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// Sensor Configuration
#define READING_ID 1 //Unique ID for this sensor
#define GTWY_MAC 0x01 //Address of the nearest gateway
#define USE_ESPNOW
//#define USE_LORA
#define DEEP_SLEEP
#define POWER_CTRL 4
// Choose none or one of the debug options below.
// DEBUG will show some information but for troubleshooting a good level would be FDRS_DEBUG_1
#define FDRS_DEBUG // Enable USB-Serial debugging
// #define FDRS_DEBUG_1 // Additional logging messages for troubleshooting purposes - commment out the other FDRS_DEBUG options
// #define FDRS_DEBUG_2 // Show all logging messages for development purposes - comment out the other FDRS_DEBUG options
// LoRa Configuration
#define RADIOLIB_MODULE SX1276 //Tested on SX1276
#define LORA_SS 18
#define LORA_RST 14
#define LORA_DIO 26
#define LORA_TXPWR 17 // LoRa TX power in dBm (: +2dBm - +17dBm (for SX1276-7) +20dBm (for SX1278))
#define LORA_ACK // Request LoRa acknowledgment.