import re import sys import json from itertools import islice from datetime import datetime as dt from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor class Operator: """Base class for all Operator plugins. Note: This is an abstract class. You must extend ``__init__`` and call ``super`` to ensure this class's constructor is called. You must override ``handle_artifact`` with the same signature. You may define additional ``handle_{artifact_type}`` methods as needed (see the threatkb operator for an example) - these methods are purely convention, and are not required. When adding additional methods to child classes, consider prefixing the method name with an underscore to denote a ``_private_method``. Do not override other existing methods from this class. """ def __init__(self, logger, elasticsearch, allowed_sources=None): """Override this constructor in child classes. The arguments above (artifact_types, filter_string, allowed_sources) should be accepted explicity as above, in all child classes. Additional arguments should be added: url, auth, etc, whatever is needed to set up the object. Each operator should default self.artifact_types to a list of Artifacts supported by the plugin, and allow passing in artifact_types to overwrite that default. Example: >>> self.artifact_types = artifact_types or [ ... artifacts.IPAddress, ... artifacts.Domain, ... ] It's recommended to call this __init__ method via super from all child classes. Remember to do so *before* setting any default artifact_types. """ self.logger = logger self.blacklist = re.compile('|'.join([re.escape(word) for word in allowed_sources]), re.IGNORECASE) = elasticsearch def response(self, content, onion, operator_name): """ status: success/failure content: dict onion: str return: dict """ try: return {operator_name: content, 'hiddenService': onion} #except TypeError: # return {operator_name: None, 'hiddenService': onion} except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) def handle_onion(self, db, url): """Override with the same signature. :param artifact: A single ``Artifact`` object. :returns: None (always ignored) """ raise NotImplementedError() def _onion_is_allowed(self, response, db, type='URL'): """Returns True if this is allowed by this plugin's filters.""" # Must be in allowed_sources, if set. if type == 'URL': blacklist = self.blacklist.findall(response['hiddenService']) elif type == 'HTML': blacklist = self.blacklist.findall(response['simple-html']['HTML']) if blacklist: response['simple-html'].pop('status') response['simple-html']['status'] = 'blocked' response['blacklist'] = list(set(blacklist))['_id'], response) return False return True def collect(self, onions): for onion in onions:'thread function processing {onion}') # Add link to database db ={ 'hiddenService':onion.url, 'monitor':'false', 'dateAdded':dt.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')+ 'Z'}) if self._onion_is_allowed( self.response({'status':'blocked'},onion.url,'regex-blacklist'), db, type='URL'): # Get data for current link self.handle_onion(db, onion.url) def iter_batches(self, data, batch_size): data = iter(data) while True: batch = list(islice(data, batch_size)) if len(batch) == 0: break yield batch def process(self, onions): """Process all applicable onions.""" #print(onions) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor: collect_tasks = [executor.submit(self.collect, files_batch) for files_batch in self.iter_batches(onions, batch_size=10)] for tasks in collect_tasks: