import json import time import traceback import subprocess from threading import Timer from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor import requests from onioningestor.operators import Operator class Plugin(Operator): """OnionScraper main work logic. Handles reading the config file, calling sources, maintaining state and sending artifacts to operators. """ def __init__(self, logger, denylist, **kwargs): super(Plugin, self).__init__(logger, denylist) = kwargs['name'] self.logger = logger'Initializing {}') self.onionscan = kwargs['binpath'] self.timeout = int(kwargs.get('timeout', 300)) self.torControl = 9051 self.torControl = "Zue5a29v4xE6FciWpPF93rR2M2T" def parseDoc(self, data): data.pop('simpleReport', None) crawls = data.pop('crawls', None) hiddenService = data.pop('hiddenService', None) data['crawls'] = [*crawls] crawl = set() for onion in re.findall(r'\s?(\w+.onion)', str(crawls.keys())): if onion != hiddenService: crawl.add(onion) for items in crawl: print(f'crawling queue added: {item}') self.queueCrawl.put(( 3, self.onion( url=item, source='crawled', type='domain', status='offline', monitor=False, denylist=False))) return data # signal TOR for a new connection def renew_connection(self): with Controller.from_port(port = self.torControl['port']) as controller: # Now we switch TOR identities to make sure we have a good connection'Getting new Tor IP') # authenticate to our local TOR controller controller.authenticate(self.torControl['password']) # send the signal for a new identity controller.signal(Signal.NEWNYM) # wait for the new identity to be initialized time.sleep(controller.get_newnym_wait())"IP is {requests.get('').json()['origin']}") def handle_timeout(self, process, onion): # # Handle a timeout from the onionscan process. # try: # kill the onionscan process process.kill()"[!!!] Killed the onionscan process.") except: pass self.renew_connection() return def run_onionscan(self, onion):"[*] Running onionscan on %s", onion) # fire up onionscan process = subprocess.Popen([self.onionscan,"--webport=0","--jsonReport","--simpleReport=false",onion],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # start the timer and let it run till timeout minutes process_timer = Timer(self.timeout,self.handle_timeout,args=[process,onion]) process_timer.start() # wait for the onion scan results stdout = process.communicate()[0] # we have received valid results so we can kill the timer if process_timer.is_alive(): process_timer.cancel() try: return self.response( "success", self.parseDoc(json.loads(stdout))) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return self.response( "success", self.parseDoc(stdout))"[!!!] Process timed out for %s", onion) print(stdout) return self.response("failed",stdout) def handle_onion(self, onion): try: results = self.run_onionscan(onion.url) onion.onionscan(results) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error(traceback.print_exc()) finally: pass