![](../screenshots/RTL-ECL-Dashboard.png) ## RTL Eclair setup * [Introduction](#intro) * [Pre-requisite](#prereq) * [Architecture](#arch) * [Installation](#install) * [Prep for execution](#prep) * [Start the server and access the app](#start) ### Introduction RTL is now enabled to manage an Eclair node. Follow the below steps to install and setup RTL to run on Eclair. ### Pre-requisites: 1. Functioning Eclair node v0.4.1 or above. Follow install instructions on their [github](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair) page. 2. Bitcoin core v0.19.1 or above (this is an Eclair dependency). 3. NodeJS - Can be downloaded [here](https://nodejs.org/en/download) ### Installation: #### First time setup * Fetch sources from RTL git repository, by executing the below on the command prompt: `$ git clone https://github.com/Ride-The-Lightning/RTL.git` * Change directory to RTL folder: `$ cd RTL` * Fetch the production dependencies by running: `$ npm install --only=prod` #### Or: Update existing build ``` $ cd RTL $ git reset --hard HEAD $ git clean -f -d $ git pull $ npm install --only=prod ``` ### Prep for Execution RTL requires its own config file `RTL-Config.json`, to start the server and provide user authentication on the app. * Rename `sample-RTL-Config.json` file to `RTL-Config.json`. * Locate the complete path of the readable `eclair.conf` for your node. * Modify the RTL conf file per the example file below Ensure that the follow values are correct per your config: * `lnImplementation` - This should be `ECL`, indicating that RTL is connecting to an Eclair node. * `lnServerUrl` - complete url with ip address and port of the eclair server. * `multiPass` - Specify the password (in plain text) to access RTL. This password will be hashed and not stored as plain text. * `configPath` (Mandatory) - Full path of the folder containing `eclair.conf` including the file name for the basic password authentication through `eclair.api.password`. ``` { "port": "3000", "SSO": { "rtlSSO": 0, "rtlCookiePath": "", "logoutRedirectLink": "" }, "nodes": [ { "index": 1, "lnNode": "Eclair Testnet # 1", "lnImplementation": "ECL", "Authentication": { "configPath": "" }, "Settings": { "userPersona": "OPERATOR", "themeMode": "DAY", "themeColor": "PURPLE", "bitcoindConfigPath": "", "enableLogging": true, "fiatConversion": false, "lnServerUrl": "http://:port" } } ], "multiPass": } ``` ### Start the server and access the app Run the following command: `$ node rtl` If the server started successfully, you should get the below output on the console: `$ Server is up and running, please open the UI at http://localhost:3000` Open your browser at the following address: http://localhost:3000 to access the RTL app. ### Detailed config and instructions For detailed config and access options and other information, view the main readme page.