You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { NgModel } from '@angular/forms';
import { DecimalPipe } from '@angular/common';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { take, takeUntil, filter } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Actions } from '@ngrx/effects';
import { MatDialogRef } from '@angular/material';
import { faExclamationTriangle } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { SelNodeChild } from '../../../shared/models/RTLconfig';
import { PayRequestCL, ChannelCL } from '../../../shared/models/clModels';
import { CurrencyUnitEnum, CURRENCY_UNIT_FORMATS, FEE_LIMIT_TYPES } from '../../../shared/services/consts-enums-functions';
import { CommonService } from '../../../shared/services/common.service';
import { LoggerService } from '../../../shared/services/logger.service';
import { CLEffects } from '../../store/cl.effects';
import { RTLEffects } from '../../../store/rtl.effects';
import * as RTLActions from '../../../store/rtl.actions';
import * as fromRTLReducer from '../../../store/rtl.reducers';
selector: 'rtl-cl-lightning-send-payments',
templateUrl: './send-payment.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./send-payment.component.scss'],
export class CLLightningSendPaymentsComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
@ViewChild('paymentReq', { static: true }) paymentReq: NgModel;
public faExclamationTriangle = faExclamationTriangle;
public selNode: SelNodeChild = {};
public paymentDecoded: PayRequestCL = {};
public zeroAmtInvoice = false;
public paymentAmount = null;
public paymentRequest = '';
public paymentDecodedHint = '';
public selActiveChannel: ChannelCL = {};
public activeChannels = {};
public feeLimit = null;
public selFeeLimitType = FEE_LIMIT_TYPES[0];
public feeLimitTypes = FEE_LIMIT_TYPES;
public paymentError = '';
private unSubs: Array<Subject<void>> = [new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject(), new Subject()];
constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<CLLightningSendPaymentsComponent>, private store: Store<fromRTLReducer.RTLState>, private clEffects: CLEffects, private logger: LoggerService, private commonService: CommonService, private decimalPipe: DecimalPipe, private actions$: Actions, private rtlEffects: RTLEffects) {}
ngOnInit() {'cl')
.subscribe((rtlStore) => {
this.selNode = rtlStore.nodeSettings;
this.activeChannels = rtlStore.allChannels.filter(channel => channel.state === 'CHANNELD_NORMAL' && channel.connected);;
filter(action => action.type === RTLActions.EFFECT_ERROR_CL || action.type === RTLActions.SEND_PAYMENT_STATUS_CL))
.subscribe((action: RTLActions.EffectErrorCl | RTLActions.SendPaymentStatusCL) => {
if (action.type === RTLActions.SEND_PAYMENT_STATUS_CL) {
if (action.type === RTLActions.EFFECT_ERROR_CL) {
if (action.payload.action === 'SendPaymentCL') {
delete this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi;
this.paymentError = action.payload.message;
if (action.payload.action === 'DecodePaymentCL') {
this.paymentDecodedHint = 'ERROR: ' + action.payload.message;
this.paymentReq.control.setErrors({'decodeError': true});
onSendPayment() {
if(!this.paymentRequest) { return true; }
if (this.paymentDecoded.created_at_str) {
} else {
this.paymentAmount = null;
this.paymentError = '';
this.paymentDecodedHint = '';
this.paymentReq.control.setErrors(null); RTLActions.OpenSpinner('Decoding Payment...')); RTLActions.DecodePaymentCL({routeParam: this.paymentRequest, fromDialog: true}));
this.clEffects.setDecodedPaymentCL.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(decodedPayment => {
this.paymentDecoded = decodedPayment;
if (this.paymentDecoded.created_at_str && !this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi) {
this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi = 0;
this.zeroAmtInvoice = true;
this.paymentDecodedHint = 'Zero Amount Invoice | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description;
} else {
this.zeroAmtInvoice = false;
this.commonService.convertCurrency(+this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi, CurrencyUnitEnum.SATS, this.selNode.currencyUnits[2], this.selNode.fiatConversion)
.subscribe(data => {
if(this.selNode.fiatConversion) {
this.paymentDecodedHint = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi ? this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi/1000 : 0) + ' Sats (' + data.symbol + this.decimalPipe.transform((data.OTHER ? data.OTHER : 0), CURRENCY_UNIT_FORMATS.OTHER) + ') | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description;
} else {
this.paymentDecodedHint = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi ? this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi/1000 : 0) + ' Sats | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description;
sendPayment() { RTLActions.OpenSpinner('Sending Payment...'));
if (this.zeroAmtInvoice) { RTLActions.SendPaymentCL({invoice: this.paymentRequest, amount: this.paymentAmount*1000, fromDialog: true}));
} else { RTLActions.SendPaymentCL({invoice: this.paymentRequest, fromDialog: true}));
onPaymentRequestEntry(event: any) {
this.paymentRequest = event;
this.paymentError = '';
this.paymentDecodedHint = '';
this.zeroAmtInvoice = false;
if(this.paymentRequest && this.paymentRequest.length > 100) {
this.zeroAmtInvoice = false; RTLActions.OpenSpinner('Decoding Payment...')); RTLActions.DecodePaymentCL({routeParam: this.paymentRequest, fromDialog: true}));
this.clEffects.setDecodedPaymentCL.subscribe(decodedPayment => {
this.paymentDecoded = decodedPayment;
if (this.paymentDecoded.created_at_str && !this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi) {
this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi = 0;
this.zeroAmtInvoice = true;
this.paymentDecodedHint = 'Zero Amount Invoice | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description;
} else {
this.zeroAmtInvoice = false;
this.commonService.convertCurrency(+this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi, CurrencyUnitEnum.SATS, this.selNode.currencyUnits[2], this.selNode.fiatConversion)
.subscribe(data => {
if(this.selNode.fiatConversion) {
this.paymentDecodedHint = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi ? this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi/1000 : 0) + ' Sats (' + data.symbol + this.decimalPipe.transform((data.OTHER ? data.OTHER : 0), CURRENCY_UNIT_FORMATS.OTHER) + ') | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description;
} else {
this.paymentDecodedHint = 'Sending: ' + this.decimalPipe.transform(this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi ? this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi/1000 : 0) + ' Sats | Memo: ' + this.paymentDecoded.description;
onAmountChange(event: any) {
delete this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi;
this.paymentDecoded.msatoshi = event;
resetData() {
this.paymentDecoded = {};
this.paymentRequest = '';
this.selActiveChannel = null;
this.feeLimit = null;
this.selFeeLimitType = FEE_LIMIT_TYPES[0];
this.paymentError = '';
this.paymentDecodedHint = '';
this.zeroAmtInvoice = false;
ngOnDestroy() {
this.unSubs.forEach(completeSub => {;