require 'rails_helper' describe AsciicastPagePresenter do describe '.build' do subject {, user, playback_options) } let(:asciicast) { stub_model(Asciicast, decorate: decorated_asciicast) } let(:user) { double('user') } let(:playback_options) { { speed: 3.0 } } let(:decorated_asciicast) { double('decorated_asciicast', theme_name: 'foo') } it "builds presenter with given asciicast decorated" do expect(subject.asciicast).to be(decorated_asciicast) end it "builds presenter with given user" do expect(subject.current_user).to be(user) end it "builds presenter with given playback options" do expect(subject.playback_options.speed).to eq(3.0) expect(subject.playback_options.theme).to eq('foo') end end let(:presenter) {, current_user, policy, nil) } let(:asciicast) { stub_model(Asciicast, user: author) } let(:current_user) { } let(:policy) { double('policy') } let(:author) { } let(:view_context) { controller = controller.request = controller.view_context } describe '#title' do subject { presenter.title } before do allow(asciicast).to receive(:title) { 'the-title' } end it { should eq('the-title') } end describe '#asciicast_title' do subject { presenter.asciicast_title } before do allow(asciicast).to receive(:title) { 'the-title' } end it { should eq('the-title') } end describe '#author_img_link' do subject { presenter.author_img_link } before do allow(asciicast).to receive(:author_img_link) { '' } end it { should eq('') } end describe '#author_link' do subject { presenter.author_link } before do allow(asciicast).to receive(:author_link) { '' } end it { should eq('') } end describe '#asciicast_created_at' do subject { presenter.asciicast_created_at } let(:now) { } before do allow(asciicast).to receive(:created_at) { now } end it { should eq(now) } end describe '#asciicast_env_details' do subject { presenter.asciicast_env_details } before do allow(asciicast).to receive(:os) { 'Linux' } allow(asciicast).to receive(:shell) { 'bash' } allow(asciicast).to receive(:terminal_type) { 'xterm' } end it { should eq('Linux / bash / xterm') } end describe '#views_count' do subject { presenter.views_count } before do allow(asciicast).to receive(:views_count) { 5 } end it { should eq(5) } end describe '#embed_script' do subject { presenter.embed_script(view_context) } let(:src_regexp) { /src="[^"]+\b123\b[^"]*\.js"/ } let(:id_regexp) { /id="asciicast-123"/ } let(:script_regexp) { /^]+#{src_regexp}[^>]+#{id_regexp}[^>]*><\/script>/ } before do allow(asciicast).to receive(:id).and_return(123) end it 'is an async script tag including asciicast id' do expect(subject).to match(script_regexp) end end describe '#show_description?' do subject { presenter.show_description? } before do allow(asciicast).to receive(:description) { description } end context "when description is present" do let(:description) { 'i am description' } it { should be(true) } end context "when description isn't present" do let(:description) { '' } it { should be(false) } end end describe '#description' do subject { presenter.description } before do allow(asciicast).to receive(:description) { 'i am description' } end it { should eq('i am description') } end describe '#show_other_asciicasts_by_author?' do subject { presenter.show_other_asciicasts_by_author? } before do allow(author).to receive(:asciicast_count) { count } end context "when user has more than 1 asciicast" do let(:count) { 2 } it { should be(true) } end context "when user doesn't have more than 1 asciicasts" do let(:count) { 1 } it { should be(false) } end end describe '#other_asciicasts_by_author' do subject { presenter.other_asciicasts_by_author } let(:others) { double('others', decorate: decorated_others) } let(:decorated_others) { double('decorated_others') } before do allow(author).to receive(:asciicasts_excluding). with(asciicast, 3) { others } end it "returns decorated asciicasts excluding the given one" do expect(subject).to be(decorated_others) end end end