You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

386 lines
12 KiB

#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include "logging.h"
#include "overlay.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "file_utils.h"
#include "string_utils.h"
#include "version.h"
using namespace std;
string os, cpu, gpu, ram, kernel, driver, cpusched;
bool sysInfoFetched = false;
double fps;
float frametime;
logData currentLogData = {};
std::unique_ptr<Logger> logger;
ofstream output_file;
std::thread log_thread;
string exec(string command) {
#ifndef _WIN32
command = "unset LD_PRELOAD; " + command;
std::array<char, 128> buffer;
std::string result;
auto deleter = [](FILE* ptr){ pclose(ptr); };
std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(deleter)> pipe(popen(command.c_str(), "r"), deleter);
if (!pipe) {
return "popen failed!";
while (fgets(, buffer.size(), pipe.get()) != nullptr) {
result +=;
return result;
static void upload_file(std::string logFile){
std::string command = "curl --include --request POST -F 'log[game_id]=26506' -F 'log[user_id]=176' -F 'attachment=true' -A 'mangohud' ";
command += " -F 'log[uploads][]=@" + logFile + "'";
command += " | grep Location | cut -c11-";
std::string url = exec(command);
std::cout << "upload url: " << url;
exec("xdg-open " + url);
static void upload_files(const std::vector<std::string>& logFiles){
std::string command = "curl --include --request POST -F 'log[game_id]=26506' -F 'log[user_id]=176' -F 'attachment=true' -A 'mangohud' ";
for (auto& file : logFiles)
command += " -F 'log[uploads][]=@" + file + "'";
command += " | grep Location | cut -c11-";
std::string url = exec(command);
std::cout << "upload url: " << url;
exec("xdg-open " + url);
static bool compareByFps(const logData &a, const logData &b)
return a.fps < b.fps;
static void writeSummary(string filename){
auto& logArray = logger->get_log_data();
filename = filename.substr(0, filename.size() - 4);
filename += "_summary.csv";
SPDLOG_INFO("{}", filename);
SPDLOG_DEBUG("Writing summary log file [{}]", filename);
std::ofstream out(filename, ios::out | ios::app);
if (out){
out << "0.1% Min FPS," << "1% Min FPS," << "97% Percentile FPS," << "Average FPS," << "GPU Load," << "CPU Load," << "Average Frame Time," << "Average GPU Temp," << "Average CPU Temp," << "Average VRAM Used," << "Average RAM Used," << "Average Swap Used," << "Peak GPU Load," << "Peak CPU Load," << "Peak GPU Temp," << "Peak CPU Temp," << "Peak VRAM Used," << "Peak RAM Used," << "Peak Swap Used" << "\n";
std::vector<logData> sorted = logArray;
std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), compareByFps);
float total = 0.0f;
float total_gpu = 0.0f;
float total_cpu = 0.0f;
int total_gpu_temp = 0.0f;
int total_cpu_temp = 0.0f;
float total_vram = 0.0f;
float total_ram = 0.0f;
float total_swap = 0.0f;
int peak_gpu = 0.0f;
float peak_cpu = 0.0f;
int peak_gpu_temp = 0.0f;
int peak_cpu_temp = 0.0f;
float peak_vram = 0.0f;
float peak_ram = 0.0f;
float peak_swap = 0.0f;
float result;
float percents[2] = {0.001, 0.01};
for (auto percent : percents){
total = 0;
size_t idx = ceil(sorted.size() * percent);
for (size_t i = 0; i < idx; i++){
total = total + sorted[i].frametime;
result = 1000 / (total / idx);
out << fixed << setprecision(1) << result << ",";
// 97th percentile
result = sorted.empty() ? 0.0f : 1000 / sorted[floor(0.97 * (sorted.size() - 1))].frametime;
out << fixed << setprecision(1) << result << ",";
// avg + peak
total = 0;
for (auto input : sorted){
total = total + input.frametime;
total_gpu = total_gpu + input.gpu_load;
total_cpu = total_cpu + input.cpu_load;
total_gpu_temp = total_gpu_temp + input.gpu_temp;
total_cpu_temp = total_cpu_temp + input.cpu_temp;
total_vram = total_vram + input.gpu_vram_used;
total_ram = total_ram + input.ram_used;
total_swap = total_swap + input.swap_used;
peak_gpu = std::max(peak_gpu, input.gpu_load);
peak_cpu = std::max(peak_cpu, input.cpu_load);
peak_gpu_temp = std::max(peak_gpu_temp, input.gpu_temp);
peak_cpu_temp = std::max(peak_cpu_temp, input.cpu_temp);
peak_vram = std::max(peak_vram, input.gpu_vram_used);
peak_ram = std::max(peak_ram, input.ram_used);
peak_swap = std::max(peak_swap, input.swap_used);
// Average FPS
result = 1000 / (total / sorted.size());
out << fixed << setprecision(1) << result << ",";
// GPU Load (Average)
result = total_gpu / sorted.size();
out << result << ",";
// CPU Load (Average)
result = total_cpu / sorted.size();
out << result << ",";
// Average Frame Time
result = total / sorted.size();
out << result << ",";
// Average GPU Temp
result = total_gpu_temp / sorted.size();
out << result << ",";
// Average CPU Temp
result = total_cpu_temp / sorted.size();
out << result << ",";
// Average VRAM Used
result = total_vram / sorted.size();
out << result << ",";
// Average RAM Used
result = total_ram / sorted.size();
out << result << ",";
// Average Swap Used
result = total_swap / sorted.size();
out << result << ",";
// Peak GPU Load
out << peak_gpu << ",";
// Peak CPU Load
out << peak_cpu << ",";
// Peak GPU Temp
out << peak_gpu_temp << ",";
// Peak CPU Temp
out << peak_cpu_temp << ",";
// Peak VRAM Used
out << peak_vram << ",";
// Peak RAM Used
out << peak_ram << ",";
// Peak Swap Used
out << peak_swap;
} else {
SPDLOG_ERROR("Failed to write log file");
static void writeFileHeaders(ofstream& out){
if (HUDElements.params->enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_log_versioning]){
printf("log versioning");
out << "v1" << endl;
out << MANGOHUD_VERSION << endl;
out << "---------------------SYSTEM INFO---------------------" << endl;
out << "os," << "cpu," << "gpu," << "ram," << "kernel," << "driver," << "cpuscheduler" << endl;
out << os << "," << cpu << "," << gpu << "," << ram << "," << kernel << "," << driver << "," << cpusched << endl;
if (HUDElements.params->enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_log_versioning])
out << "--------------------FRAME METRICS--------------------" << endl;
out << "fps," << "frametime," << "cpu_load," << "gpu_load," << "cpu_temp," << "gpu_temp," << "gpu_core_clock," << "gpu_mem_clock," << "gpu_vram_used," << "gpu_power," << "ram_used," << "swap_used," << "process_rss," << "elapsed" << endl;
void Logger::writeToFile(){
if (!output_file){, ios::out | ios::app);
auto& logArray = logger->get_log_data();
if (output_file && !logArray.empty()){
output_file << logArray.back().fps << ",";
output_file << logArray.back().frametime << ",";
output_file << logArray.back().cpu_load << ",";
output_file << logArray.back().gpu_load << ",";
output_file << logArray.back().cpu_temp << ",";
output_file << logArray.back().gpu_temp << ",";
output_file << logArray.back().gpu_core_clock << ",";
output_file << logArray.back().gpu_mem_clock << ",";
output_file << logArray.back().gpu_vram_used << ",";
output_file << logArray.back().gpu_power << ",";
output_file << logArray.back().ram_used << ",";
output_file << logArray.back().swap_used << ",";
output_file << logArray.back().process_rss << ",";
output_file << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(logArray.back().previous).count() << "\n";
} else {
printf("MANGOHUD: Failed to write log file\n");
static string get_log_suffix(){
time_t now_log = time(0);
tm *log_time = localtime(&now_log);
std::ostringstream buffer;
buffer << std::put_time(log_time, "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") << ".csv";
string log_name = buffer.str();
return log_name;
Logger::Logger(const overlay_params* in_params)
: output_folder(in_params->output_folder),
if(output_folder.empty()) output_folder = std::getenv("HOME");
m_log_end = Clock::now() - 15s;
SPDLOG_DEBUG("Logger constructed!");
void Logger::start_logging() {
if(m_logging_on) return;
m_values_valid = false;
m_logging_on = true;
m_log_start = Clock::now();
std::string program = get_wine_exe_name();
if (program.empty())
program = get_program_name();
m_log_files.emplace_back(output_folder + "/" + program + "_" + get_log_suffix());
if(log_interval != 0){
std::thread log_thread(&Logger::logging, this);
void Logger::stop_logging() {
if(!m_logging_on) return;
m_logging_on = false;
m_log_end = Clock::now();
if (log_thread.joinable()) log_thread.join();
#ifdef __linux__
control_client_check(HUDElements.params->control, global_control_client, gpu.c_str());
const char * cmd = "LoggingFinished";
control_send(global_control_client, cmd, strlen(cmd), 0, 0);
void Logger::logging(){
while (is_active()){
void Logger::try_log() {
if(!is_active()) return;
if(!m_values_valid) return;
auto now = Clock::now();
auto elapsedLog = now - m_log_start;
currentLogData.previous = elapsedLog;
currentLogData.fps = fps;
currentLogData.frametime = frametime;
if(log_duration && (elapsedLog >= std::chrono::seconds(log_duration))){
void Logger::wait_until_data_valid() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(m_values_valid_mtx);
while(! m_values_valid) m_values_valid_cv.wait(lck);
void Logger::notify_data_valid() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(m_values_valid_mtx);
m_values_valid = true;
void Logger::upload_last_log() {
if(m_log_files.empty()) return;
std::thread(upload_file, m_log_files.back()).detach();
void Logger::upload_last_logs() {
if(m_log_files.empty()) return;
std::thread(upload_files, m_log_files).detach();
void autostart_log(int sleep) {
// os_time_sleep() causes freezes with zink + autologging :frog_donut:
void Logger::calculate_benchmark_data(){
vector<float> sorted {};
for (auto& point : m_log_array)
std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), [](float a, float b) {
return a > b;
benchmark.percentile_data.clear(); = 0.f;
for (auto frametime_ : sorted){ = + frametime_;
size_t max_label_size = 0;
float result;
for (std::string percentile : HUDElements.params->benchmark_percentiles) {
// special case handling for a mean-based average
if (percentile == "AVG") {
result = / sorted.size();
} else {
// the percentiles are already validated when they're parsed from the config.
float fraction = parse_float(percentile) / 100;
result = sorted.empty() ? 0.0f : sorted[(fraction * sorted.size()) - 1];
percentile += "%";
if (percentile.length() > max_label_size)
max_label_size = percentile.length();
benchmark.percentile_data.push_back({percentile, (1000 / result)});
string label;
float mins[2] = {0.01f, 0.001f};
for (auto percent : mins){
size_t percentile_pos = sorted.size() * percent;
percentile_pos = std::min(percentile_pos, sorted.size() - 1);
float result = 1000 / sorted[percentile_pos];
if (percent == 0.001f)
label = "0.1%";
if (percent == 0.01f)
label = "1%";
if (label.length() > max_label_size)
max_label_size = label.length();
benchmark.percentile_data.push_back({label, result});
for (auto& entry : benchmark.percentile_data) {
entry.first.append(max_label_size - entry.first.length(), ' ');