You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

808 lines
29 KiB

12 years ago
#! /usr/bin/python
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
11 years ago
# For use with Topaz Scripts Version 2.6
12 years ago
import sys
import csv
import os
11 years ago
import math
12 years ago
import getopt
import functools
12 years ago
from struct import pack
from struct import unpack
11 years ago
class DocParser(object):
def __init__(self, flatxml, classlst, fileid, bookDir, gdict, fixedimage): = os.path.basename(fileid).replace('.dat','')
self.svgcount = 0
self.docList = flatxml.split(b'\n')
11 years ago
self.docSize = len(self.docList)
self.classList = {}
self.bookDir = bookDir
self.gdict = gdict
tmpList = classlst.split('\n')
for pclass in tmpList:
if pclass != b'':
11 years ago
# remove the leading period from the css name
cname = pclass[1:]
self.classList[cname] = True
self.fixedimage = fixedimage
self.ocrtext = []
self.link_id = []
self.link_title = []
self.link_page = []
self.link_href = []
self.link_type = []
self.dehyphen_rootid = []
self.paracont_stemid = []
self.parastems_stemid = []
def getGlyph(self, gid):
result = ''
id='id="gl%d"' % gid
return self.gdict.lookup(id)
def glyphs_to_image(self, glyphList):
def extract(path, key):
b = path.find(key) + len(key)
e = path.find(' ',b)
return int(path[b:e])
svgDir = os.path.join(self.bookDir,'svg')
imgDir = os.path.join(self.bookDir,'img')
imgname = + '_%04d.svg' % self.svgcount
imgfile = os.path.join(imgDir,imgname)
# get glyph information
gxList = self.getData(b'info.glyph.x',0,-1)
gyList = self.getData(b'info.glyph.y',0,-1)
gidList = self.getData(b'info.glyph.glyphID',0,-1)
11 years ago
gids = []
maxws = []
maxhs = []
xs = []
ys = []
gdefs = []
# get path defintions, positions, dimensions for each glyph
# that makes up the image, and find min x and min y to reposition origin
minx = -1
miny = -1
for j in glyphList:
gid = gidList[j]
if minx == -1: minx = gxList[j]
else : minx = min(minx, gxList[j])
if miny == -1: miny = gyList[j]
else : miny = min(miny, gyList[j])
path = self.getGlyph(gid)
# change the origin to minx, miny and calc max height and width
maxw = maxws[0] + xs[0] - minx
maxh = maxhs[0] + ys[0] - miny
for j in range(0, len(xs)):
11 years ago
xs[j] = xs[j] - minx
ys[j] = ys[j] - miny
maxw = max( maxw, (maxws[j] + xs[j]) )
maxh = max( maxh, (maxhs[j] + ys[j]) )
# open the image file for output
ifile = open(imgfile,'w')
ifile.write('<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>\n')
ifile.write('<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C/DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">\n')
ifile.write('<svg width="%dpx" height="%dpx" viewBox="0 0 %d %d" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1">\n' % (math.floor(maxw/10), math.floor(maxh/10), maxw, maxh))
for j in range(0,len(gdefs)):
11 years ago
for j in range(0,len(gids)):
11 years ago
ifile.write('<use xlink:href="#gl%d" x="%d" y="%d" />\n' % (gids[j], xs[j], ys[j]))
return 0
12 years ago
# return tag at line pos in document
def lineinDoc(self, pos) :
if (pos >= 0) and (pos < self.docSize) :
11 years ago
item = self.docList[pos]
if item.find(b'=') >= 0:
(name, argres) = item.split(b'=',1)
12 years ago
else :
name = item
argres = b''
12 years ago
return name, argres
11 years ago
12 years ago
# find tag in doc if within pos to end inclusive
def findinDoc(self, tagpath, pos, end) :
result = None
if end == -1 :
end = self.docSize
end = min(self.docSize, end)
foundat = -1
for j in range(pos, end):
11 years ago
item = self.docList[j]
if item.find(b'=') >= 0:
(name, argres) = item.split(b'=',1)
12 years ago
else :
name = item
argres = ''
if (isinstance(tagpath,str)):
tagpath = tagpath.encode('utf-8')
12 years ago
if name.endswith(tagpath) :
result = argres
foundat = j
return foundat, result
11 years ago
12 years ago
# return list of start positions for the tagpath
def posinDoc(self, tagpath):
startpos = []
pos = 0
res = ""
while res != None :
(foundpos, res) = self.findinDoc(tagpath, pos, -1)
if res != None :
pos = foundpos + 1
return startpos
11 years ago
# returns a vector of integers for the tagpath
def getData(self, tagpath, pos, end):
(foundat, argt) = self.findinDoc(tagpath, pos, end)
if (argt != None) and (len(argt) > 0) :
argList = argt.split(b'|')
11 years ago
argres = [ int(strval) for strval in argList]
return argres
# get the class
def getClass(self, pclass):
nclass = pclass
# class names are an issue given topaz may start them with numerals (not allowed),
# use a mix of cases (which cause some browsers problems), and actually
# attach numbers after "_reclustered*" to the end to deal classeses that inherit
# from a base class (but then not actually provide all of these _reclustereed
# classes in the stylesheet!
# so we clean this up by lowercasing, prepend 'cl-', and getting any baseclass
# that exists in the stylesheet first, and then adding this specific class
# after
# also some class names have spaces in them so need to convert to dashes
if nclass != None :
nclass = nclass.replace(b' ',b'-')
classres = b''
11 years ago
nclass = nclass.lower()
nclass = b'cl-' + nclass
baseclass = b''
11 years ago
# graphic is the base class for captions
if nclass.find(b'cl-cap-') >=0 :
classres = b'graphic' + b' '
11 years ago
else :
# strip to find baseclass
p = nclass.find(b'_')
11 years ago
if p > 0 :
baseclass = nclass[0:p]
if baseclass in self.classList:
classres += baseclass + b' '
11 years ago
classres += nclass
nclass = classres
return nclass
# develop a sorted description of the starting positions of
# groups and regions on the page, as well as the page type
def PageDescription(self):
def compare(x, y):
(xtype, xval) = x
(ytype, yval) = y
if xval > yval:
return 1
if xval == yval:
return 0
return -1
12 years ago
11 years ago
result = []
(pos, pagetype) = self.findinDoc(b'page.type',0,-1)
11 years ago
groupList = self.posinDoc(b'')
groupregionList = self.posinDoc(b'')
pageregionList = self.posinDoc(b'page.region')
11 years ago
# integrate into one list
for j in groupList:
for j in groupregionList:
for j in pageregionList:
11 years ago
# insert group end and page end indicators
inGroup = False
j = 0
while True:
if j == len(result): break
rtype = result[j][0]
rval = result[j][1]
if not inGroup and (rtype == 'grpbeg') :
inGroup = True
j = j + 1
elif inGroup and (rtype in ('grpbeg', 'pregion')):
inGroup = False
j = j + 1
if inGroup:
result.append(('pageend', -1))
return pagetype, result
# build a description of the paragraph
def getParaDescription(self, start, end, regtype):
11 years ago
result = []
11 years ago
# paragraph
(pos, pclass) = self.findinDoc(b'paragraph.class',start,end)
11 years ago
pclass = self.getClass(pclass)
# if paragraph uses extratokens (extra glyphs) then make it fixed
(pos, extraglyphs) = self.findinDoc(b'paragraph.extratokens',start,end)
11 years ago
# build up a description of the paragraph in result and return it
# first check for the basic - all words paragraph
(pos, sfirst) = self.findinDoc(b'paragraph.firstWord',start,end)
(pos, slast) = self.findinDoc(b'paragraph.lastWord',start,end)
11 years ago
if (sfirst != None) and (slast != None) :
first = int(sfirst)
last = int(slast)
makeImage = (regtype == b'vertical') or (regtype == b'table')
11 years ago
makeImage = makeImage or (extraglyphs != None)
if self.fixedimage:
makeImage = makeImage or (regtype == b'fixed')
11 years ago
if (pclass != None):
makeImage = makeImage or (pclass.find(b'.inverted') >= 0)
11 years ago
if self.fixedimage :
makeImage = makeImage or (pclass.find(b'cl-f-') >= 0)
11 years ago
# before creating an image make sure glyph info exists
gidList = self.getData(b'info.glyph.glyphID',0,-1)
11 years ago
makeImage = makeImage & (len(gidList) > 0)
if not makeImage :
# standard all word paragraph
for wordnum in range(first, last):
11 years ago
result.append(('ocr', wordnum))
return pclass, result
# convert paragraph to svg image
# translate first and last word into first and last glyphs
# and generate inline image and include it
glyphList = []
firstglyphList = self.getData(b'word.firstGlyph',0,-1)
gidList = self.getData(b'info.glyph.glyphID',0,-1)
11 years ago
firstGlyph = firstglyphList[first]
if last < len(firstglyphList):
lastGlyph = firstglyphList[last]
else :
lastGlyph = len(gidList)
# handle case of white sapce paragraphs with no actual glyphs in them
# by reverting to text based paragraph
if firstGlyph >= lastGlyph:
# revert to standard text based paragraph
for wordnum in range(first, last):
11 years ago
result.append(('ocr', wordnum))
return pclass, result
for glyphnum in range(firstGlyph, lastGlyph):
11 years ago
# include any extratokens if they exist
(pos, sfg) = self.findinDoc(b'extratokens.firstGlyph',start,end)
(pos, slg) = self.findinDoc(b'extratokens.lastGlyph',start,end)
11 years ago
if (sfg != None) and (slg != None):
for glyphnum in range(int(sfg), int(slg)):
11 years ago
num = self.svgcount
self.svgcount += 1
result.append(('svg', num))
return pclass, result
# this type of paragraph may be made up of multiple spans, inline
# word monograms (images), and words with semantic meaning,
# plus glyphs used to form starting letter of first word
# need to parse this type line by line
line = start + 1
word_class = ''
# if end is -1 then we must search to end of document
if end == -1 :
end = self.docSize
# seems some xml has last* coming before first* so we have to
# handle any order
sp_first = -1
sp_last = -1
gl_first = -1
gl_last = -1
ws_first = -1
ws_last = -1
word_class = ''
word_semantic_type = ''
while (line < end) :
(name, argres) = self.lineinDoc(line)
if name.endswith(b'span.firstWord') :
11 years ago
sp_first = int(argres)
elif name.endswith(b'span.lastWord') :
11 years ago
sp_last = int(argres)
elif name.endswith(b'word.firstGlyph') :
11 years ago
gl_first = int(argres)
elif name.endswith(b'word.lastGlyph') :
11 years ago
gl_last = int(argres)
elif name.endswith(b'word_semantic.firstWord'):
11 years ago
ws_first = int(argres)
elif name.endswith(b'word_semantic.lastWord'):
11 years ago
ws_last = int(argres)
elif name.endswith(b'word.class'):
11 years ago
# we only handle spaceafter word class
(cname, space) = argres.split(b'-',1)
if space == b'' : space = b'0'
if (cname == b'spaceafter') and (int(space) > 0) :
11 years ago
word_class = 'sa'
elif name.endswith(b'word.img.src'):
11 years ago
result.append(('img' + word_class, int(argres)))
word_class = ''
elif name.endswith(b'region.img.src'):
11 years ago
result.append(('img' + word_class, int(argres)))
if (sp_first != -1) and (sp_last != -1):
for wordnum in range(sp_first, sp_last):
11 years ago
result.append(('ocr', wordnum))
sp_first = -1
sp_last = -1
if (gl_first != -1) and (gl_last != -1):
glyphList = []
for glyphnum in range(gl_first, gl_last):
11 years ago
num = self.svgcount
self.svgcount += 1
result.append(('svg', num))
gl_first = -1
gl_last = -1
if (ws_first != -1) and (ws_last != -1):
for wordnum in range(ws_first, ws_last):
11 years ago
result.append(('ocr', wordnum))
ws_first = -1
ws_last = -1
line += 1
return pclass, result
def buildParagraph(self, pclass, pdesc, type, regtype) :
parares = ''
sep =''
classres = ''
if pclass :
classres = ' class="' + pclass.decode('utf-8') + '"'
11 years ago
br_lb = (regtype == 'fixed') or (regtype == 'chapterheading') or (regtype == 'vertical')
handle_links = len(self.link_id) > 0
if (type == 'full') or (type == 'begin') :
parares += '<p' + classres + '>'
if (type == 'end'):
parares += ' '
lstart = len(parares)
cnt = len(pdesc)
for j in range( 0, cnt) :
11 years ago
(wtype, num) = pdesc[j]
if wtype == 'ocr' :
word = self.ocrtext[num]
word = ""
sep = ' '
if handle_links:
link = self.link_id[num]
if (link > 0):
linktype = self.link_type[link-1]
title = self.link_title[link-1]
if (title == b"") or (parares.rfind(title.decode('utf-8')) < 0):
11 years ago
if linktype == 'external' :
linkhref = self.link_href[link-1]
linkhtml = '<a href="%s">' % linkhref
else :
if len(self.link_page) >= link :
ptarget = self.link_page[link-1] - 1
linkhtml = '<a href="#page%04d">' % ptarget
else :
# just link to the current page
linkhtml = '<a href="#' + + '">'
linkhtml += title.decode('utf-8')
linkhtml += '</a>'
pos = parares.rfind(title.decode('utf-8'))
11 years ago
if pos >= 0:
parares = parares[0:pos] + linkhtml + parares[pos+len(title):]
else :
parares += linkhtml
lstart = len(parares)
if word == b'_link_' : word = b''
11 years ago
elif (link < 0) :
if word == b'_link_' : word = b''
11 years ago
if word == b'_lb_':
11 years ago
if ((num-1) in self.dehyphen_rootid ) or handle_links:
word = b''
11 years ago
sep = ''
elif br_lb :
word = b'<br />\n'
11 years ago
sep = ''
else :
word = b'\n'
11 years ago
sep = ''
if num in self.dehyphen_rootid :
word = word[0:-1]
sep = ''
parares += word.decode('utf-8') + sep
11 years ago
elif wtype == 'img' :
sep = ''
parares += '<img src="img/img%04d.jpg" alt="" />' % num
parares += sep
elif wtype == 'imgsa' :
sep = ' '
parares += '<img src="img/img%04d.jpg" alt="" />' % num
parares += sep
elif wtype == 'svg' :
sep = ''
parares += '<img src="img/'
parares +=
parares += '_%04d.svg" alt="" />' % num
11 years ago
parares += sep
if len(sep) > 0 : parares = parares[0:-1]
if (type == 'full') or (type == 'end') :
parares += '</p>'
return parares
def buildTOCEntry(self, pdesc) :
parares = ''
sep =''
tocentry = ''
handle_links = len(self.link_id) > 0
lstart = 0
cnt = len(pdesc)
for j in range( 0, cnt) :
11 years ago
(wtype, num) = pdesc[j]
if wtype == 'ocr' :
word = self.ocrtext[num].decode('utf-8')
11 years ago
sep = ' '
if handle_links:
link = self.link_id[num]
if (link > 0):
linktype = self.link_type[link-1]
title = self.link_title[link-1]
title = title.rstrip(b'. ')
11 years ago
alt_title = parares[lstart:]
alt_title = alt_title.strip()
# now strip off the actual printed page number
alt_title = alt_title.rstrip('01234567890ivxldIVXLD-.')
alt_title = alt_title.rstrip('. ')
# skip over any external links - can't have them in a books toc
if linktype == 'external' :
title = ''
alt_title = ''
linkpage = ''
else :
if len(self.link_page) >= link :
ptarget = self.link_page[link-1] - 1
linkpage = '%04d' % ptarget
else :
# just link to the current page
linkpage =[4:]
if len(alt_title) >= len(title):
title = alt_title
if title != '' and linkpage != '':
tocentry += title + '|' + linkpage + '\n'
lstart = len(parares)
if word == '_link_' : word = ''
elif (link < 0) :
if word == '_link_' : word = ''
if word == '_lb_':
word = ''
sep = ''
if num in self.dehyphen_rootid :
word = word[0:-1]
sep = ''
parares += word + sep
else :
return tocentry
# walk the document tree collecting the information needed
# to build an html page using the ocrText
def process(self):
tocinfo = ''
hlst = []
# get the ocr text
(pos, argres) = self.findinDoc(b'info.word.ocrText',0,-1)
if argres : self.ocrtext = argres.split(b'|')
11 years ago
# get information to dehyphenate the text
self.dehyphen_rootid = self.getData(b'info.dehyphen.rootID',0,-1)
11 years ago
# determine if first paragraph is continued from previous page
(pos, self.parastems_stemid) = self.findinDoc(b'info.paraStems.stemID',0,-1)
11 years ago
first_para_continued = (self.parastems_stemid != None)
# determine if last paragraph is continued onto the next page
(pos, self.paracont_stemid) = self.findinDoc(b'info.paraCont.stemID',0,-1)
11 years ago
last_para_continued = (self.paracont_stemid != None)
# collect link ids
self.link_id = self.getData(b'info.word.link_id',0,-1)
11 years ago
# collect link destination page numbers
self.link_page = self.getData(b'',0,-1)
11 years ago
# collect link types (container versus external)
(pos, argres) = self.findinDoc(b'info.links.type',0,-1)
if argres : self.link_type = argres.split(b'|')
11 years ago
# collect link destinations
(pos, argres) = self.findinDoc(b'info.links.href',0,-1)
if argres : self.link_href = argres.split(b'|')
11 years ago
# collect link titles
(pos, argres) = self.findinDoc(b'info.links.title',0,-1)
11 years ago
if argres :
self.link_title = argres.split(b'|')
11 years ago
11 years ago
12 years ago
11 years ago
# get a descriptions of the starting points of the regions
# and groups on the page
(pagetype, pageDesc) = self.PageDescription()
regcnt = len(pageDesc) - 1
anchorSet = False
breakSet = False
inGroup = False
# process each region on the page and convert what you can to html
for j in range(regcnt):
11 years ago
(etype, start) = pageDesc[j]
(ntype, end) = pageDesc[j+1]
# set anchor for link target on this page
if not anchorSet and not first_para_continued:
hlst.append('<div style="visibility: hidden; height: 0; width: 0;" id="')
hlst.append( + '" title="pagetype_' + pagetype.decode('utf-8') + '"></div>\n')
11 years ago
anchorSet = True
# handle groups of graphics with text captions
if (etype == b'grpbeg'):
(pos, grptype) = self.findinDoc(b'group.type', start, end)
11 years ago
if grptype != None:
if grptype == b'graphic':
gcstr = ' class="' + grptype.decode('utf-8') + '"'
11 years ago
hlst.append('<div' + gcstr + '>')
inGroup = True
elif (etype == b'grpend'):
11 years ago
if inGroup:
inGroup = False
(pos, regtype) = self.findinDoc(b'region.type',start,end)
11 years ago
if regtype == b'graphic' :
(pos, simgsrc) = self.findinDoc(b'img.src',start,end)
11 years ago
if simgsrc:
if inGroup:
hlst.append('<img src="img/img%04d.jpg" alt="" />' % int(simgsrc))
hlst.append('<div class="graphic"><img src="img/img%04d.jpg" alt="" /></div>' % int(simgsrc))
elif regtype == b'chapterheading' :
11 years ago
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end, regtype)
if not breakSet:
hlst.append('<div style="page-break-after: always;">&nbsp;</div>\n')
breakSet = True
tag = 'h1'
if pclass and (len(pclass) >= 7):
if pclass[3:7] == b'ch1-' : tag = 'h1'
if pclass[3:7] == b'ch2-' : tag = 'h2'
if pclass[3:7] == b'ch3-' : tag = 'h3'
hlst.append('<' + tag + ' class="' + pclass.decode('utf-8') + '">')
11 years ago
hlst.append('<' + tag + '>')
hlst.append(self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, 'middle', regtype))
hlst.append('</' + tag + '>')
elif (regtype == b'text') or (regtype == b'fixed') or (regtype == b'insert') or (regtype == b'listitem'):
11 years ago
ptype = 'full'
# check to see if this is a continution from the previous page
if first_para_continued :
ptype = 'end'
first_para_continued = False
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end, regtype)
if pclass and (len(pclass) >= 6) and (ptype == 'full'):
tag = 'p'
if pclass[3:6] == b'h1-' : tag = 'h4'
if pclass[3:6] == b'h2-' : tag = 'h5'
if pclass[3:6] == b'h3-' : tag = 'h6'
hlst.append('<' + tag + ' class="' + pclass.decode('utf-8') + '">')
11 years ago
hlst.append(self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, 'middle', regtype))
hlst.append('</' + tag + '>')
else :
hlst.append(self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, ptype, regtype))
elif (regtype == b'tocentry') :
11 years ago
ptype = 'full'
if first_para_continued :
ptype = 'end'
first_para_continued = False
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end, regtype)
tocinfo += self.buildTOCEntry(pdesc)
hlst.append(self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, ptype, regtype))
elif (regtype == b'vertical') or (regtype == b'table') :
11 years ago
ptype = 'full'
if inGroup:
ptype = 'middle'
if first_para_continued :
ptype = 'end'
first_para_continued = False
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start, end, regtype)
hlst.append(self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, ptype, regtype))
elif (regtype == b''):
(pos, simgsrc) = self.findinDoc(b'img.src',start,end)
11 years ago
if simgsrc:
hlst.append('<div class="graphic"><img src="img/img%04d.jpg" alt="" /></div>' % int(simgsrc))
else :
print(' Making region type', regtype, end=' ')
(pos, temp) = self.findinDoc(b'paragraph',start,end)
(pos2, temp) = self.findinDoc(b'span',start,end)
11 years ago
if pos != -1 or pos2 != -1:
print(' a "text" region')
11 years ago
orig_regtype = regtype
regtype = b'fixed'
11 years ago
ptype = 'full'
# check to see if this is a continution from the previous page
if first_para_continued :
ptype = 'end'
first_para_continued = False
(pclass, pdesc) = self.getParaDescription(start,end, regtype)
if not pclass:
if orig_regtype.endswith(b'.right') : pclass = 'cl-right'
elif orig_regtype.endswith(b'.center') : pclass = 'cl-center'
elif orig_regtype.endswith(b'.left') : pclass = 'cl-left'
elif orig_regtype.endswith(b'.justify') : pclass = 'cl-justify'
11 years ago
if pclass and (ptype == 'full') and (len(pclass) >= 6):
tag = 'p'
if pclass[3:6] == b'h1-' : tag = 'h4'
if pclass[3:6] == b'h2-' : tag = 'h5'
if pclass[3:6] == b'h3-' : tag = 'h6'
hlst.append('<' + tag + ' class="' + pclass.decode('utf-8') + '">')
11 years ago
hlst.append(self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, 'middle', regtype))
hlst.append('</' + tag + '>')
else :
hlst.append(self.buildParagraph(pclass, pdesc, ptype, regtype))
else :
print(' a "graphic" region')
(pos, simgsrc) = self.findinDoc(b'img.src',start,end)
11 years ago
if simgsrc:
hlst.append('<div class="graphic"><img src="img/img%04d.jpg" alt="" /></div>' % int(simgsrc))
htmlpage = "".join(hlst)
if last_para_continued :
if htmlpage[-4:] == '</p>':
htmlpage = htmlpage[0:-4]
last_para_continued = False
return htmlpage, tocinfo
def convert2HTML(flatxml, classlst, fileid, bookDir, gdict, fixedimage):
# create a document parser
dp = DocParser(flatxml, classlst, fileid, bookDir, gdict, fixedimage)
htmlpage, tocinfo = dp.process()
return htmlpage, tocinfo