You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1068 lines
42 KiB

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cmp::max;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fs;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::path::Path;
use chrono::Utc;
use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn};
use sqlite::{Connection, State, Statement};
use crate::blockchain::hash_utils::*;
use crate::blockchain::transaction::DomainData;
use crate::blockchain::types::BlockQuality::*;
use crate::blockchain::types::MineResult::*;
use crate::blockchain::types::{BlockQuality, MineResult, Options, ZoneData};
use crate::commons::constants::*;
use crate::keystore::check_public_key_strength;
use crate::settings::Settings;
use crate::{check_domain, get_domain_zone, is_yggdrasil_record, Block, Bytes, Keystore, Transaction};
use rand::prelude::IteratorRandom;
const TEMP_DB_NAME: &str = ":memory:";
const SQL_CREATE_TABLES: &str = include_str!("data/create_db.sql");
const ZONES_TXT: &str = include_str!("data/zones.txt");
const SQL_ADD_BLOCK: &str = "INSERT INTO blocks (id, timestamp, version, difficulty, random, nonce, 'transaction',\
prev_block_hash, hash, pub_key, signature) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
const SQL_GET_LAST_BLOCK: &str = "SELECT * FROM blocks ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;";
const SQL_TRUNCATE_BLOCKS: &str = "DELETE FROM blocks WHERE id >= ?;";
const SQL_TRUNCATE_DOMAINS: &str = "DELETE FROM domains WHERE id >= ?;";
const SQL_ADD_DOMAIN: &str = "INSERT INTO domains (id, timestamp, identity, confirmation, data, signing, encryption) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
const SQL_GET_BLOCK_BY_ID: &str = "SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE id=? LIMIT 1;";
const SQL_GET_LAST_FULL_BLOCK: &str = "SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE id < ? AND `transaction`<>'' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;";
const SQL_GET_LAST_FULL_BLOCK_FOR_KEY: &str = "SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE id < ? AND `transaction`<>'' AND pub_key = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;";
const SQL_GET_DOMAIN_OWNER_BY_ID: &str = "SELECT signing FROM domains WHERE id < ? AND identity = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;";
const SQL_GET_DOMAIN_BY_ID: &str = "SELECT * FROM domains WHERE identity = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;";
const SQL_GET_DOMAINS_BY_KEY: &str = "SELECT * FROM domains WHERE signing = ? ORDER BY id;";
const SQL_GET_DOMAINS_COUNT: &str = "SELECT count(DISTINCT identity) FROM domains;";
const SQL_GET_USERS_COUNT: &str = "SELECT count(DISTINCT pub_key) FROM blocks;";
const SQL_GET_OPTIONS: &str = "SELECT * FROM options;";
/// Max possible block index
const MAX: u64 = i64::MAX as u64;
pub struct Chain {
origin: Bytes,
last_block: Option<Block>,
last_full_block: Option<Block>,
max_height: u64,
db: Connection,
zones: Vec<ZoneData>,
signers: RefCell<SignersCache>
impl Chain {
pub fn new(settings: &Settings, db_name: &str) -> Self {
let origin = settings.get_origin();
let db = sqlite::open(db_name).expect("Unable to open blockchain DB");
let zones = Self::load_zones();
let mut chain = Chain { origin, last_block: None, last_full_block: None, max_height: 0, db, zones, signers: SignersCache::new() };
/// Reads options from DB or initializes and writes them to DB if not found
fn init_db(&mut self) {
let options = self.get_options();
if !self.origin.is_zero() && !options.origin.is_empty() && self.origin.to_string() != options.origin {
if options.version < DB_VERSION {
self.migrate_db(options.version, DB_VERSION);
// Trying to get last block from DB to check its version
// If some block loaded we check its version and determine if we need some migration
if let Some(block) = self.load_last_block() {
// Cache some info
self.last_block = Some(block.clone());
if block.transaction.is_some() {
self.last_full_block = Some(block);
} else {
self.last_full_block = self.get_last_full_block(MAX, None);
pub fn check_chain(&mut self, count: u64) {
let height = self.get_height();
let start = if height > count {
info!("Checking last {} blocks...", count);
height - count + 1
} else {
info!("Local blockchain height is {}, starting full blockchain check...", height);
let mut last_block: Option<Block> = None;
let mut last_full_block: Option<Block> = None;
if start > 1 {
last_block = self.get_block(start - 1);
if let Some(last) = &last_block {
last_full_block = match &last.transaction {
None => self.get_last_full_block(last.index, None),
Some(_) => Some(last.clone())
for id in start..=height {
debug!("Checking block {}", id);
let block = self.get_block(id);
match block {
None => {
panic!("Blockchain is corrupted! Please, delete 'blockchain.db' and restart.");
Some(block) => {
if block.index == 1 {
if block.hash != self.origin {
panic!("Loaded DB is not of origin {:?}! Please, delete 'blockchain.db' and restart.", &self.origin);
debug!("Block {} with hash {:?} is good!", block.index, &block.hash);
last_block = Some(block);
//let last = self.last_block.clone().unwrap();
if self.check_block(&block, &last_block, &last_full_block) != BlockQuality::Good {
error!("Block {} is bad:\n{:?}", block.index, &block);
info!("Truncating database from block {}...", block.index);
match self.truncate_db_from_block(block.index) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", e);
panic!("Error truncating database! Please, delete 'blockchain.db' and restart.");
debug!("Block {} with hash {:?} is good!", block.index, &block.hash);
if block.transaction.is_some() {
self.last_full_block = Some(block.clone());
if block.transaction.is_some() {
last_full_block = Some(block.clone());
last_block = Some(block);
self.last_block = self.load_last_block();
self.last_full_block = self.get_last_full_block(MAX, None);
debug!("Last block after chain check: {:?}", &self.last_block);
fn truncate_db_from_block(&mut self, index: u64) -> sqlite::Result<State> {
let mut statement = self.db.prepare(SQL_TRUNCATE_BLOCKS)?;
statement.bind(1, index as i64)?;;
let mut statement = self.db.prepare(SQL_TRUNCATE_DOMAINS)?;
statement.bind(1, index as i64)?;
fn load_last_block(&mut self) -> Option<Block> {
match self.db.prepare(SQL_GET_LAST_BLOCK) {
Ok(mut statement) => {
let mut result = None;
while == State::Row {
match Self::get_block_from_statement(&mut statement) {
None => {
error!("Something wrong with block in DB!");
Some(block) => {
debug!("Loaded last block: {:?}", &block);
result = Some(block);
Err(e) => {
info!("No blockchain database found. Creating new. {}", e);
self.db.execute(SQL_CREATE_TABLES).expect("Error creating DB tables");
fn migrate_db(&mut self, from: u32, to: u32) {
debug!("Migrating DB from {} to {}", from, to);
fn clear_db(&mut self) {
warn!("Clearing DB");
// We cannot close DB connection and recreate file,
// therefore we switch our db to temporary file, delete main DB and switch back.
// I know that this is a crutch, but this way I don't need to use Option<db> :)
self.db = sqlite::open(TEMP_DB_NAME).expect("Unable to open temporary blockchain DB");
let file = Path::new(DB_NAME);
if fs::remove_file(&file).is_err() {
panic!("Unable to remove database!");
self.db = sqlite::open(DB_NAME).expect("Unable to open blockchain DB");
let file = Path::new(TEMP_DB_NAME);
let _ = fs::remove_file(&file).is_err();
fn get_options(&self) -> Options {
let mut options = Options::empty();
if let Ok(mut statement) = self.db.prepare(SQL_GET_OPTIONS) {
while let State::Row = {
let name =<String>(0).unwrap();
let value =<String>(1).unwrap();
match name.as_ref() {
"origin" => options.origin = value,
"version" => options.version = value.parse().unwrap(),
_ => {}
pub fn add_block(&mut self, block: Block) {
debug!("Adding block:\n{:?}", &block);
let index = block.index;
let timestamp = block.timestamp;
let owner = block.pub_key.clone();
self.last_block = Some(block.clone());
if block.transaction.is_some() {
self.last_full_block = Some(block.clone());
let transaction = block.transaction.clone();
if self.add_block_to_table(block).is_ok() {
if let Some(mut transaction) = transaction {
if transaction.signing.is_empty() {
transaction.signing = owner;
self.add_transaction_to_table(index, timestamp, &transaction).expect("Error adding transaction");
pub fn replace_block(&mut self, block: Block) -> sqlite::Result<()> {
info!("Replacing block {} with:\n{:?}", block.index, &block);
pub fn get_sign_block(&self, keys: &Vec<Keystore>) -> Option<(Block, Keystore)> {
if self.get_height() < BLOCK_SIGNERS_START {
trace!("Too early to start block signings");
return None;
if keys.is_empty() {
trace!("We can't sign blocks without keys");
return None;
if self.get_height() < self.get_max_height() {
trace!("No signing while syncing");
return None;
let block = match self.last_full_block {
None => {
return None;
Some(ref block) => block.clone()
// TODO maybe make some config option to mine signing blocks above?
let sign_count = self.get_height() - block.index;
if sign_count >= BLOCK_SIGNERS_MIN {
trace!("Block {} has enough signing blocks", block.index);
return None;
if let Some(block) = &self.last_block {
if block.timestamp + 60 > Utc::now().timestamp() {
info!("Waiting for other blocks before signing.");
return None;
let (last_hash, last_index) = match &self.last_block {
Some(block) => (block.hash.clone(), block.index),
None => { return None; }
let signers: HashSet<Bytes> = self.get_block_signers(&block).into_iter().collect();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let keystore = keys
.filter(|keystore| signers.contains(&keystore.get_public()))
.filter(|keystore| {
for index in block.index..=self.get_height() {
let b = self.get_block(index).unwrap();
if b.pub_key == keystore.get_public() {
debug!("We already mined signing block for block {} by {:?}", block.index, &b.pub_key);
return false;
.choose(&mut rng);
if let Some(keystore) = keystore {
info!("We have an honor to mine signing block!");
let mut block = Block::new(None, Bytes::default(), last_hash, SIGNER_DIFFICULTY);
block.index = last_index + 1;
return Some((block, keystore.clone()));
if !signers.is_empty() {
info!("Signing block must be mined by other nodes");
pub fn update_sign_block_for_mining(&self, mut block: Block) -> Option<Block> {
if let Some(full_block) = &self.last_full_block {
let sign_count = self.get_height() - full_block.index;
if sign_count >= BLOCK_SIGNERS_MIN {
return None;
if let Some(last) = &self.last_block {
block.index = last.index + 1;
block.prev_block_hash = last.hash.clone();
return Some(block);
pub fn is_waiting_signers(&self) -> bool {
if self.get_height() < BLOCK_SIGNERS_START {
return false;
if let Some(full_block) = &self.last_full_block {
let sign_count = self.get_height() - full_block.index;
if sign_count < BLOCK_SIGNERS_MIN {
return true;
/// Adds block to blocks table
fn add_block_to_table(&mut self, block: Block) -> sqlite::Result<State> {
let mut statement = self.db.prepare(SQL_ADD_BLOCK)?;
statement.bind(1, block.index as i64)?;
statement.bind(2, block.timestamp as i64)?;
statement.bind(3, block.version as i64)?;
statement.bind(4, block.difficulty as i64)?;
statement.bind(5, block.random as i64)?;
statement.bind(6, block.nonce as i64)?;
match &block.transaction {
None => {
statement.bind(7, "")?;
Some(transaction) => {
statement.bind(7, transaction.to_string().as_str())?;
statement.bind(8, &**block.prev_block_hash)?;
statement.bind(9, &**block.hash)?;
statement.bind(10, &**block.pub_key)?;
statement.bind(11, &**block.signature)?;
/// Adds transaction to transactions table
fn add_transaction_to_table(&mut self, index: u64, timestamp: i64, t: &Transaction) -> sqlite::Result<State> {
let sql = match t.class.as_ref() {
CLASS_ORIGIN => return Ok(State::Done),
_ => return Err(sqlite::Error { code: None, message: None })
let mut statement = self.db.prepare(sql)?;
statement.bind(1, index as i64)?;
statement.bind(2, timestamp)?;
statement.bind(3, &**t.identity)?;
statement.bind(4, &**t.confirmation)?;
statement.bind(5, as &str)?;
statement.bind(6, &**t.signing)?;
statement.bind(7, &**t.encryption)?;
pub fn get_block(&self, index: u64) -> Option<Block> {
match self.db.prepare(SQL_GET_BLOCK_BY_ID) {
Ok(mut statement) => {
statement.bind(1, index as i64).expect("Error in bind");
while == State::Row {
return match Self::get_block_from_statement(&mut statement) {
None => {
error!("Something wrong with block in DB!");
Some(block) => {
//trace!("Loaded block: {:?}", &block);
Err(_) => {
warn!("Can't find requested block {}", index);
/// Gets last block that has a Transaction within
pub fn get_last_full_block(&self, before: u64, pub_key: Option<&[u8]>) -> Option<Block> {
if let Some(block) = &self.last_full_block {
if block.index < before {
match pub_key {
None => {
return Some(block.clone());
Some(key) => {
if block.pub_key.deref().eq(key) {
return Some(block.clone());
let mut statement = match pub_key {
None => {
let mut statement = self.db.prepare(SQL_GET_LAST_FULL_BLOCK).expect("Unable to prepare");
statement.bind(1, before as i64).expect("Unable to bind");
Some(pub_key) => {
let mut statement = self.db.prepare(SQL_GET_LAST_FULL_BLOCK_FOR_KEY).expect("Unable to prepare");
statement.bind(1, before as i64).expect("Unable to bind");
statement.bind(2, pub_key).expect("Unable to bind");
while == State::Row {
return match Self::get_block_from_statement(&mut statement) {
None => {
error!("Something wrong with block in DB!");
Some(block) => {
//trace!("Got last full block: {:?}", &block);
/// Checks if any domain is available to mine for this client (pub_key)
pub fn is_domain_available(&self, height: u64, domain: &str, keystore: &Keystore) -> bool {
if domain.is_empty() {
return false;
let identity_hash = hash_identity(domain, None);
if !self.is_id_available(height, &identity_hash, &keystore.get_public()) {
return false;
let parts: Vec<&str> = domain.rsplitn(2, ".").collect();
if parts.len() > 1 {
// We do not support third level domains
if parts.last().unwrap().contains(".") {
return false;
return self.is_available_zone(parts.first().unwrap());
/// Checks if this identity is free or is owned by the same pub_key
pub fn is_id_available(&self, height: u64, identity: &Bytes, public_key: &Bytes) -> bool {
let mut statement = self.db.prepare(SQL_GET_DOMAIN_OWNER_BY_ID).unwrap();
statement.bind(1, height as i64).expect("Error in bind");
statement.bind(2, &***identity).expect("Error in bind");
while let State::Row = {
let pub_key = Bytes::from_bytes(&<Vec<u8>>(0).unwrap());
if !pub_key.eq(public_key) {
return false;
pub fn get_zones(&self) -> &Vec<ZoneData> {
fn load_zones() -> Vec<ZoneData> {
let mut result: Vec<ZoneData> = Vec::new();
let zones_text = ZONES_TXT.replace("\r", "");
let zones: Vec<_> = zones_text.split("\n").collect();
for zone in zones {
let yggdrasil = zone == "ygg" || zone == "anon";
result.push(ZoneData { name: zone.to_owned(), yggdrasil })
pub fn get_zones_hash() -> Bytes {
/// Checks if some zone exists in our blockchain
pub fn is_available_zone(&self, zone: &str) -> bool {
for z in &self.zones {
if == zone {
return true;
/// Checks if some id exists in our blockchain
pub fn is_domain_in_blockchain(&self, height: u64, id: &Bytes) -> bool {
// Checking for existing domain in DB
let mut statement = self.db.prepare(SQL_GET_DOMAIN_OWNER_BY_ID).unwrap();
statement.bind(1, height as i64).expect("Error in bind");
statement.bind(2, &***id).expect("Error in bind");
while let State::Row = {
// If there is such a zone
return true;
pub fn can_mine_domain(&self, height: u64, domain: &str, pub_key: &Bytes) -> MineResult {
let name = domain.to_lowercase();
if !check_domain(&name, true) {
return WrongName;
let zone = get_domain_zone(&name);
if !self.is_available_zone(&zone) {
return WrongZone;
if let Some(transaction) = self.get_domain_transaction(&name) {
if {
return NotOwned;
let identity_hash = hash_identity(&name, None);
// TODO extract method
if let Some(last) = self.get_last_full_block(MAX, Some(&pub_key)) {
let new_id = !self.is_domain_in_blockchain(height, &identity_hash);
let time = last.timestamp + NEW_DOMAINS_INTERVAL - Utc::now().timestamp();
if new_id && time > 0 {
return Cooldown { time };
pub fn get_id_transaction(&self, identity_hash: &Bytes) -> Option<Transaction> {
let mut statement = self.db.prepare(SQL_GET_DOMAIN_BY_ID).unwrap();
statement.bind(1, identity_hash.as_slice()).expect("Error in bind");
while let State::Row = {
let timestamp =<i64>(1).unwrap();
if timestamp < Utc::now().timestamp() - DOMAIN_LIFETIME {
// This domain is too old
return None;
let identity = Bytes::from_bytes(&<Vec<u8>>(2).unwrap());
let confirmation = Bytes::from_bytes(&<Vec<u8>>(3).unwrap());
let class = String::from(CLASS_DOMAIN);
let data =<String>(4).unwrap();
let signing = Bytes::from_bytes(&<Vec<u8>>(5).unwrap());
let encryption = Bytes::from_bytes(&<Vec<u8>>(6).unwrap());
let transaction = Transaction { identity, confirmation, class, data, signing, encryption };
return Some(transaction);
/// Gets full Transaction info for any domain. Used by DNS part.
pub fn get_domain_transaction(&self, domain: &str) -> Option<Transaction> {
if domain.is_empty() {
return None;
let identity_hash = hash_identity(domain, None);
if let Some(transaction) = self.get_id_transaction(&identity_hash) {
debug!("Found transaction for domain {}: {:?}", domain, &transaction);
if transaction.check_identity(domain) {
return Some(transaction);
pub fn get_domain_info(&self, domain: &str) -> Option<String> {
match self.get_domain_transaction(domain) {
None => None,
Some(transaction) => Some(
pub fn get_domains_count(&self) -> i64 {
let mut statement = self.db.prepare(SQL_GET_DOMAINS_COUNT).unwrap();
while let State::Row = {
pub fn get_users_count(&self) -> i64 {
let mut statement = self.db.prepare(SQL_GET_USERS_COUNT).unwrap();
while let State::Row = {
pub fn get_my_domains(&self, keystore: Option<&Keystore>) -> HashMap<Bytes, (String, i64, DomainData)> {
if keystore.is_none() {
return HashMap::new();
let mut result = HashMap::new();
let keystore = keystore.clone().unwrap();
let pub_key = keystore.get_public();
let mut statement = self.db.prepare(SQL_GET_DOMAINS_BY_KEY).unwrap();
statement.bind(1, &**pub_key).expect("Error in bind");
while let State::Row = {
let _index =<i64>(0).unwrap() as u64;
let timestamp =<i64>(1).unwrap();
let identity = Bytes::from_bytes(&<Vec<u8>>(2).unwrap());
let confirmation = Bytes::from_bytes(&<Vec<u8>>(3).unwrap());
let class = String::from(CLASS_DOMAIN);
let data =<String>(4).unwrap();
let signing = Bytes::from_bytes(&<Vec<u8>>(5).unwrap());
let encryption = Bytes::from_bytes(&<Vec<u8>>(6).unwrap());
// Get the last transaction for this id and check if it is still ours
if let Some(transaction) = self.get_id_transaction(&identity) {
if transaction.signing != signing {
trace!("Identity {:?} is not ours anymore, skipping", &identity);
let transaction = Transaction { identity: identity.clone(), confirmation: confirmation.clone(), class, data, signing, encryption };
//trace!("Found transaction for domain {:?}", &transaction);
if let Some(data) = transaction.get_domain_data() {
let decrypted = keystore.decrypt(data.encrypted.as_slice());
let mut domain = String::from_utf8(decrypted.to_vec()).unwrap();
if domain.is_empty() {
domain = String::from("unknown");
trace!("Found my domain {}", domain);
result.insert(identity, (domain, timestamp, data));
pub fn last_block(&self) -> Option<Block> {
pub fn get_height(&self) -> u64 {
match self.last_block {
None => 0u64,
Some(ref block) => block.index
pub fn get_last_hash(&self) -> Bytes {
match &self.last_block {
None => Bytes::default(),
Some(block) => block.hash.clone()
pub fn get_soa_serial(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.last_full_block {
None => 0,
Some(block) => block.timestamp as u32
pub fn next_allowed_full_block(&self) -> u64 {
match self.last_full_block {
None => self.get_height() + 1,
Some(ref block) => {
if block.index < BLOCK_SIGNERS_START {
self.get_height() + 1
} else {
max(block.index + BLOCK_SIGNERS_MIN, self.get_height() + 1)
pub fn get_max_height(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn update_max_height(&mut self, height: u64) {
self.max_height = height;
pub fn check_new_block(&self, block: &Block) -> BlockQuality {
self.check_block(block, &self.last_block, &self.last_full_block)
/// Check if this block can be added to our blockchain
pub fn check_block(&self, block: &Block, last_block: &Option<Block>, last_full_block: &Option<Block>) -> BlockQuality {
if block.version > CHAIN_VERSION {
warn!("Ignoring block from unsupported version:\n{:?}", &block);
return Bad;
let timestamp = Utc::now().timestamp();
if block.timestamp > timestamp + 60 {
warn!("Ignoring block from the future:\n{:?}", &block);
return Bad;
if let Some(last) = last_block {
if block.index > last.index + 1 {
info!("Got future block {}", block.index);
return Future;
if !check_public_key_strength(&block.pub_key, KEYSTORE_DIFFICULTY) {
warn!("Ignoring block with weak public key:\n{:?}", &block);
return Bad;
let difficulty = match &block.transaction {
None => {
if block.index == 1 {
} else {
Some(t) => self.get_difficulty_for_transaction(&t)
if block.difficulty < difficulty {
warn!("Block difficulty is lower than needed");
return Bad;
if hash_difficulty(&block.hash) < block.difficulty {
warn!("Ignoring block with low difficulty:\n{:?}", &block);
return Bad;
if !check_block_hash(block) {
warn!("Ignoring block with wrong hash:\n{:?}", &block);
return Bad;
if !check_block_signature(&block) {
warn!("Ignoring block with wrong signature:\n{:?}", &block);
return Bad;
if let Some(prev_block) = self.get_block(block.index - 1) {
if {
if block.index < self.get_height() - LIMITED_CONFIDENCE_DEPTH {
warn!("Ignoring block from shorter chain:\n{:?}", &block);
return Bad;
} else {
warn!("Rewinding chain of block with wrong previous hash:\n{:?}", &block);
return Rewind;
if let Some(transaction) = &block.transaction {
let current_height = match last_block {
None => 0,
Some(block) => block.index
// If this domain is available to this public key
if !self.is_id_available(current_height, &transaction.identity, &block.pub_key) {
warn!("Block {:?} is trying to spoof an identity!", &block);
return Bad;
if let Some(last) = self.get_last_full_block(block.index, Some(&block.pub_key)) {
if last.index < block.index {
let new_id = !self.is_domain_in_blockchain(block.index, &transaction.identity);
if new_id && last.timestamp + NEW_DOMAINS_INTERVAL > block.timestamp {
warn!("Block {:?} is mined too early!", &block);
return Bad;
// Check if yggdrasil only property of zone is not violated
if let Some(block_data) = transaction.get_domain_data() {
if block_data.records.len() > MAX_RECORDS {
warn!("Someone mined too many records!");
return Bad;
let zones = self.get_zones();
for z in zones {
if == {
if z.yggdrasil {
for record in &block_data.records {
if !is_yggdrasil_record(record) {
warn!("Someone mined domain with clearnet records for Yggdrasil only zone!");
return Bad;
if let Some(data) = record.get_data() {
if data.len() > MAX_DATA_LEN {
warn!("Someone mined too long record!");
return Bad;
match last_block {
None => {
if !block.is_genesis() {
warn!("Block is from the future, how is this possible?");
return Future;
if !self.origin.is_zero() && {
warn!("Mining gave us a bad block:\n{:?}", &block);
return Bad;
Some(last_block) => {
if block.timestamp < last_block.timestamp && block.index > last_block.index {
warn!("Ignoring block with timestamp/index collision:\n{:?}", &block);
return Bad;
if last_block.index + 1 < block.index {
warn!("Block {} arrived too early.", block.index);
return Future;
if block.index > BLOCK_SIGNERS_START {
// If this block is main, signed part of blockchain
if !self.is_good_sign_block(&block, last_full_block) {
return Bad;
if block.index <= last_block.index {
if block.index == last_block.index && last_block.hash == block.hash {
debug!("Ignoring block {}, we already have it", block.index);
return Twin;
if let Some(my_block) = self.get_block(block.index) {
return if {
warn!("Got forked block {} with hash {:?} instead of {:?}", block.index, block.hash, last_block.hash);
} else {
debug!("Ignoring block {}, we already have it", block.index);
} else if {
warn!("Ignoring block with wrong previous hash:\n{:?}", &block);
return Bad;
/// Checks if this block is a good signature block
fn is_good_sign_block(&self, block: &Block, last_full_block: &Option<Block>) -> bool {
// If this is not a signing block
if block.transaction.is_some() {
return true;
if let Some(full_block) = &last_full_block {
let sign_count = self.get_height() - full_block.index;
if sign_count < BLOCK_SIGNERS_MIN {
// Last full block is not locked enough
if block.index > full_block.index && block.transaction.is_some() {
warn!("Not enough signing blocks over full {} block!", full_block.index);
return false;
} else {
if !self.is_good_signer_for_block(&block, full_block) {
return false;
} else if sign_count < BLOCK_SIGNERS_ALL && block.transaction.is_none() {
if !self.is_good_signer_for_block(&block, full_block) {
return false;
/// Check if this block's owner is a good candidate to sign last full block
fn is_good_signer_for_block(&self, block: &Block, full_block: &Block) -> bool {
// If we got a signing block
let signers: HashSet<Bytes> = self.get_block_signers(full_block).into_iter().collect();
if !signers.contains(&block.pub_key) {
warn!("Ignoring block {} from '{:?}', as wrong signer!", block.index, &block.pub_key);
return false;
// If this signers' public key has already locked/signed that block we return error
for i in (full_block.index + 1)..block.index {
let signer = self.get_block(i).expect("Error in DB!");
if signer.pub_key == block.pub_key {
warn!("Ignoring block {} from '{:?}', already signed by this key", block.index, &block.pub_key);
return false;
fn get_difficulty_for_transaction(&self, transaction: &Transaction) -> u32 {
match transaction.class.as_ref() {
return match serde_json::from_str::<DomainData>(& {
Err(_) => {
warn!("Error parsing DomainData from {:?}", transaction);
_ => u32::MAX
/// Gets public keys of a node that needs to mine "signature" block above this block
/// block - last full block
pub fn get_block_signers(&self, block: &Block) -> Vec<Bytes> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
if block.index < BLOCK_SIGNERS_START || self.get_height() < block.index {
return result;
if self.signers.borrow().has_signers_for(block.index) {
return self.signers.borrow().signers.clone();
let mut set = HashSet::new();
let tail = block.signature.get_tail_u64();
let mut count = 1;
let window = block.index - 1; // Without the last block
while set.len() < BLOCK_SIGNERS_ALL as usize {
let index = (tail.wrapping_mul(count) % window) + 1; // We want it to start from 1
if let Some(b) = self.get_block(index) {
if b.pub_key != block.pub_key && !set.contains(&b.pub_key) {
count += 1;
trace!("Got signers for block {}: {:?}", block.index, &result);
let mut signers = self.signers.borrow_mut();
signers.index = block.index;
signers.signers = result.clone();
fn get_block_from_statement(statement: &mut Statement) -> Option<Block> {
let index =<i64>(0).unwrap() as u64;
let timestamp =<i64>(1).unwrap();
let version =<i64>(2).unwrap() as u32;
let difficulty =<i64>(3).unwrap() as u32;
let random =<i64>(4).unwrap() as u32;
let nonce =<i64>(5).unwrap() as u64;
let transaction = Transaction::from_json(&<String>(6).unwrap());
let prev_block_hash = Bytes::from_bytes(<Vec<u8>>(7).unwrap().as_slice());
let hash = Bytes::from_bytes(<Vec<u8>>(8).unwrap().as_slice());
let pub_key = Bytes::from_bytes(<Vec<u8>>(9).unwrap().as_slice());
let signature = Bytes::from_bytes(<Vec<u8>>(10).unwrap().as_slice());
Some(Block::from_all_params(index, timestamp, version, difficulty, random, nonce, prev_block_hash, hash, pub_key, signature, transaction))
struct SignersCache {
index: u64,
signers: Vec<Bytes>
impl SignersCache {
pub fn new() -> RefCell<SignersCache> {
let cache = SignersCache { index: 0, signers: Vec::new() };
pub fn has_signers_for(&self, index: u64) -> bool {
self.index == index && !self.signers.is_empty()
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
self.index = 0;
pub mod tests {
use log::LevelFilter;
use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn};
use simplelog::{ColorChoice, ConfigBuilder, TermLogger, TerminalMode};
use crate::{Block, Chain, Settings};
fn init_logger() {
let config = ConfigBuilder::new()
if let Err(e) = TermLogger::init(LevelFilter::Trace, config, TerminalMode::Stdout, ColorChoice::Auto) {
println!("Unable to initialize logger!\n{}", e);
pub fn load_and_check() {
let settings = Settings::default();
let mut chain = Chain::new(&settings, "./tests/blockchain.db");
assert_eq!(chain.get_height(), 149);
pub fn check_serde() {
let settings = Settings::default();
let chain = Chain::new(&settings, "./tests/blockchain.db");
// Check the first block, its transaction doesn't have identity
let block = chain.get_block(1).unwrap();
let buf = serde_cbor::to_vec(&block).unwrap();
let block2: Block = serde_cbor::from_slice(&buf[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(block, block2);
// Check second block, it is common "full" block with domain
let block = chain.get_block(2).unwrap();
let buf = serde_cbor::to_vec(&block).unwrap();
let block2: Block = serde_cbor::from_slice(&buf[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(block, block2);
// Check block 36, it is an "empty" block, used to sign full blocks
let block = chain.get_block(36).unwrap();
let buf = serde_cbor::to_vec(&block).unwrap();
let block2: Block = serde_cbor::from_slice(&buf[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(block, block2);