You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

286 lines
10 KiB

12 years ago
#! /usr/bin/python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 2.6
12 years ago
import csv
import sys
import os
import getopt
import re
from struct import pack
from struct import unpack
12 years ago
debug = False
12 years ago
class DocParser(object):
def __init__(self, flatxml, fontsize, ph, pw):
self.flatdoc = flatxml.split('\n')
self.fontsize = int(fontsize) = int(ph) * 1.0 = int(pw) * 1.0
stags = {
'paragraph' : 'p',
'graphic' : '.graphic'
attr_val_map = {
'hang' : 'text-indent: ',
'indent' : 'text-indent: ',
'line-space' : 'line-height: ',
'margin-bottom' : 'margin-bottom: ',
'margin-left' : 'margin-left: ',
'margin-right' : 'margin-right: ',
'margin-top' : 'margin-top: ',
'space-after' : 'padding-bottom: ',
attr_str_map = {
'align-center' : 'text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;',
'align-left' : 'text-align: left;',
'align-right' : 'text-align: right;',
'align-justify' : 'text-align: justify;',
'display-inline' : 'display: inline;',
'pos-left' : 'text-align: left;',
'pos-right' : 'text-align: right;',
'pos-center' : 'text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;',
# find tag if within pos to end inclusive
def findinDoc(self, tagpath, pos, end) :
result = None
docList = self.flatdoc
cnt = len(docList)
if end == -1 :
end = cnt
end = min(cnt,end)
foundat = -1
for j in range(pos, end):
12 years ago
item = docList[j]
if item.find('=') >= 0:
(name, argres) = item.split('=',1)
else :
name = item
argres = ''
if name.endswith(tagpath) :
result = argres
foundat = j
return foundat, result
# return list of start positions for the tagpath
def posinDoc(self, tagpath):
startpos = []
pos = 0
res = ""
while res != None :
(foundpos, res) = self.findinDoc(tagpath, pos, -1)
if res != None :
pos = foundpos + 1
return startpos
# returns a vector of integers for the tagpath
def getData(self, tagpath, pos, end, clean=False):
if clean:
digits_only = re.compile(r'''([0-9]+)''')
(foundat, argt) = self.findinDoc(tagpath, pos, end)
if (argt != None) and (len(argt) > 0) :
argList = argt.split('|')
for strval in argList:
if clean:
m =, strval)
if m != None:
strval =
return argres
def process(self):
classlst = ''
csspage = '.cl-center { text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }\n'
csspage += '.cl-right { text-align: right; }\n'
csspage += '.cl-left { text-align: left; }\n'
csspage += '.cl-justify { text-align: justify; }\n'
# generate a list of each <style> starting point in the stylesheet
styleList= self.posinDoc('')
stylecnt = len(styleList)
# process each style converting what you can
if debug: print(' ', 'Processing styles.')
for j in range(stylecnt):
if debug: print(' ', 'Processing style %d' %(j))
12 years ago
start = styleList[j]
end = styleList[j+1]
(pos, tag) = self.findinDoc('style._tag',start,end)
if tag == None :
(pos, tag) = self.findinDoc('style.type',start,end)
# Is this something we know how to convert to css
if tag in self.stags :
# get the style class
(pos, sclass) = self.findinDoc('style.class',start,end)
if sclass != None:
sclass = sclass.replace(' ','-')
sclass = '.cl-' + sclass.lower()
else :
sclass = ''
if debug: print('sclass', sclass)
12 years ago
12 years ago
# check for any "after class" specifiers
(pos, aftclass) = self.findinDoc('style._after_class',start,end)
if aftclass != None:
aftclass = aftclass.replace(' ','-')
aftclass = '.cl-' + aftclass.lower()
else :
aftclass = ''
if debug: print('aftclass', aftclass)
12 years ago
12 years ago
cssargs = {}
while True :
(pos1, attr) = self.findinDoc('style.rule.attr', start, end)
(pos2, val) = self.findinDoc('style.rule.value', start, end)
if debug: print('attr', attr)
if debug: print('val', val)
12 years ago
12 years ago
if attr == None : break
if (attr == 'display') or (attr == 'pos') or (attr == 'align'):
# handle text based attributess
attr = attr + '-' + val
if attr in self.attr_str_map :
cssargs[attr] = (self.attr_str_map[attr], '')
else :
# handle value based attributes
if attr in self.attr_val_map :
name = self.attr_val_map[attr]
if attr in ('margin-bottom', 'margin-top', 'space-after') :
scale =
elif attr in ('margin-right', 'indent', 'margin-left', 'hang') :
scale =
elif attr == 'line-space':
scale = self.fontsize * 2.0
12 years ago
12 years ago
if val == "":
val = 0
11 years ago
if not ((attr == 'hang') and (int(val) == 0)):
f = float(val)
print("Warning: unrecognised val, ignoring")
11 years ago
val = 0
12 years ago
pv = float(val)/scale
cssargs[attr] = (self.attr_val_map[attr], pv)
keep = True
start = max(pos1, pos2) + 1
# disable all of the after class tags until I figure out how to handle them
if aftclass != "" : keep = False
if keep :
if debug: print('keeping style')
12 years ago
# make sure line-space does not go below 100% or above 300% since
# it can be wacky in some styles
if 'line-space' in cssargs:
seg = cssargs['line-space'][0]
val = cssargs['line-space'][1]
if val < 1.0: val = 1.0
if val > 3.0: val = 3.0
del cssargs['line-space']
cssargs['line-space'] = (self.attr_val_map['line-space'], val)
# handle modifications for css style hanging indents
if 'hang' in cssargs:
hseg = cssargs['hang'][0]
hval = cssargs['hang'][1]
del cssargs['hang']
cssargs['hang'] = (self.attr_val_map['hang'], -hval)
mval = 0
mseg = 'margin-left: '
mval = hval
if 'margin-left' in cssargs:
mseg = cssargs['margin-left'][0]
mval = cssargs['margin-left'][1]
if mval < 0: mval = 0
mval = hval + mval
cssargs['margin-left'] = (mseg, mval)
if 'indent' in cssargs:
del cssargs['indent']
cssline = sclass + ' { '
for key in iter(cssargs):
mseg = cssargs[key][0]
mval = cssargs[key][1]
if mval == '':
cssline += mseg + ' '
else :
aseg = mseg + '%.1f%%;' % (mval * 100.0)
cssline += aseg + ' '
cssline += '}'
if sclass != '' :
classlst += sclass + '\n'
# handle special case of paragraph class used inside chapter heading
# and non-chapter headings
if sclass != '' :
ctype = sclass[4:7]
if ctype == 'ch1' :
csspage += 'h1' + cssline + '\n'
if ctype == 'ch2' :
csspage += 'h2' + cssline + '\n'
if ctype == 'ch3' :
csspage += 'h3' + cssline + '\n'
if ctype == 'h1-' :
csspage += 'h4' + cssline + '\n'
if ctype == 'h2-' :
csspage += 'h5' + cssline + '\n'
if ctype == 'h3_' :
csspage += 'h6' + cssline + '\n'
if cssline != ' { }':
csspage += self.stags[tag] + cssline + '\n'
return csspage, classlst
def convert2CSS(flatxml, fontsize, ph, pw):
print(' ', 'Using font size:',fontsize)
print(' ', 'Using page height:', ph)
print(' ', 'Using page width:', pw)
12 years ago
# create a document parser
dp = DocParser(flatxml, fontsize, ph, pw)
if debug: print(' ', 'Created DocParser.')
12 years ago
csspage = dp.process()
if debug: print(' ', 'Processed DocParser.')
12 years ago
return csspage
def getpageIDMap(flatxml):
dp = DocParser(flatxml, 0, 0, 0)
pageidnumbers = dp.getData('', 0, -1, True)
return pageidnumbers