#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ion.py # Copyright © 2013-2020 Apprentice Harper et al. __license__ = 'GPL v3' __version__ = '3.0' # Revision history: # Pascal implementation by lulzkabulz. # BinaryIon.pas + DrmIon.pas + IonSymbols.pas # 1.0 - Python translation by apprenticenaomi. # 1.1 - DeDRM integration by anon. # 1.2 - Added pylzma import fallback # 1.3 - Fixed lzma support for calibre 4.6+ # 2.0 - VoucherEnvelope v2/v3 support by apprenticesakuya. # 3.0 - Added Python 3 compatibility for calibre 5.0 """ Decrypt Kindle KFX files. """ import collections import hashlib import hmac import os import os.path import struct from io import BytesIO from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util.py3compat import bchr try: # lzma library from calibre 4.6.0 or later import calibre_lzma.lzma1 as calibre_lzma except ImportError: calibre_lzma = None # lzma library from calibre 2.35.0 or later try: import lzma.lzma1 as calibre_lzma except ImportError: calibre_lzma = None try: import lzma except ImportError: # Need pip backports.lzma on Python <3.3 try: from backports import lzma except ImportError: # Windows-friendly choice: pylzma wheels import pylzma as lzma TID_NULL = 0 TID_BOOLEAN = 1 TID_POSINT = 2 TID_NEGINT = 3 TID_FLOAT = 4 TID_DECIMAL = 5 TID_TIMESTAMP = 6 TID_SYMBOL = 7 TID_STRING = 8 TID_CLOB = 9 TID_BLOB = 0xA TID_LIST = 0xB TID_SEXP = 0xC TID_STRUCT = 0xD TID_TYPEDECL = 0xE TID_UNUSED = 0xF SID_UNKNOWN = -1 SID_ION = 1 SID_ION_1_0 = 2 SID_ION_SYMBOL_TABLE = 3 SID_NAME = 4 SID_VERSION = 5 SID_IMPORTS = 6 SID_SYMBOLS = 7 SID_MAX_ID = 8 SID_ION_SHARED_SYMBOL_TABLE = 9 SID_ION_1_0_MAX = 10 LEN_IS_VAR_LEN = 0xE LEN_IS_NULL = 0xF VERSION_MARKER = [b"\x01", b"\x00", b"\xEA"] # asserts must always raise exceptions for proper functioning def _assert(test, msg="Exception"): if not test: raise Exception(msg) class SystemSymbols(object): ION = '$ion' ION_1_0 = '$ion_1_0' ION_SYMBOL_TABLE = '$ion_symbol_table' NAME = 'name' VERSION = 'version' IMPORTS = 'imports' SYMBOLS = 'symbols' MAX_ID = 'max_id' ION_SHARED_SYMBOL_TABLE = '$ion_shared_symbol_table' class IonCatalogItem(object): name = "" version = 0 symnames = [] def __init__(self, name, version, symnames): self.name = name self.version = version self.symnames = symnames class SymbolToken(object): text = "" sid = 0 def __init__(self, text, sid): if text == "" and sid == 0: raise ValueError("Symbol token must have Text or SID") self.text = text self.sid = sid class SymbolTable(object): table = None def __init__(self): self.table = [None] * SID_ION_1_0_MAX self.table[SID_ION] = SystemSymbols.ION self.table[SID_ION_1_0] = SystemSymbols.ION_1_0 self.table[SID_ION_SYMBOL_TABLE] = SystemSymbols.ION_SYMBOL_TABLE self.table[SID_NAME] = SystemSymbols.NAME self.table[SID_VERSION] = SystemSymbols.VERSION self.table[SID_IMPORTS] = SystemSymbols.IMPORTS self.table[SID_SYMBOLS] = SystemSymbols.SYMBOLS self.table[SID_MAX_ID] = SystemSymbols.MAX_ID self.table[SID_ION_SHARED_SYMBOL_TABLE] = SystemSymbols.ION_SHARED_SYMBOL_TABLE def findbyid(self, sid): if sid < 1: raise ValueError("Invalid symbol id") if sid < len(self.table): return self.table[sid] else: return "" def import_(self, table, maxid): for i in range(maxid): self.table.append(table.symnames[i]) def importunknown(self, name, maxid): for i in range(maxid): self.table.append("%s#%d" % (name, i + 1)) class ParserState: Invalid,BeforeField,BeforeTID,BeforeValue,AfterValue,EOF = 1,2,3,4,5,6 ContainerRec = collections.namedtuple("ContainerRec", "nextpos, tid, remaining") class BinaryIonParser(object): eof = False state = None localremaining = 0 needhasnext = False isinstruct = False valuetid = 0 valuefieldid = 0 parenttid = 0 valuelen = 0 valueisnull = False valueistrue = False value = None didimports = False def __init__(self, stream): self.annotations = [] self.catalog = [] self.stream = stream self.initpos = stream.tell() self.reset() self.symbols = SymbolTable() def reset(self): self.state = ParserState.BeforeTID self.needhasnext = True self.localremaining = -1 self.eof = False self.isinstruct = False self.containerstack = [] self.stream.seek(self.initpos) def addtocatalog(self, name, version, symbols): self.catalog.append(IonCatalogItem(name, version, symbols)) def hasnext(self): while self.needhasnext and not self.eof: self.hasnextraw() if len(self.containerstack) == 0 and not self.valueisnull: if self.valuetid == TID_SYMBOL: if self.value == SID_ION_1_0: self.needhasnext = True elif self.valuetid == TID_STRUCT: for a in self.annotations: if a == SID_ION_SYMBOL_TABLE: self.parsesymboltable() self.needhasnext = True break return not self.eof def hasnextraw(self): self.clearvalue() while self.valuetid == -1 and not self.eof: self.needhasnext = False if self.state == ParserState.BeforeField: _assert(self.valuefieldid == SID_UNKNOWN) self.valuefieldid = self.readfieldid() if self.valuefieldid != SID_UNKNOWN: self.state = ParserState.BeforeTID else: self.eof = True elif self.state == ParserState.BeforeTID: self.state = ParserState.BeforeValue self.valuetid = self.readtypeid() if self.valuetid == -1: self.state = ParserState.EOF self.eof = True break if self.valuetid == TID_TYPEDECL: if self.valuelen == 0: self.checkversionmarker() else: self.loadannotations() elif self.state == ParserState.BeforeValue: self.skip(self.valuelen) self.state = ParserState.AfterValue elif self.state == ParserState.AfterValue: if self.isinstruct: self.state = ParserState.BeforeField else: self.state = ParserState.BeforeTID else: _assert(self.state == ParserState.EOF) def next(self): if self.hasnext(): self.needhasnext = True return self.valuetid else: return -1 def push(self, typeid, nextposition, nextremaining): self.containerstack.append(ContainerRec(nextpos=nextposition, tid=typeid, remaining=nextremaining)) def stepin(self): _assert(self.valuetid in [TID_STRUCT, TID_LIST, TID_SEXP] and not self.eof, "valuetid=%s eof=%s" % (self.valuetid, self.eof)) _assert((not self.valueisnull or self.state == ParserState.AfterValue) and (self.valueisnull or self.state == ParserState.BeforeValue)) nextrem = self.localremaining if nextrem != -1: nextrem -= self.valuelen if nextrem < 0: nextrem = 0 self.push(self.parenttid, self.stream.tell() + self.valuelen, nextrem) self.isinstruct = (self.valuetid == TID_STRUCT) if self.isinstruct: self.state = ParserState.BeforeField else: self.state = ParserState.BeforeTID self.localremaining = self.valuelen self.parenttid = self.valuetid self.clearvalue() self.needhasnext = True def stepout(self): rec = self.containerstack.pop() self.eof = False self.parenttid = rec.tid if self.parenttid == TID_STRUCT: self.isinstruct = True self.state = ParserState.BeforeField else: self.isinstruct = False self.state = ParserState.BeforeTID self.needhasnext = True self.clearvalue() curpos = self.stream.tell() if rec.nextpos > curpos: self.skip(rec.nextpos - curpos) else: _assert(rec.nextpos == curpos) self.localremaining = rec.remaining def read(self, count=1): if self.localremaining != -1: self.localremaining -= count _assert(self.localremaining >= 0) result = self.stream.read(count) if len(result) == 0: raise EOFError() return result def readfieldid(self): if self.localremaining != -1 and self.localremaining < 1: return -1 try: return self.readvaruint() except EOFError: return -1 def readtypeid(self): if self.localremaining != -1: if self.localremaining < 1: return -1 self.localremaining -= 1 b = self.stream.read(1) if len(b) < 1: return -1 b = ord(b) result = b >> 4 ln = b & 0xF if ln == LEN_IS_VAR_LEN: ln = self.readvaruint() elif ln == LEN_IS_NULL: ln = 0 self.state = ParserState.AfterValue elif result == TID_NULL: # Must have LEN_IS_NULL _assert(False) elif result == TID_BOOLEAN: _assert(ln <= 1) self.valueistrue = (ln == 1) ln = 0 self.state = ParserState.AfterValue elif result == TID_STRUCT: if ln == 1: ln = self.readvaruint() self.valuelen = ln return result def readvarint(self): b = ord(self.read()) negative = ((b & 0x40) != 0) result = (b & 0x3F) i = 0 while (b & 0x80) == 0 and i < 4: b = ord(self.read()) result = (result << 7) | (b & 0x7F) i += 1 _assert(i < 4 or (b & 0x80) != 0, "int overflow") if negative: return -result return result def readvaruint(self): b = ord(self.read()) result = (b & 0x7F) i = 0 while (b & 0x80) == 0 and i < 4: b = ord(self.read()) result = (result << 7) | (b & 0x7F) i += 1 _assert(i < 4 or (b & 0x80) != 0, "int overflow") return result def readdecimal(self): if self.valuelen == 0: return 0. rem = self.localremaining - self.valuelen self.localremaining = self.valuelen exponent = self.readvarint() _assert(self.localremaining > 0, "Only exponent in ReadDecimal") _assert(self.localremaining <= 8, "Decimal overflow") signed = False b = [ord(x) for x in self.read(self.localremaining)] if (b[0] & 0x80) != 0: b[0] = b[0] & 0x7F signed = True # Convert variably sized network order integer into 64-bit little endian j = 0 vb = [0] * 8 for i in range(len(b), -1, -1): vb[i] = b[j] j += 1 v = struct.unpack(" 0: result = result[:-1] return result def ionwalk(self, supert, indent, lst): while self.hasnext(): if supert == TID_STRUCT: L = self.getfieldname() + ":" else: L = "" t = self.next() if t in [TID_STRUCT, TID_LIST]: if L != "": lst.append(indent + L) L = self.gettypename() if L != "": lst.append(indent + L + "::") if t == TID_STRUCT: lst.append(indent + "{") else: lst.append(indent + "[") self.stepin() self.ionwalk(t, indent + " ", lst) self.stepout() if t == TID_STRUCT: lst.append(indent + "}") else: lst.append(indent + "]") else: if t == TID_STRING: L += ('"%s"' % self.stringvalue()) elif t in [TID_CLOB, TID_BLOB]: L += ("{%s}" % self.printlob(self.lobvalue())) elif t == TID_POSINT: L += str(self.intvalue()) elif t == TID_SYMBOL: tn = self.gettypename() if tn != "": tn += "::" L += tn + self.symbolvalue() elif t == TID_DECIMAL: L += str(self.decimalvalue()) else: L += ("TID %d" % t) lst.append(indent + L) def print_(self, lst): self.reset() self.ionwalk(-1, "", lst) SYM_NAMES = [ 'com.amazon.drm.Envelope@1.0', 'com.amazon.drm.EnvelopeMetadata@1.0', 'size', 'page_size', 'encryption_key', 'encryption_transformation', 'encryption_voucher', 'signing_key', 'signing_algorithm', 'signing_voucher', 'com.amazon.drm.EncryptedPage@1.0', 'cipher_text', 'cipher_iv', 'com.amazon.drm.Signature@1.0', 'data', 'com.amazon.drm.EnvelopeIndexTable@1.0', 'length', 'offset', 'algorithm', 'encoded', 'encryption_algorithm', 'hashing_algorithm', 'expires', 'format', 'id', 'lock_parameters', 'strategy', 'com.amazon.drm.Key@1.0', 'com.amazon.drm.KeySet@1.0', 'com.amazon.drm.PIDv3@1.0', 'com.amazon.drm.PlainTextPage@1.0', 'com.amazon.drm.PlainText@1.0', 'com.amazon.drm.PrivateKey@1.0', 'com.amazon.drm.PublicKey@1.0', 'com.amazon.drm.SecretKey@1.0', 'com.amazon.drm.Voucher@1.0', 'public_key', 'private_key', 'com.amazon.drm.KeyPair@1.0', 'com.amazon.drm.ProtectedData@1.0', 'doctype', 'com.amazon.drm.EnvelopeIndexTableOffset@1.0', 'enddoc', 'license_type', 'license', 'watermark', 'key', 'value', 'com.amazon.drm.License@1.0', 'category', 'metadata', 'categorized_metadata', 'com.amazon.drm.CategorizedMetadata@1.0', 'com.amazon.drm.VoucherEnvelope@1.0', 'mac', 'voucher', 'com.amazon.drm.ProtectedData@2.0', 'com.amazon.drm.Envelope@2.0', 'com.amazon.drm.EnvelopeMetadata@2.0', 'com.amazon.drm.EncryptedPage@2.0', 'com.amazon.drm.PlainText@2.0', 'compression_algorithm', 'com.amazon.drm.Compressed@1.0', 'page_index_table', 'com.amazon.drm.VoucherEnvelope@2.0', 'com.amazon.drm.VoucherEnvelope@3.0' ] def addprottable(ion): ion.addtocatalog("ProtectedData", 1, SYM_NAMES) def pkcs7pad(msg, blocklen): paddinglen = blocklen - len(msg) % blocklen padding = bchr(paddinglen) * paddinglen return msg + padding def pkcs7unpad(msg, blocklen): _assert(len(msg) % blocklen == 0) paddinglen = msg[-1] _assert(paddinglen > 0 and paddinglen <= blocklen, "Incorrect padding - Wrong key") _assert(msg[-paddinglen:] == bchr(paddinglen) * paddinglen, "Incorrect padding - Wrong key") return msg[:-paddinglen] # every VoucherEnvelope version has a corresponding "word" and magic number, used in obfuscating the shared secret VOUCHER_VERSION_INFOS = { 2: [b'Antidisestablishmentarianism', 5], 3: [b'Floccinaucinihilipilification', 8] } # obfuscate shared secret according to the VoucherEnvelope version def obfuscate(secret, version): if version == 1: # v1 does not use obfuscation return secret params = VOUCHER_VERSION_INFOS[version] word = params[0] magic = params[1] # extend secret so that its length is divisible by the magic number if len(secret) % magic != 0: secret = secret + b'\x00' * (magic - len(secret) % magic) secret = bytearray(secret) obfuscated = bytearray(len(secret)) wordhash = bytearray(hashlib.sha256(word).digest()) # shuffle secret and xor it with the first half of the word hash for i in range(0, len(secret)): index = i // (len(secret) // magic) + magic * (i % (len(secret) // magic)) obfuscated[index] = secret[i] ^ wordhash[index % 16] return obfuscated class DrmIonVoucher(object): envelope = None version = None voucher = None drmkey = None license_type = "Unknown" encalgorithm = "" enctransformation = "" hashalgorithm = "" lockparams = None ciphertext = b"" cipheriv = b"" secretkey = b"" def __init__(self, voucherenv, dsn, secret): self.dsn, self.secret = dsn, secret self.lockparams = [] self.envelope = BinaryIonParser(voucherenv) addprottable(self.envelope) def decryptvoucher(self): shared = ("PIDv3" + self.encalgorithm + self.enctransformation + self.hashalgorithm).encode('ASCII') self.lockparams.sort() for param in self.lockparams: if param == "ACCOUNT_SECRET": shared += param.encode('ASCII') + self.secret elif param == "CLIENT_ID": shared += param.encode('ASCII') + self.dsn else: _assert(False, "Unknown lock parameter: %s" % param) sharedsecret = obfuscate(shared, self.version) key = hmac.new(sharedsecret, b"PIDv3", digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest() aes = AES.new(key[:32], AES.MODE_CBC, self.cipheriv[:16]) b = aes.decrypt(self.ciphertext) b = pkcs7unpad(b, 16) self.drmkey = BinaryIonParser(BytesIO(b)) addprottable(self.drmkey) _assert(self.drmkey.hasnext() and self.drmkey.next() == TID_LIST and self.drmkey.gettypename() == "com.amazon.drm.KeySet@1.0", "Expected KeySet, got %s" % self.drmkey.gettypename()) self.drmkey.stepin() while self.drmkey.hasnext(): self.drmkey.next() if self.drmkey.gettypename() != "com.amazon.drm.SecretKey@1.0": continue self.drmkey.stepin() while self.drmkey.hasnext(): self.drmkey.next() if self.drmkey.getfieldname() == "algorithm": _assert(self.drmkey.stringvalue() == "AES", "Unknown cipher algorithm: %s" % self.drmkey.stringvalue()) elif self.drmkey.getfieldname() == "format": _assert(self.drmkey.stringvalue() == "RAW", "Unknown key format: %s" % self.drmkey.stringvalue()) elif self.drmkey.getfieldname() == "encoded": self.secretkey = self.drmkey.lobvalue() self.drmkey.stepout() break self.drmkey.stepout() def parse(self): self.envelope.reset() _assert(self.envelope.hasnext(), "Envelope is empty") _assert(self.envelope.next() == TID_STRUCT and str.startswith(self.envelope.gettypename(), "com.amazon.drm.VoucherEnvelope@"), "Unknown type encountered in envelope, expected VoucherEnvelope") self.version = int(self.envelope.gettypename().split('@')[1][:-2]) self.envelope.stepin() while self.envelope.hasnext(): self.envelope.next() field = self.envelope.getfieldname() if field == "voucher": self.voucher = BinaryIonParser(BytesIO(self.envelope.lobvalue())) addprottable(self.voucher) continue elif field != "strategy": continue _assert(self.envelope.gettypename() == "com.amazon.drm.PIDv3@1.0", "Unknown strategy: %s" % self.envelope.gettypename()) self.envelope.stepin() while self.envelope.hasnext(): self.envelope.next() field = self.envelope.getfieldname() if field == "encryption_algorithm": self.encalgorithm = self.envelope.stringvalue() elif field == "encryption_transformation": self.enctransformation = self.envelope.stringvalue() elif field == "hashing_algorithm": self.hashalgorithm = self.envelope.stringvalue() elif field == "lock_parameters": self.envelope.stepin() while self.envelope.hasnext(): _assert(self.envelope.next() == TID_STRING, "Expected string list for lock_parameters") self.lockparams.append(self.envelope.stringvalue()) self.envelope.stepout() self.envelope.stepout() self.parsevoucher() def parsevoucher(self): _assert(self.voucher.hasnext(), "Voucher is empty") _assert(self.voucher.next() == TID_STRUCT and self.voucher.gettypename() == "com.amazon.drm.Voucher@1.0", "Unknown type, expected Voucher") self.voucher.stepin() while self.voucher.hasnext(): self.voucher.next() if self.voucher.getfieldname() == "cipher_iv": self.cipheriv = self.voucher.lobvalue() elif self.voucher.getfieldname() == "cipher_text": self.ciphertext = self.voucher.lobvalue() elif self.voucher.getfieldname() == "license": _assert(self.voucher.gettypename() == "com.amazon.drm.License@1.0", "Unknown license: %s" % self.voucher.gettypename()) self.voucher.stepin() while self.voucher.hasnext(): self.voucher.next() if self.voucher.getfieldname() == "license_type": self.license_type = self.voucher.stringvalue() self.voucher.stepout() def printenvelope(self, lst): self.envelope.print_(lst) def printkey(self, lst): if self.voucher is None: self.parse() if self.drmkey is None: self.decryptvoucher() self.drmkey.print_(lst) def printvoucher(self, lst): if self.voucher is None: self.parse() self.voucher.print_(lst) def getlicensetype(self): return self.license_type class DrmIon(object): ion = None voucher = None vouchername = "" key = b"" onvoucherrequired = None def __init__(self, ionstream, onvoucherrequired): self.ion = BinaryIonParser(ionstream) addprottable(self.ion) self.onvoucherrequired = onvoucherrequired def parse(self, outpages): self.ion.reset() _assert(self.ion.hasnext(), "DRMION envelope is empty") _assert(self.ion.next() == TID_SYMBOL and self.ion.gettypename() == "doctype", "Expected doctype symbol") _assert(self.ion.next() == TID_LIST and self.ion.gettypename() in ["com.amazon.drm.Envelope@1.0", "com.amazon.drm.Envelope@2.0"], "Unknown type encountered in DRMION envelope, expected Envelope, got %s" % self.ion.gettypename()) while True: if self.ion.gettypename() == "enddoc": break self.ion.stepin() while self.ion.hasnext(): self.ion.next() if self.ion.gettypename() in ["com.amazon.drm.EnvelopeMetadata@1.0", "com.amazon.drm.EnvelopeMetadata@2.0"]: self.ion.stepin() while self.ion.hasnext(): self.ion.next() if self.ion.getfieldname() != "encryption_voucher": continue if self.vouchername == "": self.vouchername = self.ion.stringvalue() self.voucher = self.onvoucherrequired(self.vouchername) self.key = self.voucher.secretkey _assert(self.key is not None, "Unable to obtain secret key from voucher") else: _assert(self.vouchername == self.ion.stringvalue(), "Unexpected: Different vouchers required for same file?") self.ion.stepout() elif self.ion.gettypename() in ["com.amazon.drm.EncryptedPage@1.0", "com.amazon.drm.EncryptedPage@2.0"]: decompress = False decrypt = True ct = None civ = None self.ion.stepin() while self.ion.hasnext(): self.ion.next() if self.ion.gettypename() == "com.amazon.drm.Compressed@1.0": decompress = True if self.ion.getfieldname() == "cipher_text": ct = self.ion.lobvalue() elif self.ion.getfieldname() == "cipher_iv": civ = self.ion.lobvalue() if ct is not None and civ is not None: self.processpage(ct, civ, outpages, decompress, decrypt) self.ion.stepout() elif self.ion.gettypename() in ["com.amazon.drm.PlainText@1.0", "com.amazon.drm.PlainText@2.0"]: decompress = False decrypt = False plaintext = None self.ion.stepin() while self.ion.hasnext(): self.ion.next() if self.ion.gettypename() == "com.amazon.drm.Compressed@1.0": decompress = True if self.ion.getfieldname() == "data": plaintext = self.ion.lobvalue() if plaintext is not None: self.processpage(plaintext, None, outpages, decompress, decrypt) self.ion.stepout() self.ion.stepout() if not self.ion.hasnext(): break self.ion.next() def print_(self, lst): self.ion.print_(lst) def processpage(self, ct, civ, outpages, decompress, decrypt): if decrypt: aes = AES.new(self.key[:16], AES.MODE_CBC, civ[:16]) msg = pkcs7unpad(aes.decrypt(ct), 16) else: msg = ct if not decompress: outpages.write(msg) return _assert(msg[0] == 0, "LZMA UseFilter not supported") if calibre_lzma is not None: with calibre_lzma.decompress(msg[1:], bufsize=0x1000000) as f: f.seek(0) outpages.write(f.read()) return decomp = lzma.LZMADecompressor(format=lzma.FORMAT_ALONE) while not decomp.eof: segment = decomp.decompress(msg[1:]) msg = b"" # Contents were internally buffered after the first call outpages.write(segment)