update gorp address

fzerorubigd 9 years ago
parent c67f4cea5a
commit ece688a0db

@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ Please take a quick gander at the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/a
* [BeeDB](https://github.com/astaxie/beedb) - go ORM,support database/sql interfacepq/mysql/sqlite.
* [GORM](https://github.com/jinzhu/gorm) - The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly.
* [gorp](https://github.com/coopernurse/gorp) - Go Relational Persistence, ORM-ish library for Go.
* [gorp](https://github.com/go-gorp/gorp) - Go Relational Persistence, ORM-ish library for Go.
* [hood](https://github.com/eaigner/hood) - Database agnostic ORM for Go.
* [QBS](https://github.com/coocood/qbs) - Stands for Query By Struct. A Go ORM.
* [upper.io/db](https://github.com/upper/db) - Single interface for interacting with different data sources through the use of adapters that wrap mature database drivers.
