require 'rails_helper' module Api describe AsciicastsController do describe '#create' do subject { post :create, asciicast: attributes } let(:attributes) { { 'title' => 'bar' } } let(:creator) { double('creator') } before do request.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Smith' allow(controller).to receive(:asciicast_creator) { creator } allow(AsciicastParams).to receive(:build). with(attributes, 'Smith') { { title: 'bar', user_agent: 'Smith' } } end context 'when the creator returns an asciicast' do let(:asciicast) { stub_model(Asciicast, id: 666) } before do allow(creator).to receive(:create). with(title: 'bar', user_agent: 'Smith') { asciicast } subject end it 'returns the status 201' do expect(response.status).to eq(201) end it 'returns the URL of created asciicast as the content body' do expect(response.body).to eq(asciicast_url(asciicast)) end end context 'when the creator raises ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid' do let(:asciicast) { stub_model(Asciicast, errors: errors) } let(:errors) { double('errors', full_messages: full_messages) } let(:full_messages) { ['This is invalid'] } before do allow(creator).to receive(:create). with(title: 'bar', user_agent: 'Smith'). and_raise( post :create, asciicast: attributes end it 'returns the status 422' do expect(response.status).to eq(422) end it 'returns nothing as the content body' do expect(response.body).to be_blank end end end end end