intel: fdinfo gpu load attempt

FlightlessMango 1 year ago
parent f8e971a64f
commit 0e75d4bb69

@ -1,70 +1,101 @@
#include <thread>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "overlay.h"
#include "gpu.h"
#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
#include <inttypes.h>
using json = nlohmann::json;
static bool init_intel = false;
struct gpuInfo gpu_info_intel {};
static char pid[10];
static FILE *fp;
static void intelGpuThread(){
init_intel = true;
static char stdout_buffer[1024];
FILE* intel_gpu_top = popen("intel_gpu_top -J -s 500", "r");
int num_line = 0;
std::string buf;
int num_iterations = 0;
while (fgets(stdout_buffer, sizeof(stdout_buffer), intel_gpu_top)) {
if (num_line > 0)
buf += stdout_buffer;
// static void intelGpuThread(){
// init_intel = true;
// static char stdout_buffer[1024];
// FILE* intel_gpu_top = popen("intel_gpu_top -J -s 500", "r");
// int num_line = 0;
// std::string buf;
// int num_iterations = 0;
// while (fgets(stdout_buffer, sizeof(stdout_buffer), intel_gpu_top)) {
// if (num_line > 0)
// buf += stdout_buffer;
if (strlen(stdout_buffer) < 4 && !strchr(stdout_buffer, '{') && !strchr(stdout_buffer, ',')) {
if (buf[0] != '{')
buf = "{\n" + buf;
// num_line++;
// if (strlen(stdout_buffer) < 4 && !strchr(stdout_buffer, '{') && !strchr(stdout_buffer, ',')) {
// if (buf[0] != '{')
// buf = "{\n" + buf;
if (num_iterations > 0){
buf += "\n}";
json j = json::parse(buf);
if (j.contains("engines"))
if (j["engines"].contains("Render/3D/0"))
if (j["engines"]["Render/3D/0"].contains("busy"))
gpu_info_intel.load = j["engines"]["Render/3D/0"]["busy"].get<int>();
// if (num_iterations > 0){
// buf += "\n}";
// json j = json::parse(buf);
// if (j.contains("engines"))
// if (j["engines"].contains("Render/3D/0"))
// if (j["engines"]["Render/3D/0"].contains("busy"))
// gpu_info_intel.load = j["engines"]["Render/3D/0"]["busy"].get<int>();
if (j.contains("frequency"))
if (j["frequency"].contains("actual"))
gpu_info_intel.CoreClock = j["frequency"]["actual"].get<int>();
if (j.contains("power")){
if (j["power"].contains("GPU"))
gpu_info_intel.powerUsage = j["power"]["GPU"].get<float>();
if (j["power"].contains("Package"))
gpu_info_intel.apu_cpu_power = j["power"]["Package"].get<float>();
// if (j.contains("frequency"))
// if (j["frequency"].contains("actual"))
// gpu_info_intel.CoreClock = j["frequency"]["actual"].get<int>();
// if (j.contains("power")){
// if (j["power"].contains("GPU"))
// gpu_info_intel.powerUsage = j["power"]["GPU"].get<float>();
// if (j["power"].contains("Package"))
// gpu_info_intel.apu_cpu_power = j["power"]["Package"].get<float>();
// }
buf = "";
num_line = 0;
// }
// buf = "";
// num_line = 0;
// }
// num_iterations++;
// }
int exitcode = pclose(intel_gpu_top) / 256;
if (exitcode > 0){
if (exitcode == 127)
SPDLOG_INFO("Failed to open '{}'", "intel_gpu_top");
// int exitcode = pclose(intel_gpu_top) / 256;
// if (exitcode > 0){
// if (exitcode == 127)
// SPDLOG_INFO("Failed to open '{}'", "intel_gpu_top");
if (exitcode == 1)
SPDLOG_INFO("Missing permissions for '{}'", "intel_gpu_top");
// if (exitcode == 1)
// SPDLOG_INFO("Missing permissions for '{}'", "intel_gpu_top");
SPDLOG_INFO("Disabling gpu_stats");
_params->enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_gpu_stats] = false;
// SPDLOG_INFO("Disabling gpu_stats");
// _params->enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_gpu_stats] = false;
// }
// }
void getIntelGpuInfo(){
if (!init_intel)
static char path[100] = "/proc/";
if (!init_intel){
sprintf(pid, "%i", getpid());
strcat(path, pid);
strcat(path, "/fdinfo/8");
fp = fopen(path, "r");
init_intel = true;
fp = fopen(path, "r");
static char line[100];
static uint64_t busy_ns;
static uint64_t prev_ns;
static uint64_t busy_percent;
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp))
sscanf(line, "drm-engine-render: %" PRId64 " ns", &busy_ns);
if (busy_ns < prev_ns){
uint64_t busy_time_ns = busy_ns - prev_ns;
busy_percent = busy_time_ns / 5000000;
prev_ns = busy_ns;
if (busy_percent > 100) busy_percent = 100;
gpu_info_intel.load = busy_percent;
gpu_info = gpu_info_intel;
