[block] Add manual mode for entering block heights or hashes

Daniel Edgecumbe 7 years ago
parent 61eadd1a50
commit ac2ed66d84

@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ class BlockStore(object):
self._blocks[blockhash] = j["result"]
return j["result"]
async def get_blockhash(self, height):
# Direct RPC call.
j = await self._client.request("getblockhash", [height])
return j["result"]
async def get_previousblockhash(self, blockhash):
with await self._lock:
@ -127,6 +132,9 @@ class BlockView(view.View):
self._txidsetter = txidsetter
self._modesetter = modesetter
self._edit_mode = False # Are we in edit mode?
self._edit_buffer = ""
self._hash = None # currently browsed hash.
self._selected_tx = None # (index, blockhash)
self._tx_offset = None # (offset, blockhash)
@ -145,7 +153,7 @@ class BlockView(view.View):
CYELLOW = curses.color_pair(5)
CBOLD = curses.A_BOLD
self._pad.addstr(0, 59, "[J/K: browse, HOME/END: quicker, L: best]", CYELLOW)
self._pad.addstr(0, 46, "[J/K: browse, HOME/END: quicker, L: best, TAB: manual]", CYELLOW)
self._pad.addstr(0, 1, "Time {}".format(
@ -205,18 +213,71 @@ class BlockView(view.View):
self._pad.addstr(8+i-offset, 36, "{}".format(txid))
async def _draw_edit_mode(self):
CGREEN = curses.color_pair(1)
CRED = curses.color_pair(3)
CYELLOW = curses.color_pair(5)
CBOLD = curses.A_BOLD
oy, ox = (20-6)//2, (100-70)//2
self._pad.addstr(oy, ox, " " * 70, CGREEN + CREVERSE)
self._pad.addstr(oy+6, ox, " " * 70, CGREEN + CREVERSE)
for i in range(5):
self._pad.addstr(oy+1+i, ox, " ", CGREEN + CREVERSE)
self._pad.addstr(oy+1+i, ox+69, " ", CGREEN + CREVERSE)
self._pad.addstr(oy+2, ox+2, "enter a block height or hash", CBOLD)
self._pad.addstr(oy+2, ox+53, "[ENTER: search]", CYELLOW)
self._pad.addstr(oy+4, ox+2, "> {}".format(self._edit_buffer),
CRED + CBOLD + CREVERSE if self._edit_mode else 0)
async def _submit_edit_buffer(self):
buf = self._edit_buffer
if len(buf) == 0:
if len(buf) < 8 and buf.isdigit():
blockhash = await self._blockstore.get_blockhash(int(buf))
self._edit_mode = False
self._edit_buffer = ""
await self._set_hash(blockhash)
await self._draw_if_visible()
if len(buf) == 64:
int(buf, 16)
except ValueError:
# Note that it's invalid somehow
self._edit_mode = False
self._edit_buffer = ""
await self._set_hash(buf)
await self._draw_if_visible()
# Note that it's invalid somehow
async def _draw(self):
block = None
bestblockhash = None
if self._hash:
block = await self._blockstore.get_block(self._hash)
bestblockhash = await self._blockstore.get_bestblockhash()
if self._edit_mode:
await self._draw_edit_mode()
if block:
await self._draw_block(block, bestblockhash)
await self._draw_transactions(block, bestblockhash)
block = None
bestblockhash = None
if self._hash:
block = await self._blockstore.get_block(self._hash)
bestblockhash = await self._blockstore.get_bestblockhash()
if block:
await self._draw_block(block, bestblockhash)
await self._draw_transactions(block, bestblockhash)
@ -362,38 +423,60 @@ class BlockView(view.View):
await self._draw_if_visible()
async def handle_keypress(self, key):
assert self._visible
if key.lower() == "j":
await self._select_previous_block()
if key == "\t" or key == "KEY_TAB":
self._edit_mode = not self._edit_mode
await self._draw_if_visible()
return None
if key.lower() == "k":
await self._select_next_block()
return None
if self._edit_mode:
if (len(key) == 1 and ord(key) == 127) or key == "KEY_BACKSPACE":
self._edit_buffer = self._edit_buffer[:-1]
await self._draw_if_visible()
return None
if key == "KEY_HOME":
await self._select_previous_block_n(1000)
return None
elif key == "KEY_RETURN" or key == "\n":
await self._submit_edit_buffer()
await self._draw_if_visible()
return None
if key == "KEY_END":
await self._select_next_block_n(1000)
return None
elif len(key) == 1:
if len(self._edit_buffer) < 64:
self._edit_buffer += key
if key == "KEY_UP":
await self._select_previous_transaction()
return None
await self._draw_if_visible()
return None
if key == "KEY_DOWN":
await self._select_next_transaction()
return None
if key.lower() == "j":
await self._select_previous_block()
return None
if key == "KEY_RETURN" or key == "\n":
await self._enter_transaction_view()
return None
if key.lower() == "k":
await self._select_next_block()
return None
if key.lower() == "l":
await self._select_best_block()
return None
if key == "KEY_HOME":
await self._select_previous_block_n(1000)
return None
if key == "KEY_END":
await self._select_next_block_n(1000)
return None
if key == "KEY_UP":
await self._select_previous_transaction()
return None
if key == "KEY_DOWN":
await self._select_next_transaction()
return None
if key == "KEY_RETURN" or key == "\n":
await self._enter_transaction_view()
return None
if key.lower() == "l":
await self._select_best_block()
return None
return key
