use chrono::{DateTime, Duration, Local}; use diffy::create_patch; use failure::{format_err, Error, Fail}; use futures::future::{select_all, BoxFuture, FutureExt}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use log::{debug, info, warn}; use pulldown_cmark::{Event, Parser, Tag}; use regex::Regex; use reqwest::{header, redirect::Policy, Client, StatusCode, Url}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet}; use std::env; use std::io::Write; use std::time; use std::u8; use std::{cmp::Ordering, fs}; use tokio::sync::Semaphore; use tokio::sync::SemaphorePermit; const MINIMUM_GITHUB_STARS: u32 = 50; const MINIMUM_CARGO_DOWNLOADS: u32 = 2000; // Allow overriding the needed stars for a section. "level" is the header level in the markdown, default is MINIMUM_GITHUB_STARS // In general, we should just use the defaults. However, for some areas where there's not a lot of well-starred projects, but a // a few that are say just below the thresholds, then it's worth reducing the thresholds so we can get a few more projects. fn override_stars(level: u32, text: &str) -> Option { if level == 2 && text.contains("Resources") { // This is zero because a lot of the resources are non-github/non-cargo links and overriding for all would be annoying // These should be evaluated with more primitive means Some(0) } else if level == 3 && (text.contains("Games") || text.contains("Emulators")) { Some(40) } else { None // i.e. use defaults } } lazy_static! { // We don't explicitly check these, because they just bug out in GitHub. We're _hoping_ they don't go away! static ref ASSUME_WORKS: Vec = vec![ "".to_string() ]; // Overrides for popularity count, each needs a good reason (i.e. downloads/stars we don't support automatic counting of) // Each is a URL that's "enough" for an item to pass the popularity checks static ref POPULARITY_OVERRIDES: Vec = vec![ "".to_string(), // Many repos of Rust code, collectively > 50 stars "".to_string(), // Uses it's own VCS at with 190 stars at last check "".to_string(), // No direct gitlab support, but >1000 stars there "".to_string(), // 394 stars "".to_string(), // has 2.9k stars "".to_string(), // > 350k downloads "".to_string(), // has 4.7k stars "".to_string(), // has 133 stars "".to_string(), // > 860k downloads "".to_string(), // > 260k downloads "".to_string(), // > 1M downloads "".to_string(), // has >600 stars "".to_string(), // on it's own has >900 stars "".to_string(), // Lots of repos with good star counts "".to_string(), // Lots of repos with good star counts "".to_string(), // has >900 stars "".to_string(), // Various high-stars repositories "".to_string(), // Can't tell count directly, but various mirrors of it (e.g. have enough stars that it's got enough interest "".to_string(), // This one gets a free pass :) "".to_string(), // First private cargo registry ( and not much in the way of other options yet. See also "".to_string(), // GitLab repo with >40 stars. "".to_string(), // Espressif Rust Organization (Organizations have no stars). "".to_string(), // Rust ecosystem for zkSNARK programming (Organizations have no stars) "".to_string(), // has >50 stars ]; } #[derive(Debug, Fail, Serialize, Deserialize)] enum CheckerError { #[fail(display = "failed to try url")] NotTried, // Generally shouldn't happen, but useful to have #[fail(display = "http error: {}", status)] HttpError { status: u16, location: Option, }, #[fail(display = "too many requests")] TooManyRequests, #[fail(display = "reqwest error: {}", error)] ReqwestError { error: String }, #[fail(display = "travis build is unknown")] TravisBuildUnknown, #[fail(display = "travis build image with no branch")] TravisBuildNoBranch, } fn formatter(err: &CheckerError, url: &String) -> String { match err { CheckerError::HttpError { status, location } => match location { Some(loc) => { format!("[{}] {} -> {}", status, url, loc) } None => { format!("[{}] {}", status, url) } }, CheckerError::TravisBuildUnknown => { format!("[Unknown travis build] {}", url) } CheckerError::TravisBuildNoBranch => { format!("[Travis build image with no branch specified] {}", url) } _ => { format!("{:?}", err) } } } struct MaxHandles { remaining: Semaphore, } struct Handle<'a> { _permit: SemaphorePermit<'a>, } impl MaxHandles { fn new(max: usize) -> MaxHandles { MaxHandles { remaining: Semaphore::new(max), } } async fn get(&self) -> Handle { let permit = self.remaining.acquire().await.unwrap(); Handle { _permit: permit } } } impl<'a> Drop for Handle<'a> { fn drop(&mut self) { debug!("Dropping"); } } lazy_static! { static ref CLIENT: Client = Client::builder() .danger_accept_invalid_certs(true) // because some certs are out of date .user_agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0") // so some sites (e.g. don't reject us .redirect(Policy::none()) .pool_max_idle_per_host(0) .timeout(time::Duration::from_secs(20)) .build().unwrap(); // This is to avoid errors with running out of file handles, so we only do 20 requests at a time static ref HANDLES: MaxHandles = MaxHandles::new(20); } fn get_url(url: String) -> BoxFuture<'static, (String, Result<(), CheckerError>)> { debug!("Need handle for {}", url); async move { let _handle = HANDLES.get().await; get_url_core(url).await } .boxed() } lazy_static! { static ref GITHUB_REPO_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^[^/]+)/(?P[^/]+)(.*)").unwrap(); static ref GITHUB_API_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"").unwrap(); static ref CRATE_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"[^/]+)/?$").unwrap(); } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct GitHubStars { stargazers_count: u32, archived: bool, } async fn get_stars(github_url: &str) -> Option { warn!("Downloading GitHub stars for {}", github_url); let rewritten = GITHUB_REPO_REGEX .replace_all(github_url, "$org/$repo") .to_string(); let mut req = CLIENT.get(&rewritten); if let Ok(username) = env::var("USERNAME_FOR_GITHUB") { if let Ok(password) = env::var("TOKEN_FOR_GITHUB") { // needs a token with at least public_repo scope req = req.basic_auth(username, Some(password)); } } let resp = req.send().await; match resp { Err(err) => { warn!("Error while getting {}: {}", github_url, err); None } Ok(ok) => { let raw = ok.text().await.unwrap(); let data = match serde_json::from_str::(&raw) { Ok(val) => val, Err(_) => { panic!("{:?}", raw); } }; if data.archived { warn!("{} is archived, so ignoring stars", github_url); return Some(0); } Some(data.stargazers_count) } } } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct CrateInfo { downloads: u64, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct Crate { #[serde(rename = "crate")] info: CrateInfo, } async fn get_downloads(github_url: &str) -> Option { warn!("Downloading Crates downloads for {}", github_url); let rewritten = CRATE_REGEX .replace_all(github_url, "$crate") .to_string(); let req = CLIENT.get(&rewritten); let resp = req.send().await; match resp { Err(err) => { warn!("Error while getting {}: {}", github_url, err); None } Ok(ok) => { let data = ok.json::().await.unwrap(); Some( } } } fn get_url_core(url: String) -> BoxFuture<'static, (String, Result<(), CheckerError>)> { async move { if ASSUME_WORKS.contains(&url) { info!("We assume {} just works...", url); return (url, Ok(())); } if env::var("USERNAME_FOR_GITHUB").is_ok() && env::var("TOKEN_FOR_GITHUB").is_ok() && GITHUB_REPO_REGEX.is_match(&url) { let rewritten = GITHUB_REPO_REGEX.replace_all(&url, "$org/$repo"); info!("Replacing {} with {} to workaround rate limits on GitHub", url, rewritten); let (_new_url, res) = get_url_core(rewritten.to_string()).await; return (url, res); } let mut res: Result<(), CheckerError> = Err(CheckerError::NotTried); for _ in 0..5u8 { debug!("Running {}", url); let mut req = CLIENT .get(&url) .header(header::ACCEPT, "image/svg+xml, text/html, */*;q=0.8"); if GITHUB_API_REGEX.is_match(&url) { if let Ok(username) = env::var("USERNAME_FOR_GITHUB") { if let Ok(password) = env::var("TOKEN_FOR_GITHUB") { // needs a token with at least public_repo scope info!("Using basic auth for {}", url); req = req.basic_auth(username, Some(password)); } } } let resp = req.send().await; match resp { Err(err) => { warn!("Error while getting {}, retrying: {}", url, err); res = Err(CheckerError::ReqwestError{error: err.to_string()}); continue; } Ok(ok) => { let status = ok.status(); if status != StatusCode::OK { lazy_static! { static ref ACTIONS_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"[^/]+)/(?P[^/]+)/actions(?:\?workflow=.+)?").unwrap(); static ref YOUTUBE_VIDEO_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"\?v=(?P.+)").unwrap(); static ref YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"\?list=(?P.+)").unwrap(); static ref YOUTUBE_CONSENT_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"\?continue=.+").unwrap(); static ref AZURE_BUILD_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"[^/]+/[^/]+/_build").unwrap(); } if status == StatusCode::NOT_FOUND && ACTIONS_REGEX.is_match(&url) { let rewritten = ACTIONS_REGEX.replace_all(&url, "$org/$repo"); warn!("Got 404 with GitHub actions, so replacing {} with {}", url, rewritten); let (_new_url, res) = get_url_core(rewritten.to_string()).await; return (url, res); } if status == StatusCode::FOUND && YOUTUBE_VIDEO_REGEX.is_match(&url) { // Based off of // Guesswork is that the img feed will cause less 302's than the main url // See for original issue let rewritten = YOUTUBE_VIDEO_REGEX.replace_all(&url, "$video_id/mqdefault.jpg"); warn!("Got 302 with Youtube, so replacing {} with {}", url, rewritten); let (_new_url, res) = get_url_core(rewritten.to_string()).await; return (url, res); }; if status == StatusCode::FOUND && YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST_REGEX.is_match(&url) { let location = ok.headers().get("LOCATION").map(|h| h.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap_or_default(); if YOUTUBE_CONSENT_REGEX.is_match(location) { warn!("Got Youtube consent link for {}, so assuming playlist is ok", url); return (url, Ok(())); } }; if status == StatusCode::FOUND && AZURE_BUILD_REGEX.is_match(&url) { // Azure build urls always redirect to a particular build id, so no stable url guarantees let redirect = ok.headers().get(header::LOCATION).unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); let merged_url = Url::parse(&url).unwrap().join(redirect).unwrap(); info!("Got 302 from Azure devops, so replacing {} with {}", url, merged_url); let (_new_url, res) = get_url_core(merged_url.into_string()).await; return (url, res); } if status == StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS { // We get a lot of these, and we should not retry as they'll just fail again warn!("Error while getting {}: {}", url, status); return (url, Err(CheckerError::TooManyRequests)); } if status.is_redirection() { if status != StatusCode::TEMPORARY_REDIRECT && status != StatusCode::FOUND { // ignore temporary redirects res = Err(CheckerError::HttpError {status: status.as_u16(), location: ok.headers().get(header::LOCATION).and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok()).map(|x| x.to_string())}); warn!("Redirect while getting {} - {}", url, status); break; } } else { warn!("Error while getting {}, retrying: {}", url, status); res = Err(CheckerError::HttpError {status: status.as_u16(), location: None}); continue; } } lazy_static! { static ref TRAVIS_IMG_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"https://api.travis-ci.(?:com|org)/[^/]+/.+\.svg(\?.+)?").unwrap(); static ref GITHUB_ACTIONS_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"[^/]+/[^/]+/workflows/[^/]+/badge.svg(\?.+)?").unwrap(); } if let Some(matches) = TRAVIS_IMG_REGEX.captures(&url) { // Previously we checked the Content-Disposition headers, but sometimes that is incorrect // We're now looking for the explicit text "unknown" in the middle of the SVG let content = ok.text().await.unwrap(); if content.contains("unknown") { res = Err(CheckerError::TravisBuildUnknown); break; } let query = matches.get(1).map(|x| x.as_str()).unwrap_or(""); if !query.starts_with('?') || !query.contains("branch=") { res = Err(CheckerError::TravisBuildNoBranch); break; } } debug!("Finished {}", url); res = Ok(()); break; } } } (url, res) }.boxed() } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] enum Working { Yes, No(CheckerError), } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Link { last_working: Option>, updated_at: DateTime, working: Working, } type Results = BTreeMap; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct PopularityData { pub github_stars: BTreeMap, pub cargo_downloads: BTreeMap, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { env_logger::init(); let markdown_input = fs::read_to_string("").expect("Can't read"); let parser = Parser::new(&markdown_input); let mut used: BTreeSet = BTreeSet::new(); let mut results: Results = fs::read_to_string("results/results.yaml") .map_err(|e| format_err!("{}", e)) .and_then(|x| serde_yaml::from_str(&x).map_err(|e| format_err!("{}", e))) .unwrap_or_default(); let mut popularity_data: PopularityData = fs::read_to_string("results/popularity.yaml") .map_err(|e| format_err!("{}", e)) .and_then(|x| serde_yaml::from_str(&x).map_err(|e| format_err!("{}", e))) .unwrap_or(PopularityData { github_stars: BTreeMap::new(), cargo_downloads: BTreeMap::new(), }); let mut url_checks = vec![]; let min_between_checks: Duration = Duration::days(3); let max_allowed_failed: Duration = Duration::days(7); let mut do_check = |url: String| { if !url.starts_with("http") { return; } if used.contains(&url) { return; } used.insert(url.clone()); if let Some(link) = results.get(&url) { if let Working::Yes = link.working { let since = Local::now() - link.updated_at; if since < min_between_checks { return; } } } let check = get_url(url).boxed(); url_checks.push(check); }; let mut to_check: Vec = vec![]; #[derive(Debug)] struct ListInfo { data: Vec, } let mut list_items: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut in_list_item = false; let mut list_item: String = String::new(); let mut link_count: u8 = 0; let mut github_stars: Option = None; let mut cargo_downloads: Option = None; let mut required_stars: u32 = MINIMUM_GITHUB_STARS; let mut last_level: u32 = 0; let mut star_override_level: Option = None; for (event, _range) in parser.into_offset_iter() { match event { Event::Start(tag) => { match tag { Tag::Link(_link_type, url, _title) | Tag::Image(_link_type, url, _title) => { if !url.starts_with('#') { let new_url = url.to_string(); if POPULARITY_OVERRIDES.contains(&new_url) { github_stars = Some(MINIMUM_GITHUB_STARS); } else if GITHUB_REPO_REGEX.is_match(&url) { let github_url = GITHUB_REPO_REGEX .replace_all(&url, "$org/$repo") .to_string(); let existing = popularity_data.github_stars.get(&github_url); if let Some(stars) = existing { // Use existing star data, but re-retrieve url to check aliveness // Some will have overrides, so don't check the regex yet github_stars = Some(*stars) } else { github_stars = get_stars(&github_url).await; if let Some(raw_stars) = github_stars { popularity_data .github_stars .insert(github_url.to_string(), raw_stars); if raw_stars >= required_stars { fs::write( "results/popularity.yaml", serde_yaml::to_string(&popularity_data)?, )?; } link_count += 1; continue; } } } if CRATE_REGEX.is_match(&url) { let existing = popularity_data.cargo_downloads.get(&new_url); if let Some(downloads) = existing { cargo_downloads = Some(*downloads); } else { let raw_downloads = get_downloads(&url).await; if let Some(positive_downloads) = raw_downloads { cargo_downloads = Some( positive_downloads.clamp(0, u32::MAX as u64) as u32, ); popularity_data .cargo_downloads .insert(new_url, cargo_downloads.unwrap()); if cargo_downloads.unwrap_or(0) >= MINIMUM_CARGO_DOWNLOADS { fs::write( "results/popularity.yaml", serde_yaml::to_string(&popularity_data)?, )?; } } link_count += 1; continue; } } to_check.push(url.to_string()); link_count += 1; } } Tag::List(_) => { if in_list_item && !list_item.is_empty() { list_items.last_mut().unwrap().data.push(list_item.clone()); in_list_item = false; } list_items.push(ListInfo { data: Vec::new() }); } Tag::Item => { if in_list_item && !list_item.is_empty() { list_items.last_mut().unwrap().data.push(list_item.clone()); } in_list_item = true; list_item = String::new(); link_count = 0; github_stars = None; cargo_downloads = None; } Tag::Heading(level) => { last_level = level; if let Some(override_level) = star_override_level { if level == override_level { star_override_level = None; required_stars = MINIMUM_GITHUB_STARS; } } } Tag::Paragraph => {} _ => { if in_list_item { in_list_item = false; } } } } Event::Text(text) => { let possible_override = override_stars(last_level, &text); if let Some(override_value) = possible_override { star_override_level = Some(last_level); required_stars = override_value; } if in_list_item { list_item.push_str(&text); } } Event::End(tag) => { match tag { Tag::Item => { if !list_item.is_empty() { if link_count > 0 && github_stars.unwrap_or(0) < required_stars && cargo_downloads.unwrap_or(0) < MINIMUM_CARGO_DOWNLOADS { if github_stars.is_none() { warn!("No valid github link"); } if cargo_downloads.is_none() { warn!("No valid crates link"); } return Err(format_err!("Not high enough metrics ({:?} stars < {}, and {:?} cargo downloads < {}): {}", github_stars, required_stars, cargo_downloads, MINIMUM_CARGO_DOWNLOADS, list_item)); } list_items.last_mut().unwrap().data.push(list_item.clone()); list_item = String::new(); } in_list_item = false } Tag::List(_) => { let list_info = list_items.pop().unwrap(); if|s| *s == "License") &&|s| *s == "Resources") { // Ignore wrong ordering in top-level list continue; } let mut sorted_recent_list =; sorted_recent_list.sort_by_key(|a| a.to_lowercase()); let joined_recent ="\n"); let joined_sorted = sorted_recent_list.join("\n"); let patch = create_patch(&joined_recent, &joined_sorted); if !patch.hunks().is_empty() { println!("{}", patch); return Err(format_err!("Sorting error")); } } _ => {} } } Event::Html(content) => { // Allow ToC markers, nothing else if !content.contains("