Fix param check errors /1

NoXPhasma 10 months ago committed by flightlessmango
parent e345195f56
commit 557f92d37d

@ -3,26 +3,30 @@
### Use some_parameter=0 to disable a parameter (only works with on/off parameters)
### Everything below can be used / overridden with the environment variable MANGOHUD_CONFIG instead
################ INFORMATIONAL #################
## prints possible options on stdout
# help
################ PERFORMANCE #################
### Limit the application FPS. Comma-separated list of one or more FPS values (e.g. 0,30,60). 0 means unlimited (unless VSynced)
# fps_limit=
# fps_limit=0
### early = wait before present, late = wait after present
# fps_limit_method=
### VSync [0-3] 0 = adaptive; 1 = off; 2 = mailbox; 3 = on
# vsync=
# vsync=-1
### OpenGL VSync [0-N] 0 = off; >=1 = wait for N v-blanks, N > 1 acts as a FPS limiter (FPS = display refresh rate / N)
# gl_vsync=
# gl_vsync=-2
### Mip-map LoD bias. Negative values will increase texture sharpness (and aliasing)
## Positive values will increase texture blurriness (-16 to 16)
# picmip=
# picmip=-17
### Anisotropic filtering level. Improves sharpness of textures viewed at an angle (0 to 16)
# af=
# af=-1
### Force bicubic filtering
# bicubic
@ -47,6 +51,12 @@
# 4 = high detailed information
# preset=-1
### Enable most of the toggleable parameters (currently excludes `histogram`)
# full
### Show FPS only. ***Not meant to be used with other display params***
# fps_only
### Display custom centered text, useful for a header
# custom_text_center=
@ -54,9 +64,10 @@
# time
### Time formatting examples
# time_format=%H:%M
# time_format=[ %T %F ]
# time_format=%X # locally formatted time, because of limited glyph range, missing characters may show as '?' (e.g. Japanese)
## %H:%M
## [ %T %F ]
## %X # locally formatted time, because of limited glyph range, missing characters may show as '?' (e.g. Japanese)
# time_format="%T"
### Display MangoHud version
# version
@ -70,16 +81,18 @@ gpu_stats
# gpu_mem_temp
# gpu_mem_clock
# gpu_power
# gpu_text=GPU
# gpu_text=
# gpu_load_change
# gpu_load_value=60,90
# gpu_load_color=39F900,FDFD09,B22222
## GPU fan in rpm (only works on AMD GPUs)
# gpu_fan
### Display the current CPU information
# cpu_temp
# cpu_power
# cpu_text=CPU
# cpu_text=
# cpu_mhz
# cpu_load_change
# cpu_load_value=60,90
@ -109,6 +122,8 @@ cpu_stats
# battery_icon
# gamepad_battery
# gamepad_battery_icon
# battery_watt
# battery_time
### Display FPS and frametime
@ -125,6 +140,7 @@ throttling_status
### Display miscellaneous information
# engine_version
# engine_short_names
# gpu_name
# vulkan_driver
# wine
@ -141,6 +157,27 @@ frame_timing
# gamemode
# vkbasalt
### Gamescope related options
## Display the status of FSR (only works in gamescope)
# fsr
## Hides the sharpness info for the `fsr` option (only available in gamescope)
# hide_fsr_sharpness
## Shows the graph of gamescope app frametimes and latency (only on gamescope obviously)
# debug
### graphs displays one or more graphs that you chose
## seperated by ",", available graphs are
## gpu_load,cpu_load,gpu_core_clock,gpu_mem_clock,vram,ram,cpu_temp,gpu_temp
# graphs=
### mangoapp related options
## Enables mangoapp to be displayed above the Steam UI
# mangoapp_steam
### Steam Deck options
## Shows the Steam Deck fan rpm
# fan
### Display current FPS limit
# show_fps_limit
@ -154,10 +191,12 @@ frame_timing
### Display media player metadata
# media_player
# media_player_name=spotify
## for example spotify
# media_player_name=
## Format metadata, lines are delimited by ; (wip)
# media_player_format={title};{artist};{album}
# media_player_format=Track:;{title};By:;{artist};From:;{album}
## example: {title};{artist};{album}
## example: Track:;{title};By:;{artist};From:;{album}
# media_player_format=title,artist,album
### Change the hud font size
# font_size=24
@ -187,7 +226,7 @@ text_outline
# position=top-left
### Change the corner roundness
# round_corners=
# round_corners=0
### Remove margins around MangoHud
# hud_no_margin
@ -197,23 +236,24 @@ text_outline
### Display MangoHud in a horizontal position
# horizontal
# horizontal_stretch
### Disable / hide the hud by default
# no_display
### Hud position offset
# offset_x=
# offset_y=
# offset_x=0
# offset_y=0
### Hud dimensions
# width=
# height=
# table_columns=
# cellpadding_y=
# width=0
# height=140
# table_columns=3
# cellpadding_y=-0.085
### Hud transparency / alpha
# background_alpha=0.5
# alpha=
# alpha=1.0
### FCAT overlay
### This enables an FCAT overlay to perform frametime analysis on the final image stream.
@ -249,8 +289,9 @@ text_outline
### Control over socket
### Enable and set socket name, '%p' is replaced with process id
# control = mangohud
# control = mangohud-%p
## example: mangohud
## example: mangohud-%p
# control = -1
################ WORKAROUNDS #################
### Options starting with "gl_*" are for OpenGL
@ -275,15 +316,21 @@ text_outline
#################### LOG #####################
### Automatically start the log after X seconds
# autostart_log=1
# autostart_log=
### Set amount of time in seconds that the logging will run for
# log_duration=
### Change the default log interval, 100 is default
# log_interval=100
### Change the default log interval, 0 is default
# log_interval=0
### Set location of the output files (required for logging)
# output_folder=/home/<USERNAME>/mangologs
### Permit uploading logs directly to
# permit_upload=1
## set to 1 to enable
# permit_upload=0
### Define a '+'-separated list of percentiles shown in the benchmark results
### Use "AVG" to get a mean average. Default percentiles are 97+AVG+1+0.1
# benchmark_percentiles=97,AVG,1,0.1
## example: ['97', 'AVG', '1', '0.1']
# benchmark_percentiles=97,AVG
## Adds more headers and information such as versioning to the log. This format is not supported on (yet)
# log_versioning
## Enable automatic uploads of logs to
# upload_logs
