You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

131 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 esotericnonsense (Daniel Edgecumbe)
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or
import math
import curses
import asyncio
from macros import MIN_WINDOW_SIZE
class NetView(object):
def __init__(self):
self._pad = None
self._visible = False
self._nettotals_history = []
self._window_size = MIN_WINDOW_SIZE
async def _draw(self, deltas):
ph, pw = 20, 100
if self._pad is not None:
self._pad = curses.newpad(ph, pw)
plot_height = (ph-3) // 2
plot_offset = plot_height
chart_offset = 13
chart_width = pw - chart_offset
CGREEN = curses.color_pair(1)
CCYAN = curses.color_pair(2)
CBOLD = curses.A_BOLD
if deltas:
if len(deltas) > chart_width:
deltas = deltas[-chart_width:]
up_str = "Up: {: 9.2f}kB/s".format(deltas[-1][1]/1024).rjust(10)
down_str = "Down: {: 9.2f}kB/s".format(deltas[-1][0]/1024).rjust(10)
total_str = "Total: {: 9.2f}kB/s".format((deltas[-1][0] + deltas[-1][1])/1024).rjust(10)
self._pad.addstr(ph-2, pw-62, up_str, CBOLD + CCYAN)
self._pad.addstr(ph-2, pw-42, down_str, CBOLD + CGREEN)
self._pad.addstr(ph-2, pw-20, total_str, CBOLD)
max_up = max(delta[0] for delta in deltas)
max_down = max(delta[1] for delta in deltas)
max_total = max(max_up, max_down)
if max_total > 0:
if max_up > 0:
height = int(math.ceil((1.0 * plot_height * max_up) / max_total))
self._pad.addstr(plot_offset-height, 1, "{: 5.0f}kB/s".format(max_up//1024).rjust(10), CBOLD)
if max_down > 0:
height = int(math.ceil((1.0 * plot_height * max_down) / max_total))
self._pad.addstr(plot_offset-1+height, 1, "{: 5.0f}kB/s".format(max_down//1024).rjust(10), CBOLD)
for i, delta in enumerate(deltas):
if i > chart_width:
height = int(math.ceil((1.0 * plot_height * deltas[i][0]) / max_total))
for y in range(0, height):
self._pad.addstr(plot_offset-1-y, i+12, " ", CCYAN + CREVERSE)
height = int(math.ceil((1.0 * plot_height * deltas[i][1]) / max_total))
for y in range(0, height):
self._pad.addstr(plot_offset+y, i+12, " ", CGREEN + CREVERSE)
def _draw_pad_to_screen(self):
maxy, maxx = self._window_size
if maxy < 8 or maxx < 3:
return # Can't do it
self._pad.refresh(0, 0, 4, 0, min(maxy-3, maxy-2), min(maxx-1, 100))
async def draw(self):
if self._visible:
deltas = []
if self._nettotals_history:
hist = self._nettotals_history
i = 1
while i < len(hist):
prev = hist[i-1]
current = hist[i]
seconds = (current["timemillis"] - prev["timemillis"]) / 1000
if seconds <= 0:
up = current["totalbytessent"] - prev["totalbytessent"]
down = current["totalbytesrecv"] - prev["totalbytesrecv"]
(up/seconds, down/seconds),
i += 1
await self._draw(deltas)
async def on_nettotals(self, key, obj):
except KeyError:
# Avoid memory leak.
if len(self._nettotals_history) > 500:
self._nettotals_history = self._nettotals_history[:300]
await self.draw()
async def on_mode_change(self, newmode):
if newmode != "net":
self._visible = False
self._visible = True
await self.draw()
async def on_window_resize(self, y, x):
# At the moment we ignore the x size and limit to 100.
self._window_size = (y, x)
await self.draw()