var common = require('../../routes/common'); var connect = require('../../routes/connect'); var logger = require('./logger'); const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); const otplib = require("otplib"); var crypto = require('crypto'); var ONE_MINUTE = 60000; var LOCKING_PERIOD = 30 * ONE_MINUTE; // HALF AN HOUR var ALLOWED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS = 5; var failedLoginAttempts = {}; setInterval(() => { for (var ip in failedLoginAttempts) { if (new Date().getTime() > (failedLoginAttempts[ip].lastTried + LOCKING_PERIOD)) { delete failedLoginAttempts[ip]; } } }, LOCKING_PERIOD); getFailedInfo = (reqIP, currentTime) => { let failed = failedLoginAttempts[reqIP] ? failedLoginAttempts[reqIP] : failedLoginAttempts[reqIP] = {count: 0, lastTried: currentTime}; if (currentTime > (failed.lastTried + LOCKING_PERIOD)) { failed = failedLoginAttempts[reqIP] = {count: 0, lastTried: currentTime}; } return failed; } handleError = (failed, currentTime, errMsg) => { if (failed.count >= ALLOWED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS && (currentTime <= (failed.lastTried + LOCKING_PERIOD))) { return { message: "Multiple Failed Login Attempts!", error: "Application locked for " + (LOCKING_PERIOD/ONE_MINUTE) + " minutes due to multiple failed login attempts! Try again after " + common.convertTimestampToTime((failed.lastTried + LOCKING_PERIOD)/1000) + "!" }; } else { return { message: "Authentication Failed!", error: errMsg + "\nApplication will be locked after " + (ALLOWED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - failed.count) + " more unsuccessful attempts!" }; } } exports.verifyToken = (twoFAToken) => { if (common.rtl_secret2fa && common.rtl_secret2fa !== '' && otplib.authenticator.check(twoFAToken, common.rtl_secret2fa)) { return true; } return false; }; exports.authenticateUser = (req, res, next) => { logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Authenticate', msg: 'Authenticating User..'}); if(+common.rtl_sso) { if(req.body.authenticateWith === 'JWT' && jwt.verify(req.body.authenticationValue, common.secret_key)) { logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Authenticate', msg: 'User Authenticated'}); res.status(200).json({ token: token }); } else if (req.body.authenticateWith === 'PASSWORD' && common.cookie.trim().length >= 32 && crypto.timingSafeEqual(Buffer.from(crypto.createHash('sha256').update(common.cookie).digest('hex'), 'utf-8'), Buffer.from(req.body.authenticationValue, 'utf-8'))) { connect.refreshCookie(common.rtl_cookie_path); const token = jwt.sign( { user: 'SSO_USER', configPath: common.nodes[0].config_path, macaroonPath: common.nodes[0].macaroon_path }, common.secret_key ); logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Authenticate', msg: 'User Authenticated.'}); res.status(200).json({ token: token }); } else { logger.log({level: 'ERROR', fileName: 'Authenticate', msg: 'SSO Authentication Failed! Access key too short or does not match.', error: {error: 'Access key too short or does not match.'}}); res.status(406).json({ message: "SSO Authentication Failed!", error: "SSO failed. Access key too short or does not match." }); } } else { const currentTime = new Date().getTime(); const reqIP = common.getRequestIP(req); let failed = getFailedInfo(reqIP, currentTime); const password = req.body.authenticationValue; if (common.rtl_pass === password && failed.count < ALLOWED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS) { if (req.body.twoFAToken && req.body.twoFAToken !== '') { if (!this.verifyToken(req.body.twoFAToken)) { logger.log({level: 'ERROR', fileName: 'Authenticate', msg: 'Invalid Token! Failed IP ' + reqIP, error: {error: 'Invalid token.'}}); failed.count = failed.count + 1; failed.lastTried = currentTime; return res.status(401).json(handleError(failed, currentTime, 'Invalid 2FA Token!')); } } delete failedLoginAttempts[reqIP]; let rpcUser = 'NODE_USER'; const token = jwt.sign( { user: rpcUser, configPath: common.nodes[0].config_path, macaroonPath: common.nodes[0].macaroon_path }, common.secret_key ); logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Authenticate', msg: 'User Authenticated'}); res.status(200).json({ token: token }); } else { logger.log({level: 'ERROR', fileName: 'Authenticate', msg: 'Invalid Password! Failed IP ' + reqIP, error: {error: 'Invalid password.'}}); failed.count = common.rtl_pass !== password ? (failed.count + 1) : failed.count; failed.lastTried = common.rtl_pass !== password ? currentTime : failed.lastTried; return res.status(401).json(handleError(failed, currentTime, 'Invalid Password!')); } } }; exports.resetPassword = (req, res, next) => { logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Authenticate', msg: 'Resetting Password..'}); if(+common.rtl_sso) { logger.log({level: 'ERROR', fileName: 'Authenticate', msg: 'Password Reset Failed!', error: {error: 'Password reset failed.'}}); res.status(401).json({ message: "Password Reset Failed!", error: "Password cannot be reset for SSO authentication!" }); } else { const currPassword = req.body.currPassword; if (common.rtl_pass === currPassword) { common.rtl_pass = connect.replacePasswordWithHash(req.body.newPassword); var rpcUser = 'NODE_USER'; const token = jwt.sign( { user: rpcUser, configPath: common.nodes[0].config_path, macaroonPath: common.nodes[0].macaroon_path }, common.secret_key ); logger.log({level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Authenticate', msg: 'Password Reset Successful'}); res.status(200).json({ token: token }); } else { logger.log({level: 'ERROR', fileName: 'Authenticate', msg: 'Password Reset Failed!', error: {error: 'Password reset failed.'}}); res.status(401).json({ message: "Password Reset Failed!", error: "Old password is not correct!" }); } } };