package webui import ( "errors" "fmt" "" "" "" "html/template" "log" "net/http" "strconv" "strings" ) type WebUI struct { osc *config.OnionScanConfig token string Done chan bool } type SummaryField struct { Key string Value int AltTitle string Total int } type Summary struct { Fields []SummaryField Total int Title string } type Content struct { SearchTerm string Error string Summary Summary Tables []Table Tags []string RelationshipNum int Token string Success string UserTags []string SearchResults []string } type Row struct { Fields []string Tag string Links int } type Table struct { Title string SearchTerm string Heading []string Rows []Row Rollups []int RollupCounts map[string]int AltTitle string } // GetUserDefinedRow returns, from an initial relationship, a complete user // defined relationship row - in the order it is defined in the crawl config. func (wui *WebUI) GetUserDefinedTable(rel crawldb.Relationship) (Table, error) { log.Printf("Loading User Defined Relationship %s", rel.From) config, ok := wui.osc.CrawlConfigs[rel.From] if ok { var table Table crName := strings.SplitN(rel.Type, "/", 2) if len(crName) == 2 { table.Title = crName[0] cr, err := config.GetRelationship(crName[0]) if err == nil { for i, er := range cr.ExtraRelationships { table.Heading = append(table.Heading, er.Name) if er.Rollup { table.Rollups = append(table.Rollups, i) } } table.Heading = append(table.Heading, "Onion") log.Printf("Returning User Table Relationship %v", table) return table, nil } } } log.Printf("Could not make Table") return Table{}, errors.New("Invalid Table") } // GetUserDefinedRow returns, from an initial relationship, a complete user // defined relationship row - in the order it is defined in the crawl config. func (wui *WebUI) GetUserDefinedRow(rel crawldb.Relationship) (string, []string) { log.Printf("Loading User Defined Relationship %s", rel.From) config, ok := wui.osc.CrawlConfigs[rel.From] if ok { userrel, err := wui.osc.Database.GetUserRelationshipFromOnion(rel.Onion, rel.From) if err == nil { // We can now construct the user // relationship in the right order. crName := strings.SplitN(rel.Type, "/", 2) if len(crName) == 2 { cr, err := config.GetRelationship(crName[0]) row := make([]string, 0) if err == nil { for _, er := range cr.ExtraRelationships { log.Printf("Field Value: %v", userrel[crName[0]+"/"+er.Name].Identifier) row = append(row, userrel[crName[0]+"/"+er.Name].Identifier) } row = append(row, rel.From) log.Printf("Returning User Row Relationship %s %v %s", crName[0], row, rel.Onion) return crName[0], row } } else { log.Printf("Could not derive config relationship from type %s", rel.Type) } } } log.Printf("Invalid Row") return "", []string{} } // Save implements the Saved Searches Feature func (wui *WebUI) Save(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { http.Redirect(w, r, "/?error=Something Went Very Wrong! Please try again.", http.StatusFound) return } search := r.PostFormValue("search") token := r.PostFormValue("token") if token != wui.token { path := fmt.Sprintf("/?search=%v&error=Invalid random token, Please try again.", search) http.Redirect(w, r, path, http.StatusFound) return } wui.osc.Database.InsertRelationship(search, "onionscan://user-data", "search", "") path := fmt.Sprintf("/?search=%v&success=Successfully Saved Search", search) http.Redirect(w, r, path, http.StatusFound) } // Tag implements the /tag endpoint. func (wui *WebUI) Tag(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { http.Redirect(w, r, "/?error=Something Went Very Wrong! Please try again.", http.StatusFound) return } search := r.PostFormValue("search") tag := r.PostFormValue("tag") token := r.PostFormValue("token") if token != wui.token { path := fmt.Sprintf("/?search=%v&error=Invalid random token, Please try again.", search) http.Redirect(w, r, path, http.StatusFound) return } wui.osc.Database.InsertRelationship(search, "onionscan://user-data", "tag", tag) path := fmt.Sprintf("/?search=%v&success=Successfully Added Tag %v to %v", search, tag, search) http.Redirect(w, r, path, http.StatusFound) } // Delete tag implements the /delete-tag endpoint func (wui *WebUI) DeleteTag(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { http.Redirect(w, r, "/?error=Something Went Very Wrong! Please try again.", http.StatusFound) return } search := r.PostFormValue("search") tag := r.PostFormValue("tag") token := r.PostFormValue("token") if token != wui.token { path := fmt.Sprintf("/?search=%v&error=Invalid random token, Could not delete tag. Please try again.", search) http.Redirect(w, r, path, http.StatusFound) return } err = wui.osc.Database.DeleteRelationship(search, "onionscan://user-data", "tag", tag) if err != nil { http.Redirect(w, r, "/?error=Something Went Very Wrong! Please try again: "+err.Error(), http.StatusFound) return } path := fmt.Sprintf("/?search=%v&success=Successfully Deleted Tag %v from %v", search, tag, search) http.Redirect(w, r, path, http.StatusFound) } // SavedSearches provides the user with a list of searches they have saved. func (wui *WebUI) SavedSearches(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { results, _ := wui.osc.Database.GetRelationshipsWithIdentifier("onionscan://user-data") var content Content content.SearchResults = append(content.SearchResults, "onionscan://dummy") for _, rel := range results { if rel.Type == "search" { content.SearchResults = append(content.SearchResults, rel.Onion) } } var templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/index.html")) templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.html", content) } // Index implements the main search functionality of the webui func (wui *WebUI) Index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { search := strings.TrimSpace(r.URL.Query().Get("search")) error := strings.TrimSpace(r.URL.Query().Get("error")) success := strings.TrimSpace(r.URL.Query().Get("success")) var content Content mod_status := false pgp := false ssh := false uriCount := 0 content.Token = wui.token content.Error = error content.Success = success if search != "" { content.SearchTerm = search var results []crawldb.Relationship tables := make(map[string]Table) results, _ = wui.osc.Database.GetRelationshipsWithOnion(search) results_identifier, _ := wui.osc.Database.GetRelationshipsWithIdentifier(search) results = append(results, results_identifier...) for _, rel := range results { if rel.Type == "page-info" { content.Summary.Title = rel.Identifier } if rel.From == "onionscan://user-data" { if rel.Type == "tag" { content.UserTags = append(content.UserTags, rel.Identifier) utils.RemoveDuplicates(&content.UserTags) if rel.Identifier == search { // We want to surface the onions *not* the tag table, ok := tables["search-results"] log.Printf("%v %v", search, ok) if !ok { var newTable Table newTable.Title = rel.Type newTable.Heading = []string{"Onion"} tables["search-results"] = newTable table = newTable } links := wui.osc.Database.GetRelationshipsCount(rel.Identifier) - 1 table.Rows = append(table.Rows, Row{Fields: []string{rel.Onion}, Tag: rel.Identifier, Links: links}) tables["search-results"] = table } else { table, ok := tables["search-results"] if !ok { var newTable Table newTable.Title = rel.Type newTable.Heading = []string{"Tags"} tables[rel.Type] = newTable table = newTable } links := wui.osc.Database.GetRelationshipsCount(rel.Identifier) - 1 table.Rows = append(table.Rows, Row{Fields: []string{rel.Identifier}, Tag: rel.Onion, Links: links}) tables[rel.Type] = table } } } else if utils.IsOnion(rel.Onion) && rel.Type != "database-id" && rel.Type != "user-relationship" { table, ok := tables[rel.Type] if !ok { var newTable Table newTable.Title = rel.Type newTable.Heading = []string{"Identifier", "Onion"} tables[rel.Type] = newTable table = newTable } links := wui.osc.Database.GetRelationshipsCount(rel.Identifier) - 1 table.Rows = append(table.Rows, Row{Fields: []string{rel.Identifier, rel.Onion}, Tag: rel.From, Links: links}) tables[rel.Type] = table if rel.From == "mod_status" { mod_status = true } if rel.From == "pgp" { pgp = true } if rel.From == "ssh" { ssh = true } } else if utils.IsOnion(rel.From) { tableName, row := wui.GetUserDefinedRow(rel) if len(row) > 0 { table, exists := tables[tableName] if !exists { newTable, err := wui.GetUserDefinedTable(rel) if err == nil { tables[tableName] = newTable table = newTable } } table.Rows = append(table.Rows, Row{Fields: row}) tables[tableName] = table } } else if rel.Type == "user-relationship" { userrel := rel userrel.Onion = rel.Identifier userrel.From = rel.Onion userrel.Type = rel.From + "/parent" tableName, row := wui.GetUserDefinedRow(userrel) if len(row) > 0 { table, exists := tables[tableName] if !exists { newTable, err := wui.GetUserDefinedTable(userrel) if err == nil { tables[tableName] = newTable table = newTable } } table.Rows = append(table.Rows, Row{Fields: row}) tables[tableName] = table } } else if rel.Type == "database-id" { uriCount++ } } // AutoTag our content if mod_status { content.Tags = append(content.Tags, "mod_status") } if pgp { content.Tags = append(content.Tags, "pgp") } if ssh { content.Tags = append(content.Tags, "ssh") } // We now have a bunch of tables, keyed by type. // Build a Summary and add the tables to the Content for _, v := range tables { content.Summary.Total += len(v.Rows) } for k, v := range tables { log.Printf("Adding Table %s %v", k, v) // Lazy Plural alt := k + "s" switch k { case "ip": alt = "IP Addresses" case "clearnet-link": alt = "Co-Hosted Clearnet Sites" case "uri": alt = "Links to External Sites" case "email-address": alt = "Email Addresses" case "server-version": alt = "Server Information" case "identity": alt = "PGP Identities" case "bitcoin-address": alt = "Bitcoin Addresses" case "software-banner": alt = "Software Banners" case "analytics-id": alt = "Analytics IDs" case "tag": alt = "Tag Relationships" case "onion": alt = "Co-Hosted Onion Sites" case "search-results": alt = "Search Results" case "http-header": alt = "HTTP Headers" case "page-info": alt = "Webpage Information" } total := (float32(len(v.Rows)) / float32(content.Summary.Total)) * float32(100) if total < 1 { total = 2 // For Visibility } field := SummaryField{k, len(v.Rows), alt, int(total)} content.Summary.Fields = append(content.Summary.Fields, field) rollups := make(map[string]int) for _, c := range v.Rollups { for _, rows := range v.Rows { rollups[rows.Fields[c]]++ } } v.RollupCounts = rollups v.SearchTerm = search v.AltTitle = alt content.Tables = append(content.Tables, v) } } else { content.RelationshipNum = wui.osc.Database.GetAllRelationshipsCount() } var templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/index.html")) templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.html", content) } func (wui *WebUI) Listen(osc *config.OnionScanConfig, port int) { wui.osc = osc // We generate a random token on startup to mitigate the threat // against CSRF style attacks. token, err := utils.GenerateRandomString(64) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Error generating random bytes for CSRF token: %v", err) } wui.token = token http.HandleFunc("/", wui.Index) http.HandleFunc("/save", wui.Save) http.HandleFunc("/tag", wui.Tag) http.HandleFunc("/saved", wui.SavedSearches) http.HandleFunc("/delete-tag", wui.DeleteTag) fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("./templates/style")) http.Handle("/style/", http.StripPrefix("/style/", fs)) fs = http.FileServer(http.Dir("./templates/scripts")) http.Handle("/scripts/", http.StripPrefix("/scripts/", fs)) fs = http.FileServer(http.Dir("./templates/images")) http.Handle("/images/", http.StripPrefix("/images/", fs)) fs = http.FileServer(http.Dir("./templates/fonts")) http.Handle("/fonts/", http.StripPrefix("/fonts/", fs)) portstr := strconv.Itoa(port) http.ListenAndServe(""+portstr, nil) }