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(ns asciinema.component.s3-file-store
(:require [asciinema.boundary.file-store :as file-store]
[aws.sdk.s3 :as s3]
[coerce :as timec]
[core :as time]]
[ring.util.http-response :as response]
[ring.util.mime-type :as mime-type])
(:import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials
[ GeneratePresignedUrlRequest ResponseHeaderOverrides]))
(defn- s3-client* [cred]
(let [credentials (BasicAWSCredentials. (:access-key cred) (:secret-key cred))]
(AmazonS3Client. credentials)))
(def ^:private s3-client (memoize s3-client*))
(defn- generate-presigned-url [cred bucket path {:keys [expires filename]
:or {expires (-> 1 time/days time/from-now)}}]
(let [client (s3-client cred)
request (GeneratePresignedUrlRequest. bucket path)]
(.setExpiration request (timec/to-date expires))
(when filename
(let [header-overrides (doto (ResponseHeaderOverrides.)
(.setContentDisposition (str "attachment; filename=" filename)))]
(.setResponseHeaders request header-overrides)))
(.toString (.generatePresignedUrl client request))))
(defrecord S3FileStore [cred bucket path-prefix]
(put-file [this file path]
(file-store/put-file this file path nil))
(put-file [this file path size]
(let [path (str path-prefix path)
content-type (mime-type/ext-mime-type path)]
(s3/put-object cred bucket path file {:content-length size
:content-type content-type})))
(input-stream [this path]
(let [path (str path-prefix path)]
(:content (s3/get-object cred bucket path))))
(move-file [this old-path new-path]
(let [old-path (str path-prefix old-path)
new-path (str path-prefix new-path)]
(s3/copy-object cred bucket old-path new-path)
(s3/delete-object cred bucket old-path)))
(delete-file [this path]
(let [path (str path-prefix path)]
(s3/delete-object cred bucket path)))
(serve-file [this ctx path opts]
(let [path (str path-prefix path)
url (generate-presigned-url cred bucket path opts)]
(-> (:response ctx)
(assoc :status 302)
(update :headers assoc "location" url)))))
(defn s3-file-store
[{:keys [s3-cred s3-bucket path]}]
{:pre [(some? s3-cred) (some? s3-bucket) (some? path)]}
(->S3FileStore s3-cred s3-bucket path))