# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 esotericnonsense (Daniel Edgecumbe) # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php import curses import asyncio from macros import MIN_WINDOW_SIZE import time splash_array = [ " BB BB BB ", " BB BB BB BBBB BBBB BB BB BB BB ", " BBBBB BBBB BB BB BB BBB BB BBBBB ", " BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB ", " BBB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB ", " BB BBB BB BB BBBB BBBB BB BB BB BBBB ", " ", " ---------------------------", " n c u r s e s ", " ---------------------------", ] width = len(splash_array[0]) height = len(splash_array) class SplashView(object): def __init__(self, set_mode_callback): self._set_mode_callback = set_mode_callback # ModeHandler self._pad = None self._window_size = MIN_WINDOW_SIZE async def draw(self, nosplash): if nosplash: await self._end_splash(nosplash) return if self._pad is not None: self._pad.clear() else: self._pad = curses.newpad(20, 100) CGREEN = curses.color_pair(1) CRED = curses.color_pair(3) CBOLD = curses.A_BOLD CREVERSE = curses.A_REVERSE for x in range(len(splash_array[0])): for y in range(len(splash_array)): if splash_array[y][x] == "B": if y < 7: self._pad.addstr(y+1, x, " ", CGREEN + CREVERSE) else: self._pad.addstr(y+1, x, " ", CRED + CREVERSE) elif splash_array[y][x] != " ": self._pad.addstr(y+1, x, splash_array[y][x], CRED + CBOLD) y += 1 await self._draw_pad_to_screen() time.sleep(0.01) await asyncio.sleep(0.5) time.sleep(0.5) await self._end_splash(nosplash) async def _end_splash(self, nosplash): if not nosplash: self._pad.clear() await self._draw_pad_to_screen() await self._set_mode_callback("monitor") async def _draw_pad_to_screen(self): maxy, maxx = self._window_size if maxy < height+1 or maxx < width+1: return # Can't do it t = (maxy-height)//2 l = (maxx-width)//2 self._pad.refresh(0, 0, t, l, t+height, l+width) async def on_window_resize(self, y, x): # This should prevent the splash from crashing # if there's a resize during the draw operations. self._window_size = (y, x)