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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: SharkWipf
# This hook allows automatically switch monitor inputs when starting/stopping a VM.
# This file depends on the Passthrough POST hook helper script found in this repo.
# Place this script in BOTH these directories (or symlink it):
# $SYSCONFDIR/libvirt/hooks/qemu.d/your_vm/started/begin/
# $SYSCONFDIR/libvirt/hooks/qemu.d/your_vm/stopped/end/
# $SYSCONFDIR usuallu is /etc/libvirt.
# Set the files as executable through `chmod +x` and configure your inputs.
# You also need `ddcutil` and a ddcutil-compatible monitor.
# Make sure you specify the right settings for your setup below or it won't work.
VM_DISPLAY="0" # The display shown in `ddcutil detect`
VM_INPUT="12" # The input the VM is connected to (without 0x, but with leading zeroes, if any. See `ddcutil capabilities`)
HOST_INPUT="0f" # The input the host is connected to (without 0x, but with leading zeroes, if any. See `ddcutil capabilities`)
if [[ "$2/$3" == "started/begin" ]]; then
elif [[ "$2/$3" == "stopped/end" ]]; then
if [[ "$(ddcutil -d "$VM_DISPLAY" getvcp 60 --terse | awk '{print $4}')" != "x$INPUT" ]]; then
ddcutil -d "$VM_DISPLAY" setvcp 60 "0x$INPUT"