# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 esotericnonsense (Daniel Edgecumbe) # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php import curses import platform from macros import VERSION_STRING, MIN_WINDOW_SIZE class HeaderView(object): def __init__(self): # one larger than we will ever draw otherwise we can't populate # the bottom-right self._pad = curses.newpad(2, 101) self._platform = "{} {} {}".format( platform.system(), platform.release(), platform.machine(), ) self._subversion = None self._chain = None self._connectioncount = None self._nettotals = None self._balance = None self._window_size = MIN_WINDOW_SIZE def draw(self): # TODO: figure out window width etc. self._pad.clear() CGREEN = curses.color_pair(1) CCYAN = curses.color_pair(2) CRED = curses.color_pair(3) CYELLOW = curses.color_pair(5) CBOLD = curses.A_BOLD colors = { "main": CGREEN + CBOLD, "test": CCYAN + CBOLD, "regtest": CRED + CBOLD, } currencies = { "main": "BTC", "test": "tBC", "regtest": "rBC", } version_color = colors.get(self._chain, CBOLD) currency = currencies.get(self._chain, "???") chn = self._chain if self._chain is not None else "???" self._pad.addstr(0, 1, "{} ({})".format( VERSION_STRING[:30], chn ), version_color) if self._connectioncount is not None: if self._connectioncount > 8: peercolor = CGREEN + CBOLD elif self._connectioncount > 0: peercolor = CBOLD else: peercolor = CRED + CBOLD self._pad.addstr(0, 37, "{: 4d} {}".format( self._connectioncount, "peers" if self._connectioncount != 1 else "peer" ), peercolor) if self._subversion: self._pad.addstr(1, 1, "{} / {}".format( self._platform[:27], self._subversion.strip("/").strip(":")[:18] ), version_color) if self._nettotals is not None: self._pad.addstr(0, 51, "Up: {: 9.2f} MB".format( self._nettotals[1] / 1048576, ), CBOLD + CCYAN) self._pad.addstr(1, 51, "Down: {: 9.2f} MB".format( self._nettotals[0] / 1048576, ), CBOLD + CGREEN) if self._balance is not None: self._pad.addstr(0, 82, "{: 14.8f} {}".format( self._balance[0], currency ), CBOLD) # We only show unconfirmed if we have both unc/imm. So it goes. if self._balance[1] != 0: self._pad.addstr(1, 69, "unconfirmed: {: 14.8f} {}".format( self._balance[1], currency, ), CBOLD + CYELLOW) elif self._balance[2] != 0: self._pad.addstr(1, 72, "immature: {: 14.8f} {}".format( self._balance[2], currency, ), CBOLD + CRED) else: self._pad.addstr(0, 74, "wallet disabled") self._draw_pad_to_screen() def _draw_pad_to_screen(self): maxy, maxx = self._window_size if maxy < 3 or maxx < 3: # can't do it return self._pad.refresh(0, 0, 1, 0, min(maxy, 2), min(maxx-1, 100)) async def on_networkinfo(self, key, obj): try: self._subversion = obj["result"]["subversion"] except KeyError: pass self.draw() async def on_blockchaininfo(self, key, obj): try: self._chain = obj["result"]["chain"] except KeyError: pass self.draw() async def on_peerinfo(self, key, obj): try: self._connectioncount = len(obj["result"]) except KeyError: pass self.draw() async def on_nettotals(self, key, obj): try: tbr = obj["result"]["totalbytesrecv"] tbs = obj["result"]["totalbytessent"] self._nettotals = (tbr, tbs) except KeyError: pass self.draw() async def on_walletinfo(self, key, obj): try: bal = obj["result"]["balance"] ubal = obj["result"]["unconfirmed_balance"] ibal = obj["result"]["immature_balance"] self._balance = (bal, ubal, ibal) except KeyError: pass self.draw() async def on_window_resize(self, y, x): # At the moment we ignore the x size and limit to 100. self._window_size = (y, x) self.draw()