark" +msgstr "Tmavé" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:83 +msgid "Sepia" +msgstr "Sépia" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:84 +msgid "Black" +msgstr "Čierne" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:88 +msgid "Reflow text when sidebars are open." +msgstr "Preformátovať text keď sú otvorené bočné panely." + +#: cps/templates/read.html:93 +msgid "Font Sizes" +msgstr "Veľkosť písma" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:8 +msgid "Comic Reader" +msgstr "Čítačka komiksov" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:75 +msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "Klávesové skratky" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:78 +msgid "Previous Page" +msgstr "Predchádzajúca stránka" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:79 cps/templates/readcbr.html:159 +msgid "Next Page" +msgstr "Nasledujúca stránka" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:80 +msgid "Single Page Display" +msgstr "Zobrazenie na jednej stránke" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:81 +msgid "Long Strip Display" +msgstr "Zobrazenie dlhý pás" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:82 +msgid "Scale to Best" +msgstr "Zmeniť mierku na najlepšie" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:83 +msgid "Scale to Width" +msgstr "Zmeniť mierku na šírku" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:84 +msgid "Scale to Height" +msgstr "Zmeniť mierku na výšku" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:85 +msgid "Scale to Native" +msgstr "Zmeniť mierku na prirodzenú" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:86 +msgid "Rotate Right" +msgstr "Otočiť doprava" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:87 +msgid "Rotate Left" +msgstr "Otočiť doľava" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:88 +msgid "Flip Image" +msgstr "Prevrátiť obrázok" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:110 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Zobraziť" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:113 +msgid "Single Page" +msgstr "Jedna stránka" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:114 +msgid "Long Strip" +msgstr "Dlhý pás" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:119 +msgid "Scale" +msgstr "Mierka" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:122 +msgid "Best" +msgstr "Najlepšie" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:123 +msgid "Width" +msgstr "Na výšku" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:124 +msgid "Height" +msgstr "Na šírku" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:125 +msgid "Native" +msgstr "Prirodzené" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:130 +msgid "Rotate" +msgstr "Otočiť" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:141 +msgid "Flip" +msgstr "Prevrátiť" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:144 +msgid "Horizontal" +msgstr "Horizontálne" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:145 +msgid "Vertical" +msgstr "Vertikálne" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:150 +msgid "Direction" +msgstr "Smer" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:153 +msgid "Left to Right" +msgstr "Zľava doprava" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:154 +msgid "Right to Left" +msgstr "Sprava doľava" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:162 +msgid "Reset to Top" +msgstr "Resetovať na vrch" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:163 +msgid "Remember Position" +msgstr "Zapamätať si pozíciu" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:168 +msgid "Scrollbar" +msgstr "Posúvatko" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:171 +msgid "Show" +msgstr "Ukázať" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:172 +msgid "Hide" +msgstr "Skryť" + +#: cps/templates/readdjvu.html:5 +msgid "DJVU Reader" +msgstr "DJVU čítačka" + +#: cps/templates/readpdf.html:32 +msgid "PDF Reader" +msgstr "PDF čítačka" + +#: cps/templates/readtxt.html:6 +msgid "txt Reader" +msgstr "textová čítačka" + +#: cps/templates/register.html:4 +msgid "Register New Account" +msgstr "Registrovať nový účet" + +#: cps/templates/register.html:10 +msgid "Choose a username" +msgstr "Vyberte si meno používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/register.html:15 +msgid "Your Email" +msgstr "Váš e-mail" + +#: cps/templates/remote_login.html:5 +msgid "Magic Link - Authorise New Device" +msgstr "Magic Link - Autorizovať nové zariadenie" + +#: cps/templates/remote_login.html:7 +msgid "On another device, login and visit:" +msgstr "Na inom zariadení, prihlásiť sa a navštíviť:" + +#: cps/templates/remote_login.html:11 +msgid "Once verified, you will automatically be logged in on this device." +msgstr "Po verifikácii budete automaticky prihlásený na tomto zariadení." + +#: cps/templates/remote_login.html:14 +msgid "This verification link will expire in 10 minutes." +msgstr "Toto verifikačné prepojenie expiruje za 10 minút." + +#: cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:33 +msgid "Generate Series Cover Thumbnails" +msgstr "Vygenerovať náhľady obálok kníh pre série" + +#: cps/templates/search.html:6 +msgid "No Results Found" +msgstr "Nič sa nenašlo" + +#: cps/templates/search.html:7 +msgid "Search Term:" +msgstr "Vyhľadať výraz:" + +#: cps/templates/search.html:9 +msgid "Results for:" +msgstr "Výsledky pre:" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:21 +msgid "Published Date From" +msgstr "Dátum vydania od" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:31 +msgid "Published Date To" +msgstr "Dátum vydania do" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:59 +msgid "Exclude Tags" +msgstr "Vylúčiť značky" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:77 +msgid "Exclude Series" +msgstr "Vylúčiť série" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:95 +msgid "Exclude Shelves" +msgstr "Vylúčiť police" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:115 +msgid "Exclude Languages" +msgstr "Vylúčiť jazyky" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:126 +msgid "Extensions" +msgstr "Rozšírenia" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:134 +msgid "Exclude Extensions" +msgstr "Vylúčiť rozšírenia" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:144 +msgid "Rating Above" +msgstr "Hodnotenie lepšie ako" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:148 +msgid "Rating Below" +msgstr "Hodnotenie horšie ako" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:180 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Od:" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:190 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Do:" + +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:13 +msgid "Delete this Shelf" +msgstr "Zmazať túto poličku" + +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:14 +msgid "Edit Shelf Properties" +msgstr "Upraviť vlastnosti police" + +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:17 +msgid "Arrange books manually" +msgstr "Usporiadať knihy manuálne" + +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:18 +msgid "Disable Change order" +msgstr "Znemožniť zmenu poradia" + +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:18 +msgid "Enable Change order" +msgstr "Povoloť zmenu poradia" + +#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:14 +msgid "Share with Everyone" +msgstr "Zdieľať s kýmkoľvek" + +#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:21 +msgid "Sync this shelf with Kobo device" +msgstr "Synchronizovať túto policu so zariadením Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/shelf_order.html:5 +msgid "Drag to Rearrange Order" +msgstr "Potiahnite pre zmenu poradia" + +#: cps/templates/shelf_order.html:33 +msgid "Hidden Book" +msgstr "Skryté chyby" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:7 +msgid "Library Statistics" +msgstr "Štatistiky police" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:12 +msgid "Books in this Library" +msgstr "Knihy v tejto knižnici" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:16 +msgid "Authors in this Library" +msgstr "Autori v tejto knižnici" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:20 +msgid "Categories in this Library" +msgstr "Kategórie v tejto knižnici" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:24 +msgid "Series in this Library" +msgstr "Série v tejto knižnici" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:29 +msgid "System Statistics" +msgstr "Systémove štatistiky" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:33 +msgid "Program" +msgstr "Program" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:34 +msgid "Installed Version" +msgstr "Nainštalovaná verzia" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:12 +msgid "User" +msgstr "Používateľ" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:14 +msgid "Task" +msgstr "Úloha" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:15 +msgid "Status" +msgstr "Stav" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:16 +msgid "Progress" +msgstr "Pokrok" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:17 +msgid "Run Time" +msgstr "Čas spustenia" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:20 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "Akcie" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:40 +msgid "This task will be cancelled. Any progress made by this task will be saved." +msgstr "Táto úloha bude zrušená. Akýkoľvek pokrok vykonaný v tejto úlohe bude uložený." + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:41 +msgid "If this is a scheduled task, it will be re-ran during the next scheduled time." +msgstr "Ak je toto naplánovaná úloha, bude znovu spustená v najbližšom naplánovanom čase." + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:20 +msgid "Reset user Password" +msgstr "Resetovať heslo používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:43 +msgid "Language of Books" +msgstr "Jazyk kníh" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:54 +msgid "OAuth Settings" +msgstr "Nastavenia OAuth" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:56 +msgid "Link" +msgstr "Pripojiť" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:58 +msgid "Unlink" +msgstr "Odpojiť" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:64 +msgid "Kobo Sync Token" +msgstr "Synchronizačný žetón Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:66 +msgid "Create/View" +msgstr "Vytvoriť/Zobraziť" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:70 +msgid "Force full kobo sync" +msgstr "Vynútiť úplnú synchronizáciu Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:88 +msgid "Add allowed/Denied Custom Column Values" +msgstr "Pridať povolené/zakázané užívateľom definovaných hodnôt stĺpca" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:137 +msgid "Sync only books in selected shelves with Kobo" +msgstr "Synchronizovať s Kobo iba knihy vo vybraných policiach" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:147 cps/templates/user_table.html:169 +msgid "Delete User" +msgstr "Zmazať používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:159 +msgid "Generate Kobo Auth URL" +msgstr "Vygenerovať autentifikačné URL pre Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:80 cps/templates/user_table.html:103 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Vybrať..." + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:131 +msgid "Edit User" +msgstr "Upraviť používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:134 +msgid "Enter Username" +msgstr "Upraviť meno používateľa" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:135 +msgid "Enter Email" +msgstr "Zadať e-mail" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:136 +msgid "Enter eReader Email" +msgstr "Zadať e-mail pre čítačku" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:136 +msgid "eReader Email" +msgstr "e-mail pre čítačku" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:137 +msgid "Locale" +msgstr "Nastavenie jazyka" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:138 +msgid "Visible Book Languages" +msgstr "Viditeľné jazyky kníh" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:139 +msgid "Edit Allowed Tags" +msgstr "Upraviť povolené znaťky" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:139 +msgid "Allowed Tags" +msgstr "Povolené značky" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:140 +msgid "Edit Denied Tags" +msgstr "Upraviť zakázané značky" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:140 +msgid "Denied Tags" +msgstr "Zakázané značky" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:141 +msgid "Edit Allowed Column Values" +msgstr "Upraviť povolené hodnoty stĺpca" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:141 +msgid "Allowed Column Values" +msgstr "Povolené hodnoty stĺpca" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:142 +msgid "Edit Denied Column Values" +msgstr "Upraviť zakázané hodnoty stĺpca" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:142 +msgid "Denied Column Values" +msgstr "Zakázané hodnoty stĺpca" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:144 +msgid "Change Password" +msgstr "Zmeniť heslo" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:147 +msgid "View" +msgstr "Zobraziť" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:150 +msgid "Edit Public Shelves" +msgstr "Upraviť verejné police" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:152 +msgid "Sync selected Shelves with Kobo" +msgstr "Synchronizovať vybrané police s Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:156 +msgid "Show Read/Unread Section" +msgstr "Zobraziť sekciu Prečítané/Neprečítané" + diff --git a/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 1f239e46..cc36e490 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index fd88c259..7e2a3e8c 100644 --- a/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-13 11:00+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Jonatan Nyberg \n" "Language: sv\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index cbe5b89a..ed8f1706 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 10b050ac..2d0bd8b8 100644 --- a/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-23 22:47+0300\n" "Last-Translator: iz \n" "Language: tr\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index e7537ae3..dd4ee367 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index a74c07c3..4f02e99b 100644 --- a/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-30 00:47+0300\n" "Last-Translator: ABIS Team \n" "Language: uk\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 2b3636f5..55d290d7 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 82819533..9986d48d 100644 --- a/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-20 21:36+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Ha Link \n" "Language: vi\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 3471ae8c..16e99d0b 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 5cf9ac27..52135ddf 100644 --- a/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 22:18+0800\n" "Last-Translator: xlivevil \n" "Language: zh_CN\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index df1e758d..45c9740b 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 659a1036..b2de1559 100644 --- a/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 22:18+0800\n" "Last-Translator: xlivevil \n" "Language: zh_TW\n" diff --git a/messages.pot b/messages.pot index 293b9b0b..54bac15b 100644 --- a/messages.pot +++ b/messages.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 16:35+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-06 16:47+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"