You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// ====================================================
// Data-Structures-with-Go Copyright(C) 2017 Furkan Türkal
// This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software,
// and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; See
// file LICENSE, which is part of this source code package, for details.
// ====================================================
package main
import "fmt"
type Node struct {
data int
left *Node
right *Node
//Returns an initialized list
func (n *Node) Init(data int) *Node { = data
n.left = nil
n.right = nil
return n
//Returns an new list
func New(data int) *Node {
return new(Node).Init(data)
// Standard Inorder traversal of tree
func InOrder(root *Node) {
//1. Check if the given node is NULL
if root == nil {
fmt.Printf("%d ",
// Changes left pointers to work as previous pointers in converted DLL
// The function simply does inorder traversal of Binary Tree and updates
// left pointer using previously visited node
var pre *Node = nil
func FixPrevPtr(root *Node) {
//1. Check if the given root is NULL
if root == nil {
root.left = pre
pre = root
// Changes right pointers to work as next pointers in converted DLL
var prev *Node = nil
func FixNextPtr(root *Node) *Node {
// Find the right most node in BT or last node in DLL
for root != nil && root.right != nil {
root = root.right
// Start from the rightmost node, traverse back using left pointers.
// While traversing, change right pointer of nodes.
for root != nil && root.left != nil {
prev = root
root = root.left
root.right = prev
// The leftmost node is head of linked list, return it
return root
func BTToDLL(root *Node) *Node {
// Set the previous pointer
// Set the next pointer and return head of DLL
return FixNextPtr(root)
func PrintList(root *Node) {
for root != nil {
fmt.Printf("%d ",
root = root.right
func main() {
//To allocate dynamically a new Node in C language : root = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
root := New(10)
root.left = New(12)
root.right = New(15)
root.left.left = New(25)
root.left.right = New(30)
root.right.left = New(36)
fmt.Println("\nInorder Tree Traversal")
head := BTToDLL(root)
fmt.Println("\nDLL Traversal")