#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e OS_RELEASE_FILES=("/etc/os-release" "/usr/lib/os-release") XDG_DATA_HOME="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}" XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}" DATA_DIR="$XDG_DATA_HOME/MangoHud" CONFIG_DIR="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/MangoHud" LAYER="build/release/usr/share/vulkan/implicit_layer.d/mangohud.json" INSTALL_DIR="build/package/" IMPLICIT_LAYER_DIR="$XDG_DATA_HOME/vulkan/implicit_layer.d" VERSION=$(git describe --long --tags --always | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g;s/^v//') SU_CMD=$(command -v sudo || command -v doas) # doas requires a double dash if the command it runs will include any dashes, # so append a double dash to the command [[ $SU_CMD == *doas ]] && SU_CMD="$SU_CMD -- " # Correctly identify the os-release file. for os_release in ${OS_RELEASE_FILES[@]} ; do if [[ ! -e "${os_release}" ]]; then continue fi DISTRO=$(sed -rn 's/^NAME=(.+)/\1/p' ${os_release} | sed 's/"//g') done dependencies() { if [[ ! -f build/release/usr/lib/libMangoHud.so ]]; then missing_deps() { echo "# Missing dependencies:$INSTALL" read -rp "Do you wish the script to install these packages? [y/N]" PERMISSION case "$PERMISSION" in "y"|"Y") echo "Attempting to install missing packages"; sleep 0.5;; *) echo "Continuing with missing dependencies"; sleep 1;; esac } dep_install() { set +e for i in $(eval echo $DEPS); do $MANAGER_QUERY "$i" &> /dev/null if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then INSTALL="$INSTALL""$i " fi done if [[ ! -z "$INSTALL" ]]; then missing_deps if [[ "$PERMISSION" == "Y" || "$PERMISSION" == "y" ]]; then $SU_CMD $MANAGER_INSTALL $INSTALL fi fi set -e } echo "# Checking Dependencies" case $DISTRO in "Arch Linux"|"Manjaro Linux") MANAGER_QUERY="pacman -Q" MANAGER_INSTALL="pacman -S" DEPS="{gcc,meson,pkgconf,python-mako,glslang,libglvnd,lib32-libglvnd,libxnvctrl}" dep_install ;; "Fedora") MANAGER_QUERY="dnf list installed" MANAGER_INSTALL="dnf install" DEPS="{meson,gcc,gcc-c++,libX11-devel,glslang,python3-mako,mesa-libGL-devel,libXNVCtrl-devel,dbus-devel}" dep_install unset INSTALL DEPS="{glibc-devel.i686,libstdc++-devel.i686,libX11-devel.i686}" dep_install ;; *"buntu"|"Linux Mint"|"Debian GNU/Linux"|"Zorin OS"|"Pop!_OS"|"elementary OS") MANAGER_QUERY="dpkg-query -s" MANAGER_INSTALL="apt install" DEPS="{gcc,g++,gcc-multilib,g++-multilib,ninja-build,python3-pip,python3-setuptools,python3-wheel,pkg-config,mesa-common-dev,libx11-dev,libxnvctrl-dev,libdbus-1-dev}" dep_install if [[ $(pip3 show meson; echo $?) == 1 || $(pip3 show mako; echo $?) == 1 ]]; then $SU_CMD pip3 install 'meson>=0.54' mako fi if [[ ! -f /usr/local/bin/glslangValidator ]]; then wget https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glslang/releases/download/master-tot/glslang-master-linux-Release.zip unzip glslang-master-linux-Release.zip bin/glslangValidator $SU_CMD install -m755 bin/glslangValidator /usr/local/bin/ rm bin/glslangValidator glslang-master-linux-Release.zip fi ;; "openSUSE Leap"|"openSUSE Tumbleweed") PACKMAN_PKGS="libXNVCtrl-devel" case $DISTRO in "openSUSE Leap") echo "You may have to enable packman repository for some extra packages: ${PACKMAN_PKGS}" echo "zypper ar -cfp 90 https://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_Leap_15.1/ packman" ;; "openSUSE Tumbleweed") echo "You may have to enable packman repository for some extra packages: ${PACKMAN_PKGS}" echo "zypper ar -cfp 90 http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/ packman" ;; esac MANAGER_QUERY="rpm -q" MANAGER_INSTALL="zypper install" DEPS="{gcc-c++,gcc-c++-32bit,libpkgconf-devel,ninja,python3-pip,python3-Mako,libX11-devel,glslang-devel,glibc-devel,glibc-devel-32bit,libstdc++-devel,libstdc++-devel-32bit,Mesa-libGL-devel,dbus-1-devel,${PACKMAN_PKGS}}" dep_install if [[ $(pip3 show meson; echo $?) == 1 ]]; then $SU_CMD pip3 install 'meson>=0.54' fi ;; "Solus") unset MANAGER_QUERY unset DEPS MANAGER_INSTALL="eopkg it" local packages=("mesalib-32bit-devel" "glslang" "libstdc++-32bit" "glibc-32bit-devel" "mako") # eopkg doesn't emit exit codes properly, so use the python API to find if a package is installed. for package in ${packages[@]}; do python -c "import pisi.db; import sys; idb = pisi.db.installdb.InstallDB(); sys.exit(0 if idb.has_package(\"${package}\") else 1)" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then INSTALL="${INSTALL}""${package} " fi done # likewise, ensure the whole system.devel component is satisfied python -c "import pisi.db; import sys; idb = pisi.db.installdb.InstallDB(); cdb = pisi.db.componentdb.ComponentDB(); mpkgs = [x for x in cdb.get_packages('system.devel') if not idb.has_package(x)]; sys.exit(0 if len(mpkgs) == 0 else 1)" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then INSTALL="${INSTALL}""-c system.devel " fi dep_install ;; *) echo "# Unable to find distro information!" echo "# Attempting to build regardless" esac fi } configure() { dependencies git submodule update --init --depth 50 if [[ ! -f "build/meson64/build.ninja" ]]; then meson build/meson64 --libdir lib/mangohud/lib --prefix /usr -Dappend_libdir_mangohud=false -Dld_libdir_prefix=true $@ ${CONFIGURE_OPTS} fi if [[ ! -f "build/meson32/build.ninja" ]]; then export CC="gcc -m32" export CXX="g++ -m32" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/lib32/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH_32}" export LLVM_CONFIG="/usr/bin/llvm-config32" meson build/meson32 --libdir lib/mangohud/lib32 --prefix /usr -Dappend_libdir_mangohud=false -Dld_libdir_prefix=true $@ ${CONFIGURE_OPTS} fi } build() { if [[ ! -f "build/meson64/build.ninja" ]]; then configure $@ fi DESTDIR="$PWD/build/release" ninja -C build/meson32 install DESTDIR="$PWD/build/release" ninja -C build/meson64 install } package() { LIB="build/release/usr/lib/mangohud/lib/libMangoHud.so" LIB32="build/release/usr/lib/mangohud/lib32/libMangoHud.so" if [[ ! -f "$LIB" || "$LIB" -ot "build/meson64/src/libMangoHud.so" ]]; then build fi tar --numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 \ -C build/release -cvf "build/MangoHud-package.tar" . } release() { rm build/MangoHud-package.tar mkdir -p build/MangoHud package cp --preserve=mode bin/mangohud-setup.sh build/MangoHud/mangohud-setup.sh cp build/MangoHud-package.tar build/MangoHud/MangoHud-package.tar tar --numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 \ -C build -czvf build/MangoHud-$VERSION.tar.gz MangoHud } uninstall() { [ "$UID" -eq 0 ] || exec $SU_CMD bash "$0" uninstall rm -rfv "/usr/lib/mangohud" rm -rfv "/usr/share/doc/mangohud" rm -fv "/usr/share/man/man1/mangohud.1" rm -fv "/usr/share/vulkan/implicit_layer.d/mangohud.json" rm -fv "/usr/share/vulkan/implicit_layer.d/MangoHud.json" rm -fv "/usr/share/vulkan/implicit_layer.d/MangoHud.x86.json" rm -fv "/usr/share/vulkan/implicit_layer.d/MangoHud.x86_64.json" rm -fv "/usr/bin/mangohud" rm -fv "/usr/bin/mangohud.x86" } install() { rm -rf "$HOME/.local/share/MangoHud/" rm -f "$HOME/.local/share/vulkan/implicit_layer.d/"{mangohud32.json,mangohud64.json} [ "$UID" -eq 0 ] || mkdir -pv "${CONFIG_DIR}" [ "$UID" -eq 0 ] || build [ "$UID" -eq 0 ] || exec $SU_CMD bash "$0" install uninstall $SU_CMD ninja -C build/meson32 install $SU_CMD ninja -C build/meson64 install # FIXME get the triplet somehow ln -sv lib /usr/lib/mangohud/lib64 ln -sv lib /usr/lib/mangohud/x86_64 ln -sv lib /usr/lib/mangohud/x86_64-linux-gnu ln -sv lib32 /usr/lib/mangohud/i686 #ln -sv lib32 /usr/lib/mangohud/i386-linux-gnu ln -sv lib32 /usr/lib/mangohud/i686-linux-gnu #ln -sv lib /usr/lib/mangohud/aarch64-linux-gnu #ln -sv lib /usr/lib/mangohud/arm-linux-gnueabihf echo "MangoHud Installed" } reinstall() { build package install } clean() { rm -rf "build" } usage() { if test -z $1; then echo "Unrecognized command argument: $a" else echo "$0 requires one argument" fi echo -e "\nUsage: $0 \n" echo "Available commands:" echo -e "\tpull\t\tPull latest commits (code) from Git" echo -e "\tconfigure\tEnsures that dependencies are installed, updates git submodules, and generates files needed for building MangoHud. This is automatically run by the build command" echo -e "\tbuild\t\tIf needed runs configure and then builds (compiles) MangoHud" echo -e "\tpackage\t\tRuns build if needed and then builds a tar package from MangoHud" echo -e "\tinstall\t\tInstall MangoHud onto your system" echo -e "\treinstall\tRuns build, then package, and finally install" echo -e "\tclean\t\tRemoves build directory" echo -e "\tuninstall\tRemoves installed MangoHud files from your system" echo -e "\trelease\t\tBuilds a MangoHud release tar package" } if [[ -z $@ ]]; then usage no-args fi while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do OPTS=() arg="$1" shift while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do case $1 in -*) OPTS+=("$1") shift ;; *) break ;; esac; done echo -e "\e[1mCommand:\e[92m" $arg "\e[94m"${OPTS[@]}"\e[39m\e[0m" case $arg in "pull") git pull ${OPTS[@]};; "configure") configure ${OPTS[@]};; "build") build ${OPTS[@]};; "package") package;; "install") install;; "reinstall") reinstall;; "clean") clean;; "uninstall") uninstall;; "release") release;; *) usage esac done