You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

168 lines
4.7 KiB

#if defined(ESP8266)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <espnow.h>
#elif defined(ESP32)
#include <esp_now.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <esp_wifi.h>
uint8_t broadcast_mac[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
crcResult esp_now_ack_flag;
bool is_added = false;
bool pingFlag = false;
uint32_t last_refresh = 0;
uint32_t gtwy_timeout = 300000;
bool is_controller = false;
// Set ESP-NOW send and receive callbacks for either ESP8266 or ESP32
#if defined(ESP8266)
void OnDataSent(uint8_t *mac_addr, uint8_t sendStatus)
if (sendStatus == 0)
esp_now_ack_flag = CRC_OK;
esp_now_ack_flag = CRC_BAD;
void OnDataRecv(uint8_t *mac, uint8_t *incomingData, uint8_t len)
#elif defined(ESP32)
void OnDataSent(const uint8_t *mac_addr, esp_now_send_status_t status)
if (status == ESP_NOW_SEND_SUCCESS)
esp_now_ack_flag = CRC_OK;
esp_now_ack_flag = CRC_BAD;
void OnDataRecv(const uint8_t *mac, const uint8_t *incomingData, int len)
if (len < sizeof(DataReading))
SystemPacket command;
memcpy(&command, incomingData, sizeof(command));
switch (command.cmd)
case cmd_ping:
pingFlag = true;
case cmd_add:
is_added = true;
gtwy_timeout = command.param;
memcpy(&theData, incomingData, len);
ln = len / sizeof(DataReading);
newData = true;
// FDRS node pings gateway and listens for a defined amount of time for a reply
// Blocking function for timeout amount of time (up to timeout time waiting for reply)(IE no callback)
// Returns the amount of time in ms that the ping takes or predefined value if ping fails within timeout
uint32_t pingFDRSEspNow(uint8_t *address, uint32_t timeout) {
SystemPacket sys_packet = {.cmd = cmd_ping, .param = 0};
esp_now_send(address, (uint8_t *)&sys_packet, sizeof(SystemPacket));
DBG(" ESP-NOW ping sent.");
uint32_t ping_start = millis();
pingFlag = false;
while ((millis() - ping_start) <= timeout)
yield(); // do I need to yield or does it automatically?
if (pingFlag)
DBG("ESP-NOW Ping Reply in " + String(millis() - ping_start) + "ms from " + String(address[0], HEX) + ":" + String(address[1], HEX) + ":" + String(address[2], HEX) + ":" + String(address[3], HEX) + ":" + String(address[4], HEX) + ":" + String(address[5], HEX));
return (millis() - ping_start);
DBG("No ESP-NOW ping returned within " + String(timeout) + "ms.");
return UINT32_MAX;
bool refresh_registration()
SystemPacket sys_packet = {.cmd = cmd_add, .param = 0};
esp_now_send(gatewayAddress, (uint8_t *)&sys_packet, sizeof(SystemPacket));
DBG("Refreshing registration to " + String(gatewayAddress[5]));
uint32_t add_start = millis();
is_added = false;
while ((millis() - add_start) <= 1000) // 1000ms timeout
if (is_added)
DBG("Registration accepted. Timeout: " + String(gtwy_timeout));
last_refresh = millis();
return true;
DBG("No gateways accepted the request");
return false;
#endif // USE_ESPNOW
return true;
bool addFDRS(void (*new_cb_ptr)(DataReading))
is_controller = true;
callback_ptr = new_cb_ptr;
SystemPacket sys_packet = {.cmd = cmd_add, .param = 0};
esp_now_send(gatewayAddress, (uint8_t *)&sys_packet, sizeof(SystemPacket));
DBG("ESP-NOW peer registration request submitted to " + String(gatewayAddress[5]));
uint32_t add_start = millis();
is_added = false;
while ((millis() - add_start) <= 1000) // 1000ms timeout
if (is_added)
DBG("Registration accepted. Timeout: " + String(gtwy_timeout));
last_refresh = millis();
return true;
DBG("No gateways accepted the request");
return false;
#endif // USE_ESPNOW
return true;
bool addFDRS(int timeout, void (*new_cb_ptr)(DataReading))
is_controller = true;
callback_ptr = new_cb_ptr;
SystemPacket sys_packet = {.cmd = cmd_add, .param = 0};
esp_now_send(gatewayAddress, (uint8_t *)&sys_packet, sizeof(SystemPacket));
DBG("ESP-NOW peer registration request submitted to " + String(gatewayAddress[5]));
uint32_t add_start = millis();
is_added = false;
while ((millis() - add_start) <= timeout)
if (is_added)
DBG("Registration accepted. Timeout: " + String(gtwy_timeout));
last_refresh = millis();
return true;
DBG("No gateways accepted the request");
return false;
#endif // USE_ESPNOW
return true;