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175 lines
4.1 KiB

4 years ago
#!/bin/awk -f
# create release message for MMG-CI releases
# feeds on git diff --raw
# map uncommon apk names to conventional names for translation
delete appmap
appmap["GoogleBackupTransport"] = "Google sync adapters"
appmap["GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter"] = "Google sync adapters"
appmap["GoogleContactsSyncAdapter"] = "Google sync adapters"
appmap["MicroGGMSCore"] = "MicroG"
appmap["MicroGGSFProxy"] = "GSF proxy"
appmap["MicroGUNLP"] = "UNLP"
appmap["Phonesky"] = "Playstore"
# init stateful vars
# arrays and index counters
appc = 0
binc = 0
cerc = 0
delete appv
delete binv
delete cerv
# git diff --raw format
# (p = number of parents of commit)
# (SP = space char)
# { ":" }*p { mode SP }*(p+1) { hash SP }*(p+1) status SP { filepath SP }*?
# 0..p modes and hashes are of parents, (p+1)ths are of the child
# IDK anything about filepaths
# example:
# :000000 100644 0000000 3abb859 A
# ::100644 100644 100644 08576ac 08576ac c4585d8 MM system/bin/npem
# skip non-diff lines
# they don't start with colons
!/^:[:]*/ { next }
# process each line and take out useful fields
# set variables: file, action
# match the pattern and get number of colons
# number of colons = number of parents of commit
match($0, "^:[:]*")
parents = RLENGTH
offset = (parents + 1) * 2
# get change status and build array of filepaths
change = $(offset + 1)
filec = 0
delete filev
for (i = offset + 2; i <= NF; i++) {
filev[filec] = $i
filec += 1
# I have no idea what to with merges
# only supports non-merge commits for now
if (parents != 1) next
if (change ~ "C" || change ~ "R")
# for copies and renames, first filepath is src, second is dst
file = filev[1]
# for everything else there is only one filepath
file = filev[0]
# find action by matching status code
if (change ~ "A" || change ~ "C" || change ~ "R")
action = "added"
else if (change ~ "M")
action = "updated"
else if (change ~ "D")
action = "deleted"
# unknown status, skip
# match file with various paths
# add their string and action to relevant arrays
# array[i, 0] = string
# array[i, 1] = action
# string literals used as regex patterns are parsed twice by awk
# all escapes need to be doubled for simpler implementations
file ~ "^system/(priv-)?app/[^/]*/(-[^/]*-/)?[^/]*\\.apk$" {
split(file, arr, "/")
str = arr[3]
if (str in appmap)
str = appmap[str]
for (i = 0; i < appc; i++)
if (appv[i, 0] == str) next
appv[appc, 0] = str
appv[appc, 1] = action
appc += 1
file ~ "^system/(x)?bin/(-[^/]*-/)?[^/]*$" {
n = split(file, arr, "/")
str = "`" arr[n] "`"
for (i = 0; i < binc; i++)
if (binv[i, 0] == str) next
binv[binc, 0] = str
binv[binc, 1] = action
binc += 1
file ~ "^system/framework/(-[^/]*-/)?com\\.google\\.android\\.maps\\.jar$" {
str = "MicroG maps API v1"
for (i = 0; i < binc; i++)
if (binv[i, 0] == str) next
binv[binc, 0] = str
binv[binc, 1] = "updated"
binc += 1
file ~ "^util/certs/repo/[^/]*\\.cer$" {
split(file, arr, "/")
repo = substr(arr[4], 1, length(arr[4]) - length(".cer"))
str = "cert for repo" " " repo
for (i = 0; i < cerc; i++)
if (cerv[i, 0] == str) next
cerv[cerc, 0] = str
cerv[cerc, 1] = "changed"
cerc += 1
file ~ "^util/certs/system/(priv-)?app/[^/]*/(-[^/]*-/)?[^/]*\\.cer$" {
split(file, arr, "/")
str = "cert for app" " " arr[5]
for (i = 0; i < cerc; i++)
if (cerv[i, 0] == str) next
cerv[cerc, 0] = str
cerv[cerc, 1] = "changed"
cerc += 1
# printf fmt string
fmt = " - %s %s\n"
# loop through all non-empty lists and print elements
if (appc) {
print("- Apps changed:")
for (i = 0; i < appc; i++) {
printf(fmt, appv[i, 1], appv[i, 0])
if (binc) {
print("- Binaries changed:")
for (i = 0; i < binc; i++) {
printf(fmt, binv[i, 1], binv[i, 0])
if (cerc) {
print("- Certs changed:")
for (i = 0; i < cerc; i++) {
printf(fmt, cerv[i, 1], cerv[i, 0])