# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 esotericnonsense (Daniel Edgecumbe) # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php import datetime import math import curses import asyncio from decimal import Decimal from macros import MIN_WINDOW_SIZE class MonitorView(object): def __init__(self, client): self._client = client self._pad = None self._visible = False self._lock = asyncio.Lock() self._bestblockhash = None self._bestblockheader = None # raw json blockheader self._bestblock = None # raw json block self._bestcoinbase = None # raw json tx self._dt = None self._window_size = MIN_WINDOW_SIZE def _draw(self): # TODO: figure out window width etc. if self._pad is not None: self._pad.clear() else: self._pad = curses.newpad(20, 100) if self._bestblockheader: bbh = self._bestblockheader self._pad.addstr(0, 1, "Height: {: 8d}".format(bbh["height"])) self._pad.addstr(0, 36, bbh["hash"]) if self._bestblock: bb = self._bestblock self._pad.addstr(1, 1, "Size: {: 8d} bytes Weight: {: 8d} WU".format( bb["size"], bb["weight"] )) self._pad.addstr(1, 64, "Block timestamp: {}".format( datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(bb["time"]), )) if self._dt: stampdelta = int( (self._dt - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(bb["time"])) .total_seconds()) if stampdelta > 3600*3: # probably syncing stampdelta_string = " (syncing)" elif stampdelta > 0: m, s = divmod(stampdelta, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) d, h = divmod(h, 24) stampdelta_string = "({:d}d {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d} by stamp)".format(d,h,m,s) else: stampdelta_string = " (stamp in future)" self._pad.addstr(2, 64, "Age: {}".format( stampdelta_string)) self._pad.addstr(2, 1, "Transactions: {} ({} bytes/tx, {} WU/tx)".format( len(bb["tx"]), bb["size"] // len(bb["tx"]), bb["weight"] // len(bb["tx"]), )) if self._bestcoinbase: bcb = self._bestcoinbase reward = sum(vout["value"] for vout in bcb["vout"]) # TODO: if chain is regtest, this is different halvings = bb["height"] // 210000 block_subsidy = Decimal(50 * (0.5 ** halvings)) total_fees = Decimal(reward) - block_subsidy self._pad.addstr(4, 1, "Block reward: {:.6f} BTC".format( reward)) if len(bb["tx"]) > 1: if reward > 0: fee_pct = total_fees * 100 / Decimal(reward) else: fee_pct = 0 mbtc_per_tx = (total_fees / (len(bb["tx"]) - 1)) * 1000 # 80 bytes for the block header. total_tx_size = bb["size"] - 80 - bcb["size"] if total_tx_size > 0: sat_per_kb = ((total_fees * 1024) / total_tx_size) * 100000000 else: sat_per_kb = 0 self._pad.addstr(4, 34, "Fees: {: 8.6f} BTC ({: 6.2f}%, avg {: 6.2f} mBTC/tx, ~{: 7.0f} sat/kB)".format(total_fees, fee_pct, mbtc_per_tx, sat_per_kb)) self._pad.addstr(6, 1, "Diff: {:,}".format( int(bb["difficulty"]), )) self._pad.addstr(7, 1, "Chain work: 2**{:.6f}".format( math.log(int(bb["chainwork"], 16), 2), )) self._draw_pad_to_screen() def _draw_pad_to_screen(self): maxy, maxx = self._window_size if maxy < 8 or maxx < 3: return # Can't do it self._pad.refresh(0, 0, 4, 0, min(maxy-3, 24), min(maxx-1, 100)) async def draw(self): with await self._lock: self._draw() async def on_bestblockhash(self, key, obj): try: bestblockhash = obj["result"] except KeyError: return draw = False with await self._lock: if bestblockhash != self._bestblockhash: draw = True self._bestblockhash = bestblockhash j = await self._client.request("getblockheader", [bestblockhash]) self._bestblockheader = j["result"] j = await self._client.request("getblock", [bestblockhash]) self._bestblock = j["result"] j = await self._client.request("getrawtransaction", [j["result"]["tx"][0], 1]) self._bestcoinbase = j["result"] if draw and self._visible: await self.draw() async def on_tick(self, dt): with await self._lock: self._dt = dt if self._visible: await self.draw() async def on_mode_change(self, newmode): if newmode != "monitor": self._visible = False return self._visible = True await self.draw() async def on_window_resize(self, y, x): # At the moment we ignore the x size and limit to 100. self._window_size = (y, x) if self._visible: await self.draw()