You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

374 lines
7.5 KiB

export interface AddressType {
addressId?: string;
addressTp?: string;
addressDetails?: string;
export interface Balance {
btc_balance?: number;
balance?: number;
btc_pending_open_balance?: number;
pending_open_balance?: number;
btc_total_balance?: number;
total_balance?: number;
btc_confirmed_balance?: number;
confirmed_balance?: number;
btc_unconfirmed_balance?: number;
unconfirmed_balance?: number;
export interface ChannelFeeReport {
chan_point?: string;
base_fee_msat?: number;
fee_per_mil?: number;
fee_rate?: number;
export interface Channel {
active?: boolean;
remote_pubkey?: string;
remote_alias?: string;
channel_point?: string;
chan_id?: number;
capacity?: number;
local_balance?: number;
remote_balance?: number;
commit_fee?: number;
commit_weight?: number;
fee_per_kw?: number;
unsettled_balance?: number;
total_satoshis_sent?: number;
total_satoshis_received?: number;
num_updates?: number;
private?: boolean;
pending_htlcs?: HTLC[];
csv_delay?: number;
export interface PendingChannels {
total_limbo_balance?: number;
btc_total_limbo_balance?: number;
pending_closing_channels?: Array<any>;
pending_force_closing_channels?: Array<any>;
pending_open_channels?: Array<any>;
waiting_close_channels?: Array<any>;
export interface ClosedChannel {
time_locked_balance?: string;
closing_tx_hash?: string;
close_type?: any;
close_height?: number;
chain_hash?: string;
channel_point?: string;
chan_id?: string;
remote_pubkey?: string;
capacity?: string;
settled_balance?: string;
export interface NetworkGraph {
nodes: LightningNode[];
edges: ChannelEdge[];
export interface LightningNode {
last_update?: number;
pub_key?: string;
alias?: string;
addresses?: NodeAddress[];
color?: string;
export interface NodeAddress {
network?: string;
addr?: string;
export interface ChannelEdge {
channel_id?: string;
chan_point?: string;
last_update?: number;
last_update_str?: string;
node1_pub?: string;
node2_pub?: string;
capacity?: string;
node1_policy?: RoutingPolicy;
node2_policy?: RoutingPolicy;
export interface RoutingPolicy {
time_lock_delta?: number;
min_htlc?: string;
fee_base_msat?: string;
fee_rate_milli_msat?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
export interface SigmaNode {
id: string;
label: string;
x: number;
y: number;
size: number;
export interface SigmaEdge {
id: string;
source: string;
target: string;
export interface FeeLimit {
percent?: number;
fixed?: number;
export interface Fees {
channel_fees?: ChannelFeeReport[];
day_fee_sum?: number;
week_fee_sum?: number;
month_fee_sum?: number;
btc_day_fee_sum?: number;
btc_week_fee_sum?: number;
btc_month_fee_sum?: number;
export interface GetInfoChain {
chain?: string;
network?: string;
export interface GetInfo {
identity_pubkey?: string;
alias?: string;
num_pending_channels?: number;
num_active_channels?: number;
num_peers?: number;
block_height?: number;
block_hash?: string;
synced_to_chain?: boolean;
testnet?: boolean;
chains?: GetInfoChain[] | string[];
uris?: string[];
best_header_timestamp?: number;
version?: string;
currency_unit?: string;
smaller_currency_unit?: string;
export interface GraphNode {
node?: LightningNode;
num_channels?: number;
total_capacity?: string;
export interface HopHint {
cltv_expiry_delta?: number;
node_id?: string;
chan_id?: number;
fee_proportional_millionths?: number;
fee_base_msat?: number;
export interface HTLC {
incoming?: boolean;
amount?: number;
hash_lock?: string;
expiration_height?: number;
export interface Invoice {
memo?: string;
receipt?: string;
r_preimage?: string;
r_hash?: string;
value?: string;
btc_value?: string;
settled?: boolean;
creation_date?: string;
creation_date_str?: string;
settle_date?: string;
settle_date_str?: string;
payment_request?: string;
description_hash?: string;
expiry?: string;
fallback_addr?: string;
cltv_expiry?: string;
route_hints?: RouteHint[];
private?: boolean;
add_index?: string;
settle_index?: string;
amt_paid?: string;
amt_paid_sat?: string;
btc_amt_paid_sat?: string;
amt_paid_msat?: string;
export interface ListInvoices {
invoices?: Invoice[];
last_index_offset?: string;
first_index_offset?: string;
export interface LightningNode {
last_update?: number;
last_update_str?: string;
pub_key?: string;
alias?: string;
addresses?: NodeAddress[];
color?: string;
export interface NetworkInfo {
num_nodes?: number;
btc_max_channel_size?: string;
max_channel_size?: string;
btc_avg_channel_size?: string;
avg_channel_size?: string;
graph_diameter?: number;
num_channels?: number;
max_out_degree?: number;
btc_total_network_capacity?: string;
total_network_capacity?: string;
avg_out_degree?: number;
btc_min_channel_size?: string;
min_channel_size?: string;
export interface NodeAddress {
network?: string;
address?: string;
export interface Payment {
creation_date?: number;
creation_date_str?: string;
payment_hash?: string;
path?: string[];
fee?: number;
value_msat?: number;
value_sat?: number;
value?: number;
payment_preimage?: string;
export interface PayRequest {
payment_hash?: string;
route_hints?: RouteHint[];
timestamp?: number;
timestamp_str?: string;
fallback_addr?: string;
cltv_expiry?: number;
description_hash?: string;
destination?: string;
expiry?: number;
description?: string;
num_satoshis?: string;
btc_num_satoshis?: string;
export interface Peer {
pub_key?: string;
alias?: string;
address?: string;
bytes_sent?: number;
bytes_recv?: number;
sat_sent?: string;
sat_recv?: string;
inbound?: boolean;
ping_time?: number;
export interface QueryRoutes {
routes?: Route[];
export interface Hop {
hop_sequence?: number;
pubkey_alias?: string;
chan_id?: string;
chan_capacity?: string;
amt_to_forward?: string;
fee?: string;
expiry?: number;
amt_to_forward_msat?: string;
fee_msat?: string;
pub_key?: string;
export interface Route {
total_time_lock?: number;
total_fees?: string;
total_amt?: string;
hops?: Hop[];
total_fees_msat?: string;
total_amt_msat?: string;
export interface RouteHint {
hop_hints?: HopHint[];
export interface SendPayment {
dest_string?: string;
dest?: string;
payment_hash_string?: string;
payment_request?: string;
fee_limit?: FeeLimit;
amt?: number;
payment_hash?: string;
final_cltv_delta?: number;
export interface ChannelsTransaction {
address?: string;
amount?: number;
sendAll?: boolean;
blocks?: number;
fees?: number;
export interface Transaction {
dest_addresses?: string[];
time_stamp?: string;
time_stamp_str?: string;
num_confirmations?: number;
total_fees?: string;
block_hash?: string;
block_height?: number;
tx_hash?: string;
amount?: string;
export interface SwitchReq {
num_max_events?: number;
index_offset?: number;
end_time?: string;
start_time?: string;
export interface ForwardingEvent {
timestamp?: string;
timestamp_str?: string;
chan_id_out?: string;
alias_out?: string;
amt_out?: string;
amt_in?: string;
chan_id_in?: string;
alias_in?: string;
fee?: string;
export interface RoutingPeers {
chan_id?: string;
alias?: string;
events?: number;
total_amount?: number;
export interface SwitchRes {
last_offset_index?: number;
forwarding_events?: ForwardingEvent[];