You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

295 lines
7.5 KiB

# AIChat
Chat with gpt-3.5/chatgpt in terminal.
## Install
### With cargo
cargo install --force aichat
### Binaries on macOS, Linux, Windows
Download it from [Github Releases](, unzip and add aichat to your $PATH.
## Features
- Predefine AI [roles](#roles)
- Use GPT prompt easily
- Powerful [Chat REPL](#chat-repl)
- Context-ware conversation
- syntax highlighting markdown and other 200 languages.
- Stream output with hand typing effect
- Multiline input support and emacs-like editing experience
- Proxy support
- Save chat messages
## Config
On first launch, aichat will guide you through configuration.
> No config file, create a new one? Yes
> Openai API Key: sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Use proxy? Yes
> Set proxy: socks5://
> Save chat messages Yes
After setting, it will automatically create the configuration file. Of course, you can also manually set the configuration file.
api_key: "<YOUR SECRET API KEY>" # Request via
temperature: 1.0 # optional, see
save: true # optional, If set true, aichat will save chat messages to
highlight: true # optional, Set false to turn highlight
proxy: "socks5://" # optional, set proxy server. e.g. or socks5://
conversation_first: false # optional, If set true, start a conversation immediately upon repl
> You can specify the configuration directory through `$AICHAT_CONFIG_DIR`
> You can use `.info` to view the current configuration file path
### Roles
We can let ChatGPT play a certain role through `prompt` to make it better generate what we want.
We can predefine a batch of roles in `roles.yaml`.
For example, we define a role
- name: shell
prompt: >
I want you to act as a linux shell expert.
I want you to answer only with bash code.
Do not provide explanations.
# temperature: 0.3
Let ChatGPT answer questions in the role of a linux shell expert.
〉.role shell
shell〉 extract encrypted zipfile to /tmp/app
mkdir /tmp/app
unzip -P PASSWORD -d /tmp/app
## CLI
A powerful chatgpt cli.
Usage: aichat [OPTIONS] [TEXT]...
[TEXT]... Input text
-H, --no-highlight Disable syntax highlightiing
-S, --no-stream No stream output
--list-roles List all roles
-r, --role <ROLE> Select a role
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
### Command mode
aichat math 3.8x4
control highlighting and streaming
aichat how to post a json in rust # highlight, streaming output
aichat -H -S how to post a json in rust # no highlight, output all at once
pipe input/output
# convert toml to json
cat data.toml | aichat turn toml below to json > data.json
### Chat mode
Enter Chat REPL if no text input.
$ aichat
Welcome to aichat 0.5.0
Type ".help" for more information.
## Chat REPL
aichat has a powerful Chat REPL.
The Chat REPL supports:
- Emacs keybinding
- Command autocompletion
- History search
- Fish-style history autosuggestion hints
- Edit/past multiline input
- Undo support
- Clipboard integration
### multi-line editing mode
**Type `{` or `(` or `[` at the beginning of the line to enter the multi-line editing mode.** In this mode you can type or paste multiple lines of text. Type the corresponding `}` or `)` or `]` at the end of the line to exit the mode and submit the content.
〉{ convert json below to toml
"an": [
"data": "structure"
### `.help` - Print help message
.info Print the information
.set Modify the configuration temporarily
.prompt Add a GPT prompt
.role Select a role
.clear role Clear the currently selected role
.conversation Start a conversation.
.clear conversation End current conversation.
.history Print the history
.clear history Clear the history
.help Print this help message
.exit Exit the REPL
Press Ctrl+C to abort conversation, Ctrl+D to exit the REPL
### `.info` - view current configuration information.
config_file /home/alice/.config/aichat/config.yaml
roles_file /home/alice/.config/aichat/roles.yaml
messages_file /home/alice/.config/aichat/
role -
api_key sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
temperature -
save true
highlight true
proxy -
conversation_first false
dry_run false
### `.set` - modify the configuration temporarily
〉.set highlight false
〉.set save false
〉.set temperature 1.2
### `.prompt` - use GPT prompt
When you set up a prompt, every message sent later will carry the prompt.
〉{ .prompt
I want you to translate the sentences I wrote into emojis.
I will write the sentence, and you will express it with emojis.
I don't want you to reply with anything but emoji.
〉You are a genius
〉I'm embarrassed
`.prompt` actually creates a temporary role called `%TEMP%` internally, so **run `.clear role` to clear the prompt**.
When you are satisfied with the prompt, add it to `roles.yaml` for later use.
### `.role` - let the ai play a role
Select a role.
〉.role emoji
name: emoji
prompt: I want you to translate the sentences I wrote into emojis. I will write the sentence, and you will express it with emojis. I just want you to express it with emojis. I don't want you to reply with anything but emoji. When I need to tell you something in English, I will do it by wrapping it in curly brackets like {like this}.
temperature: null
AI play the role we specified
Clear current selected role
emoji〉.clear role
Hello there! How can I assist you today?
### `.conversation` - start a context-aware conversation
By default, aichat behaves in a one-off request/response manner.
You can run `.conversation` to enter context-aware mode, or set `config.conversation_first` true to start a conversation immediately upon repl.
list 1 to 5, one per line 4089
reverse the list 4065
.clear conversation 4043
When enter conversation mode, prompt `〉` will change to ``, A number will appear on the right, which means how many tokens left to use.
Once the number becomes zero, you need to start a new conversation.
## License
Copyright (c) 2023 aichat-developers.
aichat is made available under the terms of either the MIT License or the Apache License 2.0, at your option.
See the LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT files for license details.